Jim nodded and scooted over against the arm of the sofa, patting the space beside him. "Yes, kitten, come here." He loved having Sebastian to cuddle, he was always soothing and warm, managing to make Jim want to curl up and sleep wherever he was. "If you'd like to." He would never force Sebastian into doing something he didn't want, ever.

Sebastian's smile gained some strength and he obediently climbed up onto the sofa, pulling his legs up with him and settling himself against his boss. He sighed in a state of quiet content. "I would be happy to but it's been quite a while. Try not to expect too much from me." He hadn't gotten far consensually with anyone since his first steady boyfriend right out of high school and even then it had started out a little complicated when it came to the mechanics of it. Emotionally it was difficult for him to be seen intimately and physically it was difficult to place dominance. "What sorts of things do you like? I have a thing if your interest is in receiving."

"Oh, I'm very open. Blood, pain, giving, receiving, doesn't matter to me. What do you like?" Jim was really very willing to experiment, especially with Sebastian. Other partners had always played very specific roles with him, ones they did not deviate from. But with Sebastian, he knew a different route would be needed. He'd been through a lot emotionally, and to reassure him Jim needed to be open and giving. It would be a new challenge, but one he was strangely excited for.

Sebastian nestled into Jim's side and took his hand, opening it like a flower and playing with the fingers to occupy himself. He had never been the type to reject his own sensitivity and tender touches because of their feminine quality. He didn't see it that way. He was a man and he could be masculine in other ways. Right now he just wanted to cuddle a little bit. He hid his face in the soft skin of Jim's neck and gave him a few light kisses. "We have time to get to all of those things. I won't have any problems as long as you don't restrain me." He could admit to his limits. "If anything else comes up, will I have permission to stop you? I don't think that it will but I would like the opportunity in case I panic."

Jim smiled at the kisses and stroked the fingers of his free hand through Sebastian's hair, allowing his arm to go limp in the taller man's lap. "Of course. You'll have a safe word, as will I, and anytime you're uncomfortable you'll use it. Do you not like any form of restraint? Gags, chains, ropes?"

Sebastian nodded. He felt guilty for limiting Jim at all but he knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it. "I can do gags, I just can't have my arms or legs tied down. Maybe if it's something that you like we can work up to it." He needed freedom of movement or he would feel trapped. "There are things that we can do to replace it. I'll follow any orders to remain still, I just need to have the ability to escape." The last thing he wanted was to become afraid of his boss. "It isn't that I don't trust you, I do. It's just instinct."

Jim could almost see the guilt in the way Sebastian held himself and he turned slightly, lifting the young man's chin to meet his eyes. "It's alright. Everyone has their limits and we can work around yours. You will be made comfortable...and uncomfortable...but I will not push you past your limits." Sebastian was so loyal, so wonderful, Jim was willing to do nearly anything to make this work. Though Jim might push and tease, Sebastian's limits would not be ignored. "Do you have a safe word, love?"

Sebastian shook his head. He had never been in a situation where he would have developed one. "I've just always used stop, wait, slow down. Things like that." With his boyfriend Andrew, their sex had always been very open and simple. They didn't play games and they didn't do anything frightening. "Do you have one?" He vaguely wondered if his boss had any limitations. He carefully climbed into Jim's lap and settled his forehead against his chest.

Jim wrapped his arms around Sebastian and placed small kiss to his forehead. "I do, yes. Polar bear. You can use stop or wait but usually a safe word is something you wouldn't normally say." Having a safe word had been necessary with all of his partners, though he was just secure enough to have never used it.

Sebastian cuddled closer and allowed himself to be held. He knew that he was lucky to have a boss that cared about him so much. Jim respected his boundaries and supported him and it made him feel very safe. He considered a few different words but he had never been good at thinking on his feet. "Pumpernickel?" he suggested. "Cheesecake? Snicker-doodle?"

Jim snickered and hugged Sebastian, giggling into his hair. "Pumpernickel. I like that." It was very un-Sebastian and would work as a good safe word. "Now, Sebby darling, we don't need to do anything so...wild during our first time. But if you ever need the word, you have it. Don't hesitate to use it if you get uncomfortable." He'd had a few bad experiences before that he wouldn't like to repeat with Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded again. He understood the concept and he appreciated that it was something that he could exercise if the time came. He would try his best to fight through what was pretty much guaranteed to be a difficult first couple of experiences but he felt better knowing that he had the ability to stop if things got too rough for him. "I love you," he whispered. "I really do." An outside observer would never expect Jim to be so accommodating and affectionate toward a subordinate and Sebastian was aware that he was a special case.

"I love you too, pet." Jim did, quite truly, which was a new feeling for him. Sebastian was a special man though and he'd wormed his way into Jim's heart, so much so that he was willing to be gentle if he needed to. Right now that's what Sebastian needed and Jim was nothing if not a provider.

Sebastian found Jim's fingers and squeezed them. "Do you want to try now?" Sebastian was feeling a burst of newfound confidence and he didn't want to waste it. He climbed off of his boss and tugged at his arm. "Come on, sir." He pouted a little and tilted his head. He wasn't childish on a regular basis but he was feeling playful. It was better than his clumsy and awkward self.

Jim stood, smiling at Sebastian and letting the suddenly playful sniper lead him into the bedroom. "Are you sure? If you think you're ready..." He loved it when Sebastian was like this, carefree and jovial, much easier to work with than when he was quiet. They made it into the bedroom and Jim stopped them just inside the door, linking their fingers and looking up at his companion.

Once they were through the doorway he got a little nervous. He had spent the night with Jim before and they had even kissed and cuddled but things had never gotten this far. He adjusted his jumper with his free hand and offered a shaky smile, squeezing Jim's fingers again to steady himself. He bent down to press a kiss to Jim's tiny cheek. "Don't worry, boss. I can handle it," he promised. Sure he was a little hesitant but that was understandable. It had been awhile.