Sirita Singh
Sirita Singh awoke with a start. The cannons were going off to signal a 6 am start to training. She caught her breath and lay back down. Sirita ran her fingers through her dark curls and took a deep breath to calm herself. Outside of her door, she could the thud of boots running past her door as soldiers late for training were running to get there in time.
Major Stewart was not going to be happy, she thought with a grin.
At the thought of him, Sirita jumped out of bed and walked over to the window. She saw Major Stewart standing tall on his saddle with Topthorn. His blue uniform was a deeper hue in the early morning mist. His silver shoulder pads gleaned as the sun crested the house. Even from her distance, Sirita could see that his mustache was perfectly trimmed and his cheekbones looked like they could cut through the morning air.
Sirita thought he looked incredibly handsome.
At this thought, Sirita turned away from the window, and felt a pain in her heart. She was in love with a man who would never return her love, and to make matters worse, a man she knows her brother would never approve of.
Sighing, she walked over to her dressing table and sat down, and began to brush her hair. Applying pins to put it up into a bun, Sirita cast thoughts of her unrequited love aside, and began mentally planning her day. She had a bad feeling about this war. Boys coming home by Christmas? She didn't see it. Sirita did some nursing training in Germany, and was well aware of the advancements in technology that Germans had in medicine. She walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. If the Germans had that kind of technology in medicine, she reasoned, then what kind of weapons did they have? She paused and felt herself shiver. What was going to happen to her brother, Jamie, and the other boys she loved so much?