A/N sorry 4 da wait…and for forgetting Deno had wings D:

Also, Pennycat111, how your OC's wings look? Tanks(:

Deno had fallen off a building and hurt his pure white wings.

Personally, it wasn't his fault! He thought he could make it across the city, as tired as he was.

So when he unfurled his wings, a sudden wind flung him into the side of a brick structure, crushing his wings and breaking quite a few bones.

So that was why he didn't spread them and take to the skies when Max, Alle, Josh, Tabby, Dracula and Nova had.

Which left him with Deacon and Ammo.

"Is she effin kidding?!" Ammo snapped, eyes stormy, as she watched the six take off.

"Whoa. Calm. I am sure she will come back soon." He assured, and Deacon grunted.

After about an hour, Deno's pocket buzzed, and he frowned; blue-grey eyes puzzled. He fished out some device that had a lot of shiny purple wires sticking out of it.

"I think that's some ancient phone." Deacon observed, lowering his sunglasses.

Sure enough, as soon as the dove boy flipped open the phone, a message popped up. It read:

From: max_the_great


Hey, bird boy! We're going to find another flock member, so tell Ammo and big guy to hang tight! Go chase a mouse or something. :P

Ps, Alle says he doesn't like the cold. Ammo must be so damn jelly!

Deno knew a little about technology, so he typed a text back and clicked send. The phone vibrated softly and pinged loudly.

From: deno_

To: max_the_great

Fyi, you aren't that great. Also, when will u be back?! Ammo is cussing again btw, Deacon is really hungry, and he keeps looking at me…D:

From: max_the_great

To: deno_

Ur user is too boring! Change it XD and I dunno, a yr?! how should ik! WTH?!

From: ammo_in_ur_face

To: max_the_great

Wat happened? Ps Deno and Deacon r getting chocolate cuz I so hungry ]:

(Max P.O.V.)

"Ok guys, so we gotta find this hummingbird girl, then get back to Deacon, Ammo, and Deno.

Ten minutes later…

"It's ok, we won't hurt you." I said softly, reaching out a hand to the young, dark-skinned girl. The few blonde streaks in her dark brown hair glinted in the rays of the bitter sun, filtering in from shabby dark windows.

"I'm Max, and you're Tawnya, right?"

The young girl nodded, and I noticed small wings peering out from behind her. Cool. She was like us.

La dee da de daaaaaaa.

"BACK TO THE REST!" I shouted, unfurling my wings and flapping hard.

Alle laughed crazily and flung himself into the sky, and Tawnya sighed.

"Delusional much?" she muttered as Dracula took off as well.

When we (meaning me and my Flock—screw grammar!) finally landed, I realized something pretty darn bad.

Ammo, Deacon, and Deno were nowhere to be seen.

"Oh no…" Tabby whispered, her hazel eyes wide in horror, and Nova stifled a yelp.

Where we had left the 3 was a shard of glass, covered in sticky red blood, and some slimy green stuff. Strutting forward, I bent down, gingerly touching some of it, then nodded grimly.

"It's crocodile mucus."

"Yeah, this pretty much sucks." Deacon sighed, leaning back—well, as much as a captive could.

The three had been beaten up, knocked out, then dragged to some unknown baddy place. Except Deno was nowhere to be seen. Ammo struggled as best as she could, but her claws couldn't slash through the steel ropes.

"I hope…I hope Deno is ok," she whispered, locking eyes with Deacon, and he shrugged, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Ah!" suddenly, bright lights flashed repeatedly in front of them, and Deacon let out a strangled yelp, ducking and trying to cover his eyes.

Ammo cried out in pain as the lights burned into her skin, but the teen next to her seemed to be in severe pain.

Ammo finally stopped writhing in pain, relaxing as the lights aimed mostly on Deacon. As he was tied up, he squeezed his eyes shut, gritted his teeth, and tried to block out the lights.

Finally they stopped, and both sucked their breath in, silently thankful there was a God.

And then Deacon caught sight of a bright flash of orange and red, and his eyes widened. Even though he really didn't trust her, Deacon nudged the wolf girl beside him, tensing up.

She saw it too, sapphire eyes widened in fright.

And at the same time, they said:


Hehehe, I like this chapter sorry for da wait, and review maybe? :3

If I made any mistakes, feel free to point them out!

~sampayne xx