It has been a day since the team fought Aqualad or, rather Kaldur'ahm and lost the Kroloteans on Malina Island. Nightwing and the rest of the bat clan are patrolling Gotham, while the rest of the team is back at the cave. So far tonight all they have done is stop a few muggings and 2 robberies. Witch would not be so bad if it was not for the fact that he could do this by himself blindfolded. So with the rest of the family it takes all of 10 seconds to stop all the action. To say that they are all a little bored is and understatement.

Hanging out with Tim and talking with Batgirl might not be so bad , but batman tries to make everyone stay serious. After an hour of just running from rooftop to rooftop Nightwing and Robin say at the same time " Since when is anything ever this damn quiet in Gotham friggin' city?" in an almost shout. To this Batman tries to hide an almost invisible smirk and batgirl just smiles and says " I know right. Usually some psycho is trying to blow up the city or something." To this Batman states " We should be glad its quiet for once." And that is all he says about it.

A few blocks away[ yet somehow close enough to hear everything], in the shadows a man smirks behind his mask and says to him self " Bored huh? Well I'm gonna have to change that aren't I." Nightwing spots another group of muggers in an alley and goes into action. In just few seconds he is punching one in the face while kicking the other in the gut. By the time he looks for the other muggers he sees batgirl and robin stand in front of 3 more unconscious bodies. He huffs a small " Damn."

Noticing someone is missing Nightwing prepares to ask where batman is but is cut of by batgirl." He said he was going to take another part of the city so we could get some more action . He also said you had to watch Robin." To this robin made a slight expression of annoyance and adds " He said to watch her too." With a glare, batgirl prepares to make a snide comment, but before she can a voice calls out from above. " How's it goin' ?" This causes the trio to look up . What they see is a man on the side of the rooftop in a costume with a skeleton mask, a hood over the mask that connected to a cape that looked like it had tears at the end, a red x on the left side of his chest, a red x on the palms of his gloved hands, and what looked like a utility belt with a Red X on the front buckle.

" Sorry if I scared ya. I'm new to town and thought I might introduce myself." He said as he jumped down and landed in the alley.

Everyone was a little shocked ,angry, and embarrassed that someone got that close to them with out them even hearing him. As the man walked towards, he noticed the expressions on their faces and how they stiffened a bit. So he said " Cool yer jets I won't bite. I know I probably look like a super villain or something but that's no reason to freak out." to this they all relaxed slightly. Batgirl asked " So who are you?" " I haven't really made up a name yet, but I'm thinking about it." As he said this he walked over to batgirl and said "Enchante beautiful." As he spoke he took her hand and gave it a mock kiss threw his helmet/mask thing. Batgirl said "uh, nice to meet you too." with a slight blush. Robin looked surprised , and Nightwing looked like a mix between jealous, angry, shocked, and like he was just about out of patience. Nightwing said angrily " Alright who the hell are you, what do you want, and start giving me answers now while I'm not pissed!" Batgirl and Robin both looked a little surprised at that. So the man said in an understanding voice " You are quite right I have been rude. My name is Red X, I am not a villain , I steal a bit , and what I want does not matter. I was ordered to come here. Before you ask I won't tell you by who, but my job right now is-To Kill You!" the man yells with venom and anger.

As he says this Red x throws some gas bombs toward batgirl and robin and lunges toward Nightwing. Nightwing evades in time but red x throws a punch to his face that he can't block. Then he go's to kick Nightwing in the knee, but Nightwing move and then counters by throwing his elbow into Red's face. This momentarily nocks x back and gives Nightwing enough time to draw his escrima sticks and get into fighting stance. In retaliation red x pulls out his grappling gun, fires it, and goes to the roof. Nightwing follows and after he lands gets back into stance. Red x says with what sounds like a mix of excitement and anger " Sorry for the delay but I thought you could use more room." They then charge at each other.

Red x throws a kick but Nightwing catches his leg and counters with an escrima stick to the mask. X then throws a punch to Nightwing's side and shoves him back. They go back in forth like this for about 7 more minutes. " Your as good as I've heard you were." X says. " Thanks always nice to meet a fan. You have some game too." At this red x says in barley a whisper " A compliment from him? Might've well just spit in my face." He then shouts "Bastard!" He goes into a rage and charges Nightwing. X tackles him to the ground . Despite his struggleing X over powers him and just keeps punching him in the face. As he does this he yells " WAS THIS WORTH EVERY THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME.? ALL MY SUFFERING HAS BEEN BECAUSE OF YOU?" having noticed he is unconscious, x stands up and gets ready to leave but turns and says calmly but venomously "Well this is just sad. Years of preparation and training so I could be your equal and it turns out that I'm already better than you. If you can hear me Grayson, tell Wayne that there is some new blood in town." As he again prepares to leave." Tell him yourself!" Red x looks back and realizes the gas must have worn off and is pounced on by Batgirl and Robin. He manages to let out an aggravated " Damn!" before Batgirl kicks him in the stomach and Robin hits and on the head with his electrified staff, witch still hurts very much even if your wearing a helmet. It goes like that for about a minute and a half until they both nail him in the knee and back and throw some gas bombs at him. "Well this just sucks." After this he loses consciences.

Red x wakes up in an all white room with bright light sitting in a chair, in front of a desk in hand cuffs. He is in a white undershirt. Except for his black boots, pants and helmet, his costume and weapons are gone. He wonders were he is and how long he's been out but before he can say anything a door opens and People he recognized as Batman, Black Canary, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Zatanna walked in. Batman asked in a angry , broody, grudging voice along with a stare that would intimidate a normal person and make them wet themselves in seconds " Who Are You?"