A/N: This was inspired by a picture that showed Hermione's hair in the first movie quite... accurately... Yeah, I don't know what I'm on, but I hope you enjoy this random, pointless drabble that takes place in Harry's first year. :)

It was fairly late; the Gryffindor Common Room was almost deserted, save for a few fifth year students who were still studying, and Harry and Ron. Everyone else had probably already gone to bed. Harry envied them for that, seeing that he was still here with Ron, sitting on their favorite armchairs near the crackling fire... Or rather, what was left of it.

If it hadn't been for Professor Snape giving them loads of homework, they would've been sleeping exactly two hours ago. However, they couldn't risk the chance of getting killed by that evil man, which left them no other choice but to actually do the homework. Honestly, he looked capable of doing so, especially when it was Harry. Snape had always hated his guts and quite frankly, the feeling was mutual.

"She's really strange, huh?" Ron suddenly said, interrupting the comfortable silence between Harry and him.

His so far silent friend stopped scribbling something down on his piece of parchment to look up at the other boy. "Who?"

"Hermione, of course!" the red-haired teenager replied, heatedly, as though it was the most logical thing in the world. "She knows more about your background than you do yourself! No wonder her hair is so big. It's full of secrets…"

Harry looked at him for a moment, before saying, "You should probably go to sleep, Ron."

The boy decided to ignore that last comment, as he continued, "I bet that she finished this stupid essay hours ago..."

The raven-haired boy merely shrugged. It wasn't that strange to imagine that, seeing that Hermione's thoughts didn't center around Ron all the time. At least, not that he knew. However, Ron was right. It was slightly unnerving that Hermione seemed to know absolutely everything.

"I'm telling you, we're gonna have to watch out for her," were Ron's last words on the subject, before he gave up on doing his homework seriously and started bluffing.