Author's Note: This is my second fanfic so please don't hate, and reviews are loved. :) if you would like to see another chapter just review and tell me or add it to you favorites. If you hated it anyway, and you would like to tell me why then by all means tell me why you hated it. Comments and advice welcomed as well :) Enjoy

Disclaimer: I don't own transformers.

4/27/19 Hey, it's me. I'm still alive after all this time, and still love transformers. I am going through and making edits to things like spelling errors, grammatical errors, and slight changes to the content. Ideally I'm going to keep a lot of it the same because, you know, posterity lol Who doesn't want to be able to look back and cringe at their 13 year-old self's attempt at fiction? The goal is to finish this fic as I'm going through it, but baby steps. I want to do right by all the people who read and supported this. Alright then. Let's roll. - SJ

Optimus opened his optics to reveal his dark berthroom. He sat up on his berth and listened for sounds of activity beyond his door. Nothing. Optimus stood and proceeded to exit his room, walking silently down the hall to the main room. At the end of the hall he spotted Ratchet standing and peering into his microscope, analyzing something.

Optimus walked over to Ratchet and coughed slightly, trying to gain Ratchet's attention. A bit startled, Ratchet looked up from his microscope and then to Optimus. Immediately a smile spread across his face, and his eyes softened for his Prime, for he had grown used to not seeing him.

"I didn't know you were still up Optimus. What can I help you with?"

Optimus shifted his weight from one foot to the other. How do I say this? "Um, Ratchet. Ever since I have been back at base, something hasn't been. . . exactly right."

Ratchet gave him a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

Optimus shifted his eyes around the room. "I have been having strange feelings in my abdomen. I . . . I do not know what they are," he said as he involuntarily clutched his stomach.

Ratchet, clearly intent on the subject, walked briskly over to one of the examination berths and motioned for Optimus to sit. With Optimus on the berth Ratchet retrieved his electronic scanner and said, "I am going to scan your entire body just in case there are problems elsewhere." Optimus nodded.

The scanner honed in on Optimus's abdomen as the center for activity, just as he had said. Ratchet decided to switch to an energy monitor and ultra sound to try to detect pliable or energy radiating objects. He found both.

Ratchet let a gasp slip from his mouth as he gawked at the ultrasound monitor, and the results from the energy sensor. Optimus noticed the shock on his physician's face, and he was struck with worry. So many questions bubbled inside of Optimus, but only one managed to make its way out into the world. "What's wrong?" came strained out of Optimus's mouth.

Ratchet was still clearly dumbfounded by what was on the screen. He merely turned the handheld monitor around so that Optimus could see and said, "Look."

Optimus, as though all the energon had left his face, looked at the curled being sleeping within him. His air intakes faltered from the shock. He was carrying. He was carrying and his gestation was well underway. How could this happen? I don't remember. . . How? What will I do? Optimus looked from the screen to Ratchet's face, and back. "Ratchet," said a horrified Prime, "what will I do?"

"Do you have the slightest of idea as to who the sire might be?"

Optimus raked his processor for anyone who might have done this to him, but no evidence, past a slight hunch, came to mind. "I have no guess that is above any others in relevance. "

Ratchet set the equipment down and sat on the berth next to Optimus. After a few moments of silence he said in a grave voice, "Will you keep the sparkling?"

Optimus sighed and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "I will keep it. Whoever the sire may be is irrelevant as to who the sparkling will become."

"Well Optimus, you will need to be drinking an energon formula to get nutrition to you and the sparkling. I will have a batch ready for you each morning. You will be fine to go about business as you usually do until three or four days before you deliver, which, judging by the development of your sparkling, should be in four to six weeks," said Ratchet. With that he stood up and put away his equipment. When Ratchet reentered the room he placed a comforting hand on Optimus's shoulder. "Congratulations, Old Friend. You will make a wonderful parent. Try to get some rest, you need it." Ratchet's hand slid off his shoulder, and he left the room to Optimus and his thoughts.

Optimus stood with an instinctive hand to his abdomen. I am carrying. He thought. There will be a sparkling running around this very base within a few weeks. Optimus walked back toward his berthroom. What am I going to do?

Author's Note: Well that wasn't so bad was it? If you liked it and would like to see another chapter please tell me because I have a life and might not continue this story if no one wants me to. Please review!