'Morning Doctor Weaver. Happy Hallowe'en.'

Alexis stretched her arms up over her head in bed and sighed as she saw her husband laying beside her in bed. She touched her hand to Shane's cheek. 'Happy Hallowe'en back, Doctor Weaver. You're still in bed at-' she checked the clock '-six am on Hallowe'en? That's gotta be a first.'

'Just wait, my sweet little strawberry, it'll get busy.'

'Speaking of getting busy...' Alexis rolled atop her man, grinned at him. Waking up wanting him was always a fun way to start the day. 'You feel like filling up our schedule this morning?'


Shane grinned as he felt the morning wood become alert at the feel of his wife's body. His hands covered her breasts, scraping over her nipples already going taught from the chill of the October atmosphere that always seemed to creep in the window. His lips found her throat and he hummed as he kissed the smooth white column; her pulse was already picking up pace when he tried to roll them so she was underneath him. Her hands shoved his shoulders against the mountain of pillows he couldn't sleep without and she wiggled her hips against him.

'Naughty, naughty,' she murmured, 'I'm in charge today.'

'Yes ma'am,' he agreed on a chuckle; it died into a moan as he straightened out his legs so she would be able to bow backwards as she rode him when he was inside her. He was just about to slip his hand between their bodies to test her readiness when his phone rang. 'Oh, fuck me, you've got to be kidding!'

'I thought you were fucking me,' Alexis whispered in his ear, catching the lobe in her teeth as he answered. 'Tell them to go away, that you are very...very...busy...'

'Jesus.' Shane clenched his teeth and answered his phone as calmly as possible. 'This is Weaver.'

'Hey, Shane, it's Ryan, just checking to see if you're in this morning.

'Ah, yeah, ten to six. Short day since I'm in...court tomorrow.' He got the words out but just barely as Alexis had slid her own hand between them bodies, and rocked her hips forward so she sank down on top of him, holding very still just to torture him.

'Sweet. We caught a case and Lanie's here, and we'll need to get the Baldwin report from you at the morgue.'

'Listen, Ry, I've got a lot to do here before I'm in for shift and...and...'

'Oh hey, don't sweat it bro. We'll see you at the morgue this morning.'

'Great. Bye.'

Shane hung up, tossed his phone aside and glared teasingly at Alexis. 'You devious little witch, you did that on purpose.'

'Maybe.' Now Alexis rocked her hips back, the forward again. 'Does that help make up for it?'

'A lot.'

Alexis grinned as she set the pace for them, riding high on the crest of sensation as the orgasm winged through her. She felt her husband shudder with her, his heart thundering as she kept her hands on his chest as she slumped down to kiss his neck. 'Now it's a happy Hallowe'en.'

'Yeah, I'd say so too.'

'Who was on the phone?' Alexis asked as she got off him, went to go find towels for her morning shower.

'Ryan, who will probably figure it out with Espo's help we were having sex when he called,' Shane laughed. 'That poor bastard just can't catch a break. You want something for breakfast?'

'It's Thursday, remember babe? Breakfast burrito with Cam on the way to work.'

'How's that going, by the way?' Shane called after her as she went into the bathroom and he went to the closet to figure out what he would wear to the morgue.

'Hospital work is what it is,' she called back, 'but it's fun working with children too.'

'Speaking of children, are we still doing the kids portion of the Hallowe'en party tonight?'

Alexis stuck her head out the door. 'Scheine Asa Weaver, we are not backing out of that. Besides, you know you love them.'

'Yes, but it's one thing to help out with trick or treat round up, it's another to be the scary ghost story teller.'

'It's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, not The Pit and the Pendulum, honey,' she laughed as she scrubbed warm water over her skin before running the water for her shower. 'Besides think of it for practice when we have our own.'

'About that.'

Shane, having picked out his dress clothes for the day, then went into the bathroom still naked. He liked having these talks with Alexis when he was naked so that there would be no way to fidget with something and be distracted. 'You've been at the clinic over a year now, right?'

'Fourteen months last week. I'm taking my boards in February so I'll officially be a resident. Why?'

'That means you'll be able to take advantage of being maternity leave.'

'Yes it does. But I thought we agreed, Shane.' Alexis stuck her head around the shower curtain. 'Valentine's Day is when we start having sex with a purpose.'

'That's what I mean. You're certain you still want that to be our start date?'

'Yeah, I'm sure. Like I said, I'm writing my boards February tenth and eleventh, and that way if we do try for a baby and succeed it'll be after crunch time for me.'


'Shane?' Alexis stuck her head around the shower curtain again; this time her hair was full of shampoo. 'Are you having doubts about it? You want to hold off longer?'

'No, no, my strawberry, I'm just making sure that is still what you want. You've known my opinion since August, babe, I just don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you.'

'Come here.'

Shane moved closer and Alexis pressed shower-dampened lips to his. 'It's our decision together, and I know you're ready to try for a baby sooner than I am, and that you are waiting because I'm almost ready makes me love you even more. I am ready,' she amended, 'but I want to do my boards first.'

'I would never ask you to jeopardize your career, Alexis.'

'Exactly. So we're agreed. Valentine's Day, we'll start trying for real. Now suit up, and make sure you eat, you'll need your strength today.'

'For what?' Shane asked, intrigued with her teasing tone.

'Practice, hubby of mine. Lots of practice.'