Okay guys, since no one has expressed interest in a continued series, this will be the last chapter for this fic. So, be prepared to get some extended scenes, and a few new scenes, and an epilogue, maybe.

Thanks for all the support you have given me throughout this fic. I know I updated rather quickly at first, but once I had actually gotten started, the feeling of urgency with it kinda faded a bit. I'm glad I kept with it though and this was very fun, especially getting away from my OCs for a change.

Disclaimer: One last time, RDF1 doesn't own Next Avengers. He only owns this version of Iron Man's daughter. See previous Disclaimers for full details.

(Chapter Begin)


Torunn and Tania flew higher and higher, until they broke the stratosphere.

"Warning, Power at 8 percent and falling, beginning auto restart on reserve power in 5.8 seconds," informed Jocasta.

"We gotta chuck him now!" called out Rescue, throwing Ultron's bottom half left.

"Let's do this!" shouted Torunn, using all her might to send Ultron's upper half right.

"Auto Restart initialize," declared Jocasta, before shutting off the suit.

Suddenly, Torunn gasped for breath, her human half not being able to survive the sub-zero temperatures.

"Jocasta, no!" called out Tania as her visual screen went blank, "Torunn! TORUNN!"

Tania couldn't help Torunn, nor vice versa, as she fell back towards Earth.

"TORUNN!" cried out Tania, before starting to cough from the lack of air as the life support was turned off as well, it didn't take her long for her to lose her remaining air in her suit, from the heat of re-entry, as she passed out.

(Recap End)

Moments had passed and the others were starting to get worried. Torunn and Rescue had left ten minutes ago and there were no signs of either's return just yet. However, a thousand feet above them, Tania's suit had finished restarting, allow new oxygen to be supplied to Tania. Jocasta took control through Autopilot and used the Repulsors and boosters to slow down the fall, preventing terminal velocity. After safely landing Tania to the ground, the suit collapsed, since Tania had yet to regain consciousness, her faceplate opening to help the process.


"TANIA!" shouted Tony, rushing over to her, with Laura and the others shortly behind.

"Mr. Stark," informed Jocasta, "Reboot successful, reserve power at 50 percent. Recommend recharge at earliest convenience."

"We'll do that," replied Tony, "How's her condition?"

"A little shaken up, she pushed herself too far, not unlike her father. She'll be fine as soon as she wakes up."

"That's good," said Laura, kneeling next to Tania, "Tania, don't leave your dad now."

Meanwhile, in space, the Demi-Goddess Torunn had ran out of air and was floating frozen, helplessly in space, until a bright light shown around her, warming her up.

"Rest my child," spoke a voice she had heard before, "Thee have earned it."

Torunn opened her eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.

"Father?" she wondered, seeing a bright light dim enough for her to see Thor, All Father of Asgard, holding her, not unlike a parent would their young child.

"You have done me proud, Torunn," said Thor as he set her on her feet, any and all signs of injuries faded, "In facing your mortality, both literally and figuratively, you have learned the very same lesson your grandfather, Odin, strove to teach me. You learned what it meant to be human. That is why I left you with your mother and the Avengers."

Torunn couldn't help but smile with a few tears in her eyes, she was happy that she finally got to see her father face to face, and it was arguably the happiest moment of her life so far.

"Because in ALL the Gods of Asgard, NONE have the humanity to make a TRUE Hero, and I have known quite a few of them for many years," continued Thor, "Now, come home, Torunn. Come home, to Asgard."

The Bifrost Bridge then revealed before her a most wondrous place of peace and prosperity that she had never seen before.

"Home," mused Torunn, taking it all in from a distance at a glance, before feeling her heart break in two, as she knew another place was her home as well, something she would have argued against a few days ago, "Oh Father, I've wanted this for many years. And I can't believe I'm saying this now of all times, but my home is with my family and friends on Earth."

"I know, my daughter," replied Thor, without much disappointment, as the other lesson alongside being human, was being where you were needed most, something he learned more than once, "But know that the gates of Asgard are ALWAYS opened to you, Heimdall will be glad to help you in that regard, and when the time comes, you will be welcomed with open arms!"

Speaking of Heimdall, he walked up on the pair, and whispered a short message to Thor.

"Aye, thank you Heimdall. I could not have asked for a better time for this to be finished," said Thor, "Torunn, as I had your sword forged for you, I had hoped this would be ready when you were ready for it. I am giving you stronger battle armor which will not only protect you, but also give you better movement due to it's lighter weight."

"Thank you father," replied Torunn, hugging him one more time before Thor used his power as All Father and changed her armor out before opening the portal once more and Torunn headed through to return to her family.

Tania opened her eyes up with a gasp as she sat up.

"TORUNN!" she shouted, thinking she was still in space.

"Geez," replied Laura, trying to get the ringing out of her ears, "Could you yell any louder, Tania? I'm right here."

"What about Torunn?" asked Tania, looking around and getting her bearings.

"Easy, Tania," replied Tony, putting his hand on her shoulder, "You just woke up after falling from the stratosphere. I think you should be entitled to looking after yourself for a few seconds."


"I was falling, but Torunn wasn't," replied Tania, her eyes watering, "I think she froze up in the depths of space! I couldn't get to her before the restart."

"No," denied James, "She's not dead. She's way more resilient than that."

"I don't know," said Laura, standing up, "All of us JUST fought a hard battle, and Torunn had taken quite a few hits from Iron Thor's hammer and the blasts from Ultron's Repulsors. This isn't like training. I think we have to face the possibility that…"

Laura was cut off by a big flash of lightning striking down near them. The light died down, revealing Torunn in golden armor and a red cape. She looked up at all of her family with happy tears in her eyes, something they've never really seen before.

"Dad says 'hi'," greeted Torunn, before James, Azari, Pym, and Barton ran over to her, whom she welcomed with open arms a group hug.

"She's unharmed and apparently met her dad," deadpanned Laura, sighing a bit, before smiling at her.

Torunn separated from the boys and approached her sisters, only for Tania to jump up and tackle her to the ground.

"I was SO worry about you!" exclaimed Tania, "Did you really meet your dad? What was he like? Does he really have long hair?"


This got a big burst of laughter from everyone, including Laura.

"Yes, everything we were told and more, and yes," replied Torunn, getting Tania off her so she could get up.

During that time, Vision was about to restart as well from Solar Recharge, but looking at his surroundings, and the group of people before him, he was quite confused as to what had happened, and how long he had been out of it.

"MAN, it's been a LONG day," said Pym, plopping down on the ground.

"Well, it's not over, short stuff," replied Hawkeye, picking Pym back up, "There's about 10 thousand robots in Ultra City that needs arrows in their heads."

"Actually, about a million robots across the world needs arrows, swords, claws; the works. Can't wait," replied Laura, popping her knuckles.


"So, who's up for a little avenging?" asked Tony as everyone smiled back at him.

"Avengers!" declared James, picking up his father's shield and held it high, "ASSEMBLE!"

Everyone raced back to the ship they flew here in and started it up, without fear that anyone would target them for the moment and headed back to Ultra City.

"Jocasta," said Tony, as the ship made it's way towards their destination, "Initiate the auto-charge feature. That should give Tania a small boost in power for right now."

"Initiating," replied Jocasta, "beginning auto-charge now."

"That should help hold you over until we get back to your recharge station," informed Tony, before returning to the controls.

About an hour later, they made it back to the city only to find it in chaos. Without the unifying mind of Ultron, the robots were going berserk and destroying parts of the city.

"Auto-charge complete," informed Jocasta, "Reserves at full power and main power at 35 percent. Recommend recharge as soon as possible."

"Thanks, but right now, we can't make that detour," said Tania, closing her faceplate and jumping into the fray, with her brother, Pym, and Torunn right behind her.

As the ship got close to a rooftop, the others jumped out, and started their assault as well on the army of robots going berserk. One could hear arrows and electricity flying, energy shots fire, and swords and shields clanging against metal as they continued their way through the city; however, this only got the robots' attention on them. After about ten minutes of this, a warning flashed on Tania's screen.

"Warning: 8 percent power. Restart will begin in sixty seconds," informed Jocasta.

"Override," said Tania, turning to take out another robot.

"Impossible to override," replied Jocasta, "Only Tony has that authority."

"Just great," mumbled Tania, landing on the ground.

"What are you doing?" asked Laura, clawing another two as she landed next to Tania, "We're not done here yet."

"My suit's about to restart again. I'll be a sitting duck and I don't want to fall to the ground again either," replied Tania, slightly resigned.

Laura looked over to Azari blasting his way through another ten robots with an electrical blast, before calling over to him.

"AZARI!" shouted Laura, getting his attention.

Azari changed direction, taking out another robot with his staff, before landing next to Laura.

"What's up?" asked Azari.

"She's about to restart and I just got an idea," replied Laura, "Think you can give her boost?"

"I can try," said Azari, powering up again and letting a blast loose on Tania's armor.

"Restart in 5… 4… 3…" started Jocasta, until the power surge hit, "Power boost received and redirected. Power at 128 percent."


"That'll do nicely," smirked Tania, letting loose a Unibeam at a collection of robots about 40 yards in front of them, "Let's end this!"

Tania flew off again, firing Repulsors left and right as Azari and Laura smiled and continued their battles as well. Another half-hour passed before Hawkeye let loose his last arrow. He jumped out of the way from a robot's swing, only to find another quiver tossed to him. He looked up to see the scavengers, ready for battle, as he smiled and swapped out the holsters before firing arrows again. With the help of the scavengers, it only took about an hour to destroy the last of the robots left in Ultra City. Afterwards, they took refuge back at the first hideout where they first all met. There, Tania quickly removed the suit and rushed off to the nearest bathroom.

"When you gotta go, you gotta go," chuckled Laura, before her eyes widened, and she followed Tania's path.

"Okay, now we can rest," said Pym, falling back, exhausted from the past 12 hours with little-to-no rest between.

"I think we can ALL use some R&R," spoke up James, "We'll rest for now, and then we'll start on the rest of the world tomorrow."

No one argued, for they too were ready for a good night's sleep, especially Torunn, who had gone through emotional and mental fatigue as well as physical.

A few hours later, Torunn began tossing in her sleep, her dreams turning stranger than normal.


Torunn looked around her, seeing a gathering of people on two sides. One side was earthlings, the other was Asgardians. She looked at herself, to see that she was in a white dress, and her father alongside her, holding her arm. She looked forward to see Hawkeye in a nice suit with Pym and Azari looking like best men. On the other side were Laura and Tania, the prior looking at her in disappointment, but hiding it behind a smile. She looked around, but there was one person missing, someone she knew that should have been there.

"Where's James?" she asked.

"He's out on Patrol," said Thor, her father, "He wanted to make sure no one would disturb this moment for you."

At those words, her heart felt like it could break in two, but she held her tears. She was starting to understand what was going on, she was getting married to Hawkeye, but it wasn't what she truly wanted. Yes, he was a good friend, but there was one that was closer to her heart, for all their faults, he was the one she truly loved.

"No, this isn't right," she said, as she struggled to get away from her father.

(Dream End)


Torunn sat up with a gasp. She held her head, trying to remember what she just saw, something about a wedding and her father. Her family was there and Hawkeye. She clinched her eyes shut, trying to grasp what happened, but it was fading too fast.

"Can't sleep," spoke a voice.

Torunn turned around to see James, the only other one awake at the moment.

"Bad dream, I think," replied Torunn, but she couldn't be sure.

"I don't blame you," said James, sitting next to her, "We've been through a lot in the past few days: from the Iron Avengers to this City to Ultron. My mind is still reeling."

"How did you keep it together?" asked Torunn, "I'm Half-Asgardian and one of the most strong-willed of this family, yet I still fell to pieces. How did you manage to keep your cool?"

"Actually, it was thanks to you," replied James, "After we got separated temporarily, I knew that if we were going to survive, it was going to be together. I couldn't let my family down; I couldn't let you down, not when you needed support the most."

"Thanks, James," said Torunn, smiling at him softly, something she was doing more often now, especially around him, "You never lost faith in me, or any of us."

"I did what my father would have done, protect those important to me," smiled back James, "You are important to me."

Torunn had to fight hard to prevent a blush from appearing on her cheeks. James realized what he said, and tried to leave, but Torunn stood up after him, and kissed him on the cheek. They both stood there, looking at each other, smiling, for a few more moments before James headed back to where he was sleeping. Neither had bad dreams again that night.


Two years later, and the world was finally heading back to peace. The United Nations was well on the way to being restored, and restoring the rest of the world. Soon after that night, James asked Torunn if she would be his girlfriend, to which Torunn happily accepted, in her own way. Their clashing personalities only really gave way when they were alone, or they really didn't have a reason to disagree with each other. Laura couldn't help but smile seeing the two. She had a feeling those two had something deeper than siblingness going for each other, but she didn't know how much until they revealed they were together about a week after they did. Hawkeye seemed disappointed, but Tania reminded him there were a few scavengers that would set him straight if he ever tried anything against the two as a couple. Azari was happy for them as well, even while he was getting to know his family in Wakonda, despite the fact that he wouldn't be ready to ascend to the throne for another few years.

Tania and Pym were another inseparable duo. If they weren't playing pranks, they were having a blast upgrading their armor; Pym had decided long ago that his stingers needed to be more powerful, like the Iron Wasps. So it came as no surprise that they started dating less than a year later, to which Tony couldn't help but smile at the two, reminding him about his relationship with Pepper all those years ago.

All in all, things were looking up for the Next Avengers: Captain America Jr., Torunn, Rescue, Black Panther, Hawkeye, X-23, and The Hornet(Pym's new name). Everything was back to being relatively normal, if you count Alien Invaders and other Superhumans trying to take over the world again normal. But, as always, the Next Avengers would be there to stop them: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

(Chapter End)

(Story End)

Finally, I got around to putting up that 'Story End'. I've forgotten that countless times on my completed fics and never seem to remember going back to correcting them. Oh well, I'm glad you guys have showed such support for fic. Every other one I've seen had only the beginning and nothing else, so I thought I'd give it a try and actually get it done.

Author Notes:

AN1: Well, given the fact that she just fell from stratosphere, and not even further from deep space like her dad did in the Live Action version, and the Autopilot helping to slow her down, she's fine for the most part. Not to mention since the Arc Reactor isn't tied to her life/body, it's not as critical to get it up and running again.

AN2: Again, this stems from Tania having more of Pepper's personality more so than Tony's. It doesn't hurt that Pepper actually a few years with her before she died.

AN3: Again, inspired by, but not entirely based on, Pepper from Armored Adventures. Seriously, she's hyper to counter Hawkeye's more aloof nature, but again, you can see parallels.

AN4: Yeah, I'm ruining the moment, but at the same time referencing earlier in the movie where Tony said Ultron's conquering the planet, and he has more robots in other places besides Ultra City.

AN5: Not unlike Thor, but since this is Azari's, and not Thor's, there are distinct differences. Azari is using Bioelectricity, while Thor used Natural Electricity. Not to mention Thor is far older and has more experience as well. So you can understand the difference in the Power Levels between the suits.

AN6: I actually went through three different takes, before taking it back as being either too nice, or too horrific in the image department. This one is more interpretation and reaction than anything else.

AN7: Something small and nice for a slight romantic scene. I think this is the probably the most scaled back I've been about it.

This was a very nice break from the norm…(OCs are thought of), but I got to get back and update my other fics, because people want them as well.

Thanks again guys!
