Cinderpelt pelted through the burning forest, making sure to keep her grip on Bramblekit as she ran. She couldn't stop thinking of Patchpelt and Half-tail and how she had abandoned them to save Bramblekit, the son of Tigerclaw. 'What will the clan think if they find out I gave up an opportunity to save Half-tail and Patchpelt to save Bramblekit?' She asked herself. Then she thought of Goldenflower, Bramblekit's mother, and she knew that she had done the right thing. She caught up with the others at the river and she saw everyone turn and give her a questioning look.

"What about Patchpelt and Half-tail?" Cloudpaw asked his mentor, his gaze going to Bramblekit and he frowning, wondering why Patchpelt and Half-tail weren't with his mentor.

Cinderpelt put Bramblekit down and gave Cloudpaw an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I couldn't save all of them," she told them.

"So you left them there to die?" Cloudpaw asked incredulously, like he thought his mentor would tell him that she was only joking and that they were walking here as they spoke.

"I'm really sorry, I know how much you looked up to them but I couldn't save them and Bramblekit." She meowed sadly, her blue eyes fixed on her apprentice, trying to make him understand.

"You're telling me you choose to save Tigerclaw's son over them?" Cloudpaw hissed, his fur bristling as his eyes went wide with shock.

"They told me to save him over them, but it was the right thing to do and you know that Cloudpaw." Cinderpelt said sternly to her apprentice, clearly disappointed in him for not seeing that saving Bramblekit had been the right thing to do.

"Fine, I believe you did this because you were following your heart," Cloudpaw meowed turning away from his mentor, his ears flat against his skull. "Shouldn't we try crossing the river?" He asked Bluestar, looking up at her.

Bluestar frowned as she heard Cloudpaw's question, but before she could anwser she heard movement from the other side of the river. Turning her head, she saw Leopardfur coming out of the undergrowth with Stonefur and Mistyfoot.

"You do realize that there is a fire in your territory, don't you?" Leopardfur asked them, her eyes scanning over the group of Thunderclan cats.

"Of course we do! We're trying to get away from the fire. Will Riverclan allow us to cross the river in order to get away from the fire?" Bluestar asked them, looking at Leopardfur for the anwser.

"If I do, I'll have to escort your clan to the camp. How could I trust you to not hunt on Riverclan territory if I can't keep a close eye on you?" Leopardfur growled, narrowing her eyes.

"I understand, please escort us to your camp than," Bluestar meowed, dipping her head to the Riverclan deputy.

"Very well, Mistyfoot will help your young and old cats cross," Leopardfur meowed, flicking her tail towards her two clan mates.

"Very well," Bluestar said as she looked back at her clan. "Elders will go first, then the kits and their mothers after them." She meowed, flicking her ears back and forth.

"Okay," Cinderpelt meowed before looking at the three remaining elders. "One-eye you first," she meowed flicking her tail towards the old she-cat. She watched as Mistyfoot helped One-eye to cross the river, and she kept telling cats to cross until she was one of the last cats remaining on Thunderclan's side. The only other cats that needed to cross aside from her were Fireheart and Bluestar.

"Go on Fireheart you cross I'll be right behind you," she meowed glancing at the ginger tom and giving him a small nod.

Fireheart nodded back and limped into the river. With Mistyfoots help he was able to cross the river. When he got to the other side he looked over and saw that the fire was steadily getting closer to Cinderpelt and Bluestar. "You both need to cross now!" He called out to them and waited for them to cross the river.

Cinderpelt heard Fireheart and looked over her shoulder to see that the fire was steadily getting closer to her and Bluestar. "Fireheart is right," she meowed as she entered the water with Bluestar right beside her. Making sure that she stayed near Bluestar, she swam to the opposite shore and scrambled up onto the bank before reaching down to help Bluestar up to her. Once they were all on the shore, they all shook out their fur.

"Good, everyone is across the river. Are you all ready to go to the Riverclan camp now?" Leopardfur asked them as she breifly glanced over all of them.

"Yes, we're ready. Lead the way Leopardfur," Bluestar meowed dipping her head towards the deputy before turning to face her clan mates. "As soon as the fire is put out I will send a few warriors to scout Thunderclan to see how much damage is done to our territory and camp. We don't want to seem like we're over using Riverclans kindness, so we'll return to our camp once it is safe enough." Bluestar meowed before turning her attention back to Leopardfur, who seemed to be waiting for her to finish speaking before leading them to the Riverclan camp.

"Okay, let's go," Leopardfur meowed before turning around to tell Stonefur and Mistyfoot to fall in behind the group before started to lead the way to the camp. She saw the entrance come insight and she pushed her was into the camp, making sure that all the Thunderclan cats were in the camp before she looked around for Crookedstar. She didn't have to look long before she found him since he had been drawn out of his den by the scent of Thunderclan and was now approaching her and the Thunderclan cats. She felt Stonefur and Mistyfoot come to stand beside her and she looked at them before returning her attention to her leader.

"Leopardfur, what is the meaning of this?" Crookedstar asked his deputy, his tail twitching as he waited for her to speak.

"A fire is going through Thunderclan territory, I told them that they could stay in the Riverclan camp until it was safe for them to return," Leopardfur meowed.

"Very well," Crookedstar meowed as he turned his attention to the Thunderclan cats. "As my deputy probably already told you, you will be allowed to stay here until it's completely safe for you to return your clan," Crookedstar meowed dipping his head to Bluestar.

"Thank you Crookedstar," Bluestar meowed dipping her head to Crookedstar.

"Not a problem Bluestar, just relax here until it is safe for you and your clan to return to the forest." Crookedstar meowed just as it started to rain.