This story is co-written with CrimsonGold32 read her story Vengeance is Mine it's really good.
Summary: Finn and Sage pairing Elena has a change of heart and warns them what Stefan and Caroline are doing with Bonnie's help as a result it results in Bonnie and Elena being outcasts and a honouring Elijah and Bonnie and Caroline sacrifices themselves to save them.
Chapter 1 Traitor
The day was cold and the wind was rough. Elena Gilbert sat with her eyes on the stake Stefan was holding. It was dangerously sharp and wicked. It was also made of White Oak, spelling death for any Original it was lucky enough to touch. Tension hung like a palpable cloud in the room. This was it. They were really going to kill one of Klaus's siblings. The only problem was her. Elena. Second thoughts were clouding her mind.
Stefan looked at her with cold green eyes. "You aren't sure about this anymore." He stated a hint of exasperation in his otherwise smooth tone. It was there in her face. Stefan had learned to read it quickly at the beginning of their relationship. He always knew exactly what she was thinking.
Elena shook her head. "You didn't see them Stefan. They looked-" She broke off and finished the sentence in her head.
They looked at each other the way we use to.
"Finn's an Original Elena. He needs to be killed. Sage survived without him for a long timeā¦ she can make it longer."
Elena scoffed. "Do you even hear yourself? I'm not saying that we shouldn't get rid of Klaus and his siblings. I just think we should-"
"Find a different way? There is no other way. If we just run them off- or whatever the hell you want to do- what will stop them from coming back? What will stop them from killing us in revenge?"
"You're acting like they deserve to die for breathing!"
Stefan slammed his fist down making the kitchen table shake. "They're monsters Elena. All of them. Even you're precious Elijah."
Elena gasped. Was it that obvious? Did everyone else see how much she loved him. Of course, she loved Stefan too. There was just something about Elijah. Something alluring. No matter how hard Elena tried she couldn't chase away the thoughts of the Original. He was amazing in his own right just as Stefan was.
Stefan crossed his arms. "Yeah. I know. We all know. You have a choice to make. Help us, your friends, or help the monsters." He couldn't keep the acid out of his voice.
She walked over to the door. "You're the monster now Stefan. Klaus pales in comparison to you now."
It was a verbal slap in the face. "I didn't know you felt that way Elena. Maybe it's best that you do help them."
"Maybe it is." She left the boarding house and got in her car. Tears fell from her brown eyes as she started the engine. She didn't really know where she was going until Klaus's mansion was in front of her. She spotted Elijah walking out the door. He was wearing (as usual) a finely tailored suit.
Elena got out of the car saying, "Elijah! Where's Finn?"
The man turned around. "Out with Sage. Why?" He didn't let his momentary worry slip through his cultured tone.
Before she knew it Elena was telling him the whole plan to kill his family. Elijah listened in patient silence.