Hey guys :D before you read this, you guys need to know about something about my stories;

1)the story with no number in the front means that the story is not part of the other story that continues the first story but is not a chapter. Let's just say when a story of mine have no number in front, it means that it doesn't necessary continue with the next episode.

2) the story with a number in front of the title means that it's the next continuing story (episode). It goes in order, don't worry :D

So this is the fifth "episode". Read the previous one if you wan to know more about the UN of girls. Typhoon Taiwan has two chapters with two stories that'll lead to the next. Hope this makes sense :P

"Argh! Where could Italy be?" Germany was fast walking in the hall way of the world meeting looking for Italy. He has been looking around for thirty minutes and still failed at finding Italy. Germany was about to go right until he saw Austria running towards him.

"Germany, where are you going? The world meeting is this way." Austria pointed to his left, still panting from running.

"I'm trying to look for Italy."

"I thought he's with you." Just then, Taiwan popped out in front of them.

"Germany-san, do you know where Japan is?"

"No, but I think he's with Italy"

"Why don't we search for them?" Austria suggested. Then, France came rushing to Germany.

"Germany, Austria, do you where England is?"


"Has anyone seen sensei China any where?" Hong Kong came running to Taiwan.

"I thought he's with you." Taiwan suspected.

"No he's not."

"Germany, have you seen Onii-san anywhere?" Belarus came running to Germany yielding her personal dagger. Ukraine trailed behind her.

"If you mean Russia, I don't know where he is." Germany responded.

"Oh he should be here somewhere." Ukraine sounded worried.

"Austria-san, have you seen Italy-kun?" Hungary came rushing to Austria.

"We're searching for him right now."

"Germany, do you know where America is? He's supposed to lead the conference." Lithuania exclaims.

"Looks like everyone is missing." Austria chimed in.

"That America is totally late." Poland crossed his arms and sighs.

Then suddenly, a voice emitted from the background breaking up everyone's confusion.

"Will you shut up!" the voice said. It was a familiar voice to everyone.

"Did you hear that?" Austria faces Germany. He knew who that voice was.

"It's coming from that room." Germany pointed to the guy's conference room and began sprinting. Soon all of the countries directed their attention to the noise echoing around the building. Once Germany and the others reach the room, the door was lock and a conversation was held.

"England's mad again."

"England-san, please calm down."

"Veh~ he's steaming!"

"Why are you holding that stick-aru?"

"This is fun to watch, da?"

"It's Canada!"

"I hear America, England, Italy, Russia, China, and Japan's voices." Lithuania exclaims.

"But we left that room ten minutes ago looking for America." Estonia scratched his head, confused.

"I guess they entered the room when you guys were searching for them." Hungary said.

"SHUT UP!" The voice came from the meeting room as a big bang erupted from the room, clouds of smoke appeared at the bottom of the door. It was dark grey with small sparkles glowing from it. Everyone frowned.

"Jerk England used his magic again." Sealand said.

"We need to open the door." Germany demanded.

"Come on Liechtenstein, together with me. Push!" Hungary and Liechtenstein pushed the door open and clouds of smoke came rushing out from the entrance, almost clearing out the smoke from the front.

"The smoke is not disappearing." Austria looked around the meeting room, still seeing clouds of smoke floating and not moving.

"Because it's magic smoke, it disappears in five minutes or so." Sealand gloated. He finally had a chance to tell everyone what he knows. Especially since England was the one who messed it up.

"Italy!" Germany shouted as he take a step forward.


"Huh?" Germany looked at what he stepped on. He stepped on a hand of a person lying face down on the floor. It was a girl. She has long flowing darkish blonde hair resting on the ground but it looks like she's wearing a tux. Germany removed his foot from the girl's hand. The girl sat down, holding her injured hand. She was looking down so Germany couldn't see her face.

"Ummm… Do I know you?" The girl immediately looked up at Germany.

"What do you mean, of course you know me you g-. Wait, what happened to my voice?" The girl stood up and looked at Germany. Germany saw a pair of familiar emerald green eyes and the tone of the voice was similar too. The girl squints at the German. She could see the colours but not Germany's face.

"Why can't I see that well?" Her long blonde hair falls gently down her shoulders. She was holding her cheeks checking to see if her face was still there.

"Maybe I could show you around Mademoiselle." France took out his hand to the girl but she happily slapped it.

"Not in a million years rose head." The girl's voice sounded irritated.

"WHAT! I've been rejected… BY A GIRL!"

"What do you mean? I'm n-" the girl was cut off by a laughing Hungarian.

"Wait, how do you know him? We've only met you once." The girl's face shot up. She smiled at the countries and nodded to herself.

"Oh I get it, it's the spell."

"What spell?" Switzerland asked. The girl hesitated to answer.

"Y-you might not believe this but… It's me…ummmm… England."

"WHAT!" Everyone was traumatized. This girl in front of them was actually England?

hey peoples :D Hope you like this one cuz more are comming soon :D Please review!