After an entire month of almost purely work, including sleeping, England deserved his week off. He decided that he should probably go visit America, maybe criticize him on some new invention, unconsciously insult him, maybe the few 'accidentally almost send America to the ER with his cooking' here and there, as per usual.
So England called America a few days in advance, by few I mean one single day, and told him his idea. Obviously, America would accept this, so the plan was for America to pick up England from the airport in New York and drive all the way to America's house in the countryside. England liked trees.
So that happened.
"I can't believe that airhostess actually tried to flirt with me! You would think she was French!" were some of the first words England said to America once he was out of the airport.
"Hey, what do ya want me to say? It's not like I wouldn't do the same thing!" America replied.
And with that comment, England had blushed and had become quiet until entering the car.
"So the plan is that we are going to spend the night in your apartment here in New York, then tomorrow go out for a 'road trip', correct?" England inquired. The drive from New York to America's forest home was so long that he had to take half a day to get there, and the sun was already setting.
"Yep! So buckle up! Apartment, here we come!" America said, with his usual enthusiasm.
The car drive from the airport to the apartment wasn't too long. The majority of the time, the radio was on and England kept complaining about how new artists were ruining the music industry as we speak. Our in our case, read.
By the time they arrived at the apartment, took all the bags in, and England had gotten used to the spacing, it was around 10PM and America was playing video games while England was trying to sleep.
"Could you please keep it down? You know you should also be sleeping, you are going to be the one driving tomorrow!" England yelled from the guest bedroom. It was an apartment, but hey, it was a classy apartment.
"Huh! What did you say? Can't hear you!" America shouted over the sounds of the video game.
At that point England just snapped, he got out of the bed and walked over to where America was sitting and grabbed him by the collar.
"Could you please shut it? Am I going to have to make sure you go to sleep before I do?" England said, a little too furiously for America's liking.
"Hey, if you wanted me to turn down the game, you could 'a just told me! You don't have to get over here and… Aww man! You made me lose to the last boss in the game!" America complained. He just never seemed to pay attention.
England was slight dumbfound at how distracted America could be. But for the most part he was furious at the git. He let go of America's collar and walked over to the socket. America was too absorbed to figure out what he was doing. Then England grabbed hold of the base of the extension cord that connected directly into the wall socket, and ripped it out.
The TV shut off and so did all of America's other gadgets that were connected by that extension. By that time, America had realized what England was doing, so he had put down the controller and tried moving over to England to stop him, but, obviously, he was too late.
"Now I need to make sure you don't turn the bloody system back on," England said, mostly to himself, but America heard him anyways.
"… Jerk. I was about to beat the game…" America muttered.
"I got it! You're going to sleep with me like you used to do as a little child!" England said, the smile on his face probably only from remembering the old days.
And at that sentence, America smirked.
"So did you plan this, only so you could sleep with me? I see somebody's desperate," he said jokingly, completely ignoring the 'like you used to do as a little child!' part.
England looked over what he had said, and could see where America got his response. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY YOU GIT!" and smacked him over the head.
"Alright! Alright! C'mon let's go!" America said and grabbed England's wrist and dragged him over to the guest bedroom.
England and America climbed into the bed, America didn't bother to change clothes, he just put his glasses on the nightstand. America quickly warmed up to sleeping in the same bed as England, even so much as to go as far as putting his arm around him and holding closer. England, on the other hand, didn't hesitate to comply with America's actions. After a few moments in this position, America broke the cold night air silence.
"Bet you're going to fall asleep before me, like before."
England didn't have the energy left in him to argue, and America was right anyways. He just mumbled something that sounded like 'Can't beat the old days', and somehow America managed to hear him perfectly.
America just accepted it and closed his eyes and tried to sleep. His thoughts drifted back when England used to rock him to sleep. That combined with the sound of England breathing slowly (due to sleeping) lulled him to sleep.
England was the one who woke up first. He set his phone alarm to about 6 in the morning, and that's exactly when he woke up. His first challenge was detangling himself from America, which wasn't the easiest thing in the world, considering America's strength.
Then he showered and changed into some suitable clothes. Just as he finished brushing his teeth, he heard a knock on the door. England glanced at the digital clock America had on the entertainment center. 6:48. England knew sometimes the post man would ask for signatures on a package, but America had a PO Box at the post office.
England walked over to the door and hesitantly opened it. Let's just say nothing could have prepared England for what he saw.
It was a little kid with all too familiar blonde hair and blue eyes. Look-wise he couldn't have been more than 5 years old. But England knew better.
"H-hello. I um… I need a place to stay, could you please help," said Little America.
The Brit invited the newcomer in without a hesitation. He closed the door silently behind him. All while never taking his eyes off the child.
England guided Little America to the couch and sat down with him. Little America looked like he was trying to look at everything all at once. Little America attention kept darting for one thing to another, taking in his surroundings. After a short while, England said;
"Hello, I'm… Arthur. Do you know why you're here?"
Little America's attention quickly turned to 'Arthur', "Well my big brother told me that if I see a shooting star, I should make a wish, and then it would come true! So I saw a shooting star, and I wished I could see the future, and then I fell asleep and I woke up in front of your door! So this is the future?"
Arthur was fascinated by Little America's story and took a few moments to respond, he was busy comprehending what he had just heard. "Yes, um… This is the future. Oh and, if you don't mind, who is your big brother?"
"Oh, he told me not to tell anyone outside of our kind, but we are actually nations! Countries and colonies! I'm a colony. I'm America! You know, you remind me of my big brother! His name is England!"
And with those words, Arthur began to feel light-headed. He blankly stared at the wall, while Little America was worried he had done something wrong, but only for a moment. The only thing that snapped him out of his trance was the sound of footsteps. Arthur turned to look where the sound was coming from, behind the couch Little America and Arthur were sitting on. It was America.
"Hey, is breakfast ready?" America asked, then paused for a second, "On second thought, I'll make breakfast."
America hadn't seen his younger self yet, but the latter was about to change that.
"Who's that, Arthur?" Little America said, pointed to America.
Big America took his head out of the fridge and looked at Little America.
"Huh? Oh I'm…" Big America said, only to be cut off by Arthur.
"This is Alfred! He... He owns the apartment, I'm living with him for a week," England interrupted.
Ame… Alfred, gave England a 'Wait, what?' look and said, "Hey, um… Arthur, we need to talk". The he grabbed Arthur's arm and dragged his into the far bathroom, away from where Little America could hear them.
"So, Arthur, who's the kid?" America asked once the door was locked.
"Well… ehm… he's… He's you from the past," England replied.
America took a moment. "What?"
So I was bored and I wanted to write and this was born. Tell me if you like it or hate it, reviews are appreciated. Also, I'm sorry for any confusion between the name changes, but since there are 2 America's... One of them had to be renamed. If you have any idea for what I should call Chibi!America in 1 word for the future of this story, please tell me. Thanks!