Anaya startled when she saw Lita again with the boy curled tightly in her tail. Anaya hadn't been able to get a good look at Lita due to the darkness in the vents, but here she was now in the bright sunlight of the courtyard, and it was a horrific sight to say the least.
She was a lot bigger since Anaya last saw her and the cuts and wounds didn't make her any less imposing, only more formidable and dangerous.
Anaya knew it was time to go, and knew that it was probable that she would be the first host to this queen.
It would be smart, yes. Lita's voice in her thoughts sounded tired. But it would also be a terrible waist. What is the saying of your people about war? Oh yes, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. It makes for a strenuous relationship at best, but it is what holds up empires.
Anaya was shocked, "What about the kid?"
Humans may not have the natural weapons we do, but they can prove to be resourceful. Weyland is a testament to that. Lita walked over and lowered her body just enough for Anaya to get on her back and took off through the dense foliage. Anaya looked around at the blur of greens and blues; even with so much extra weight and slightly injured Lita still had speed and grace to avoid running into trees.
"Are you going to let him live?" Anaya was skeptical.
The child is young and open minded. With time he will forget his father, and will soon come to know only me. Perhaps his dreams will fill with memories of his family due to the subconscious state retaining earlier memories than the awaked state, but I will sooth him as I will sooth all my children. Besides I like the idea of Weyland knowing that his beloved Xenomorph raises his child.
Anaya was thoroughly confused. All her life was spent studding these creatures and Lita was causing her to question much of what she had discovered.
She had read whole books and texts about how these creatures were created through hate and only knew the drive to kill. They were said to not care or even so much as glance at a human, even Ripley was ignored to some extent, though Anaya found that for a xeno Ripley is someone you should not ignore.
There was a laughing sound in Anaya's head, Do not mistake me girl, I am still the creature that knows the drive to kill. But birthed from hate? No, I am born of Death, She paused as if thinking about it, quite literally.
"But you won't kill me. I mean, I like the idea of living, but in the end I always knew that choosing you would make me either a meal or a host".
Oh girl you will be a host one day, but that is after you outlive your usefulness. Think of all this as a chessboard and I am playing to beat Weyland. No game of chess can be won without pawns, and this is shaping to be a long game.
Anaya's mind was momentarily distracted by the thought of how Lita knew so many minor details about humans, but she shoved the thought aside. "Pawns are the suicidal pieces, so to speak".
Yes and perhaps the most useful pieces in the grand scheme of things. One small detail can lead to victory if only you use all the pieces you are given.
"Comforting thought. Now where are we headed?"
To birth my babies and wait for Weyland, Anaya felt Lita's body ripple below her in anticipation.
"How long do you think it will take Weyland to come back," Anaya asked as an afterthought.
He is a wealthy man with a strong love for his son. He will move quickly and expect the trap I am to lay. But it will take time for Weyland to travel and amass forces. Perhaps three to four weeks.
Anaya thought for a moment, "So for all that time you will be laying eggs and I am going to be your advisor on humans?"
That is what I hope will be the case.
Lita stopped at the mouth of cave etched into the forest floor.
"The boy and I can not live there!" Anaya yelped as Lita crawled in the narrow hole with the two humans effortlessly.
The boy is young and will adapt to the conditions. You on the other hand have the drive to survive. Therefore you both will be fine.
Anaya then asked the one question every human would ask, "What will I eat and drink?"
Harvest the local floral, I feel no substance that threatens your lives within them for miles, and there is a fresh water stream close by, all you have to do is listen for it.
"What about protein. I need meat that is healthy for my anatomy," Anaya was scared of the idea of Lita feeding her human flesh.
Nuts are in abundance here, as is small creatures that are similar to your earth rabbits.
Lita stopped and let Anaya off along with the child, before saying, I will keep in touch, but I must go to the deepest point of the cave, as is the place of queen. Don't worry I will not let my only two pawns die, besides there is no predator large enough to truly do you damage.
If an alien could and Anaya was able see in the near perfect blackness she would have sworn the queen was smiling, Soon you shall see my children emerge.
Wow, thanks for all the reviews everyone I really appreciate the advice.
I had to agree with Warlord about not making the next story without wrapping up a few details on the escape of the facility so I am putting this chapter up, but I find that it would be easier to skip the weeks to Weyland after this, so I'm going to write the next scene and see if it would fit best as a sequel or just be fine as another chapter.
I'm rambling, I know, but writing stuff down helps me think. Lol :)