We have to go

"Um, Erza..." Lucy said sadly


"We have a problem"


"I have no idea where we are" Lily said added honestly "I never been here before"

"Me too" Lucy

"Nah! Just ...Let's go ...forward...I'm sure we will find something familiar"

"...Mh. Okay"

"What's wrong Lucy?"

"Huh? Oh, about this... I'm just worry"

"Like everyone here" Happy said. He tried to comfort the girl

"I know but-"


"Cana cartomanced that Gray meets something good and bad"

"And so? This it happens every day" Lily

"I know! I know but ... Ok listen up. I noticed Gray's been acting weird. Natsu too but only a little. So at first I thought it was probably lost a fight with Natsu. Erza did you caught sight of this?"

"Now, that you mention that... Yes, you're right. Gray was strange quiet last week. But if he lost the fight would be a rematch demanded "


"Honestly, I didn't pay any attention. Only I know is that Levi and Gajeel are getting along these days. But this everyone knows. They are like open book. Heh ironically. Metal guy and bookworm. But bookworm is cute" Lily

"They likeeeeeee others" Ofcourse Happy

"He he, yeah" Erza

"Like Evergreen and Elfman" Lucy

"Haha, Lissana and Mira still tortures him to confess" Lily

"Going back to Gray. I wanted to know what happened. But always when anyone ask him what's wrong he denies, smiles sadly and says that everything is alright and he's fine" Lucy

"Yes. It is very hard to find out Gray." Erza

"So I thought Cana can be helpfull"




"Cartomancy?" Cana asked

"Yes" Lucy replied determined


"Gray's the remorse, the guilt..."


"Um! How to explain... Gray is very sad. And I'm sure something wrong happen to him"

"My dear, if I could find out such things from my Cards no one would be sad in Fairy Tail"

"Oh c'mon. I'm sure you can do something. Maybe we find out something very interesting"

"Hymn" Cana started be curious "Okay. But I can only rummage in his future if I have something what belongs to him. Or... I can read his memory but here I need him. And it must be agreed with him. Or he is not awake. But this second is very tiredly"

"Oh, Gray isn't in mood to prank. He probably freeze us up…What are you doin'?"

Cana disappeared under the table just for to appear back with Gray's a T-shirt in hand

"Eh? Where you get this from? Gray is in fully dressed. And this worry me"

"He lost this yesterday"

"Ah, so isn't too bad"


"Anyways what are you want to do with this?"

"What? I'm so curious. At the moment we can't see past. At the moment but later..."She said with evil smirk "But we have a chance to see his future. Gray never allows me to foretell for him. He says" if something is going to happen is going to happen. It makes no sense to interfere in the future. Cause' the only thing you can do is worsen your situation. "Geez, sometimes he is so smart isn't?"

"Yes he is. Okay let's do it. I'm so curious to" Lucy giggled

"Okay, let's put his shirt like this..." She spread Gray's shirt on the table "And now three cards. Okay that all! Now first: Oh," She smiled nicely

"What's up?"

"He find something so good for him and this will change his life"

"What he'll find?"

"I don't know. Sweetie my Cards don't answer me perfectly. The future isn't accurately determined"

"Okay, okay I get it. But what do you think it could be?"

"Dunno. Typically, this is love, new job, new friend, etc."

"ACH! Gray will falling in love~ Wow!"

"This is one of the options"

"It is possible that this has already happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe he is in love and this is the reason for his strange acting"

"Maybe...Ha ha Gray in love. Geez I really want know with who"


"Okay. Next…Oh no"

"What? What's wrong?"

"Uhm. Card says something painful and dangerous from his past will be used against him"


"I realy don't know Lucy. How much do you know about his past?"

"Not much. Only this he and Lyon was teach by Ur. And Ur sacrificed her life to save them...That's all.."

"I know yet he remember nothing about his past. Nothing before he meet Ur and Lyon"

"So what this can be? Gah! I want kno-"

"What you two doin' with my T-shirt?"

"GYAH!" Scream came out Lucy's and Cana's mouth. And Cana quickly hid cards


"Yeah, that my name"

"We...um... just find this under table and now give back to you" Lucy smiled nervously

"I mean cards" Gray frowned

"What cards?" Cana ask with innocent smile

Gray sigh "Okay, If you say so. Thanks for shirt" and he walked away

"Opff. Did you notice his complete lack of curiosity is his advantage?" Cana

"Yeah. At this moment hell yes!... What is in third card?"

"Damn. I started really worry about him. The cards said: Approaching the moment when he will weak mentally and physically. And in this moment a foe will attack him. And hit the most sensitive point"

"Mentally or physically?"

"I don't know. Nothing else I not find out"

End of flashback

"The fact. This may worry" Erza

'Okay. The first card was right. Gray failing in love with Natsu. And I feel Natsu is reciprocate the feeling back. But that next...Oh Gray. ' Happy's thoughts pulled Lucy

"Happy. After all you was flew this way "

"No. I wasn't. I never was here"


Natsu put Gray very close to the river. He leaned him against a tree. He went into the water and began to wash the face. He drank a little water on the occasion.

"Are you tired?"

"Huh? Oh You awake"

"Yeah I am. How long I slept"

"I dunno but is seems a few hours"

"I'm sorry. It's a little annoying in every moment to lose consciousness"

"Heh, You should be glad you can back to awake" Natsu said he took a lot of water to his hand and poured it on his Gray's head

"GAYH! Hey for what it was?"

"For? Just for help you don't fall asleep" He said with grin

"Oh yeah?" Natsu was crouch over him so enough to Gray pushed him lightly and Dragon Slayer fall to river.

"Haha You could not to start with me" He grined

Nastu get out of water. He went to Gray. Very very close.

"Hey, Natsu! Don't! You're wet!"

"Really? I thought that the water is dry" He laughed

"Oi! Natsu! You know what I mean"

"I guess" Natsu leaned over the lower mage. Their lips were almost touching.

"Can I?" Dragneel whispered

"Sure, Go ahead"

Natsu gently driven tongue over cold lips. Fullbuster opened his mouth, allowing hot tongue examine his cavity. There was no struggle for dominance. Not a big passion that takes breath. That was only kiss. Kiss in which they learn anew others. Guided by their curiosity and instinct. They were end kiss very long. When they have drifted a little bit from each other quickly returned. But yeah, finally they broken the kiss. They looked into each other's eyes. Both had wet hair and the water ran down of their faces.

"Wow..." Gray whispered


"Even dripping with water you're still handsome*" He delightfully smiled

Natsu kissed him on the forehead and get up. Moments later he was dry.

"He? Oh, right… A fire magic"

"So I got up I didn't want you burn"

"You didn't answer me"

"For what?"

"Are you tired? But be honest"

"A little" sigh

"So rest"

"We have to go"

"Yes we have to. But we... mostly you... need strength too" Gray stretched out his healthy hand toward the Dragon Slayer and another beautiful smile was directed to Natsu. Dragneel can't help but sit down next to Gray

They were looking at horizon. River, lots of trees, mountains, and have slowly setting sun

"And you?" Natsu broken silence. Gray looked at him with a questioning expression

"Do you feel sleepy?"

"No. I guess I will awake a little longer" He smiled and looked down at his broken arm.


"Nah, I'm fine" Gray lay his head to Natsu's shoulder. Dragneel leaned his head on Ice Mage

"Gray" Natsu started again


"You were asked me earlier. About a dragon weren't you?"


"What it was? Kas- Kus..."

"Kasumikōri and Jun Ryuu"

"Yes this! What is it?"

"Well Kasumikōri is a dragon. Icy a dragon. But about Jun Ryuu I don't know what is it"

"How do you know?"

"Well, I dunno... When that beast...When I was unconscious. I had dream.. Ah.. Honestly. I don't have any idea what is was. It seems like it was a dream but that dragon partially healed my wounds. Everything was so realistic"

"Did you talk with this a dragon?"


"So you understand what he says right?"


"Are you a Dragon Slayer too?"

"No...I guess not... Okay I understand what he said but.. I never use dragon magic like Dragon's Roar or Wing Attack"

"Okay, okay, how he look like? What did he say?"

"Well he was huge. I was the height of its paws. His skin and scales was light blue. . His eyes were the color of flawless turquoise. Former clean. I'm sure there weren't evil or anger, but sadness and loneliness. His entire body was covered with frost. And his horns which were arranged in a row and claws looked like diamonds. He knew my name. He said his name is Kasumikōri. And he was surprised that I don't know him. He even asked me if I remember him. I really don't know him. I never see him before. He was asked me about my past. About my village and parents." Fringe obscured Gray's eyes "I don't remember anything. You know that the first what I remember this Ur and Lyon. I knew only what's my name, that I lived in this village and... And it seemed to me I lived with my parents"

"It seemed to you?"

"Yeah, cause' when I said I don't remember my parents he sighed and said "So you can't remember me" Later he leaned forward ... to me and said Jun Ryuu. After he told me to fight for his life and called me his boy. That all"

"Woo.. You have really great memory" Natsu smiled

"Oh how ironic"

"No.. I mean you both names memorized perfectly. Not only the name but and every detail"

"You'd remember such a shock too"

"Or forgot all"

"Heh" He looked down again

"Hey, don't worry. We will find out. Beside you like read"

"Yeah. I m-nhg!" Gray clutched his wound. He close his eyes and gritted his teeth as hard as he could.

"You see?! We can't sit here! We have to go!"


*" Mizu mo shitataru ii otoko "a Japanese saying, meaning that someone is so handsome that even water can't ruin their beauty.