For the first time ever I get to pick when Mom and I will go. She doesn't even really seem to care for that matter. I wish we could fly, but Mom wants to drive. At least, she gives me some acknowledgement for that. Oh and another thing, I had to get a freaking driver's license. But lucky me I passed the test and got my picture done. We ended up here in Alabama. I believe the city of Birmingham. It's a nice city and it even has this huge statue of a man. I think he is called the Vulcan, but anyway it's a nice view to see a God's ass. However, Mom is staying at a hotel, me, I'm found my own place. "Don't expect me to come with you." She says. Before I left her room, I didn't expect her to. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt my feelings. One of the nurses that worked at the hospital helped me find an apartment. Something that I can finally call mine.

Despite the fact that Mom and I aren't staying together she still felt the need to go all Momma Hen on me. She asked about the crime rate of the neighborhood, what kinds of traffic come through, and even asked about the neighbors. Luckily, the landlord dealt with this before and was able to answer all the questions. The apartment is a three-bedroom. My room, a study room, and a guest room. The best part about the apartment is that it's close the university that seems to be taking over the entire south side of Birmingham. After finally getting the apartment settled Mom is ready to go. I take her back to the hotel and see her bags still packed. I know she never will unpack them. I did manage to get my GED and apply for the semester at the university. Taking the class to get the GED was weird though, I actually had talk and not stay silent the whole time, but it felt good. It felt right.

I even made a new friend. Her name is Keondra. She has blonde in her hair and told me I was lucky of never going to high school here. I just smiled and we both just started talking. Many changes have a occurred in the past couple of months. School, friends, homework which I actually like. Right now, I'm at the hospital in the waiting room. Mom is doing her chemo, but doesn't want me in there. I know she will get over it eventually. I'm reading a magazine when something tells me to look up. And you wouldn't believe who I saw. I see Gaara at the nurses station. I recognize that mess head anytime. That and I sent him a letter about a week ago giving him whatever he needs in case he ever wants to find me. He isn't alone either I see Hinata and Naruto with him as well. I haven't even seen her since the beach, but Hinata being herself saw me in an instant and runs over and hugs me. Of course I'm confused by this. "It's okay. It may have taken me some time, but I forgive you and I think we should give it a shot and be friends again." She gives me her that smile. The one that said everything was okay.

After she finally introduced me to Naruto I can't help but ask "What are you guys doing here?" Gaara made a fake hurt face, but I can see his smile "Well, we heard that the school here is amazing so we applied and got accepted." Hinata hits him playfully.Naruto says, "And we heard someone had an apartment that could use some people in it." He puts on a cheesy smile. Hinata bops him on him on the head. "Of course, we are going to ask first." I laugh. "Duh, y'all can stay with me." We end up group hugging. "Come on Naruto let's leave these two alone for a bit." Hinata walks away, Naruto is about to follow until I say "Hey Naruto, thanks for believing in me." He gives me a thumbs up and follows Hinata. Now it's just Gaara and me. "So you quit the force?" He smirks. "I see your question habit hasn't died." We share a laugh and hug each other.

After chemo is done I take Mom back to the hotel and show everyone where the apartment is. "We can totally walk everyday." Hinata says cheeringly as she starts moving in her things. Of course that meant that everything in the study room is now in my mine, but I don't care. I'm glad to have an old friend back. Gaara and Naruto move everything in. It is now dark and everything is finally where it should be.But since we all had a long day with the moving no one wants to cook so we order some ramen to go. Apparently Naruto is obsessed with it. After a 20 minute wait there is a knock on the door. "Finally, I'm starving!" Naruto says. He pretty much runs to the door like a dog, but when he opens it,, the energy he had is gone. I hear a man and a guy's voice. I go to see what the deal is.It's not the delivery guy. "Dad? Sasuke?"

Ok that's the end of The Secret Life of a Teenage Thief. I thank my followers, subscribers, viewers, and reviewers for reading. And hope you end this as much as I did. Now the sequel will be coming out next year, but until that time I will be working on other fanfics so don't worry . Don't forget to review this chapter :P

SensationHorror out!