A/N: THAT FINALE. ALL MY FEELS. *faints* It was incredible. So incredible that I made a beeline to my computer to write this as soon as I got my bearings after all that Makorra. (THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. OH MY FORCE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!) Never before have I been prompted to write fanfiction so suddenly as I have by that episode. So incredible. :D

Enjoy, although I wouldn't really consider this very polished, just all my feels exploding into a fic. (:

He loved her.

Korra's breath caught in her throat. The three words she'd been dying and dreading to hear, because spirits knew she loved him too. And they couldn't have come at a worse time.

So she'd pushed them away, pushed him away, because she couldn't deal with it. She couldn't deal with just about anything in her current state- not when everything she'd ever known had been stripped from her.

And then Aang showed up, and Roku and Kyoshi and Kuruk and Yangchen and... well, everyone else. And she connected. She felt it, the rush of power flowing back into her like a plug to a socket. She felt rather than saw the white hot energy that illuminated her eyes and took over her body. With incredible ease she'd never experienced while bending ever before, she sent out gusts of air and pillars of fire, made the ground quake beneath her and the waters ahead rise to bow before her power and glory and she was the Avatar again.

Her feet touched the ground once again, feather-light, and she felt... right. And then she turned, and he was there, and there was no one else she'd rather see.

And she remembered what he said, and that feeling of rightness became something more.

She was running, her boots crunching in the snow beneath her feet. She was running before her mind could process what she was even doing, and even after, she couldn't stop herself, nor did she want to.

His arms were tight and perfect around her waist, his natural heat contradicting their cold atmosphere and filling her heart with warmth. She was lifted from the ground and spun and it was incredible to consider the very real possibility of them for once. Her fingers tangled themselves in the mess of dark hair and she buried her face in the crook between his neck and shoulder, pressed flush against smooth skin and breathing in his scent. Faint traces of cologne and heat and nothing that smelled of Asami, as he'd used to smell like.

He placed her down again, gently, and she pulled their bodies together again, feeling his heartbeat against hers. His fingers were on her face, absentmindedly touching and remembering every inch of skin. Trailing along her cheek and tracing light circles on her chin and pulling stray strands of dark brown hair out of cerulean eyes that stared up at him in elation. His thumb ran over her lips and he smiled that incredible little half-smile that used to send butterflies crashing about her stomach. Now it only strengthened her resolve. And she looked straight into the caring auburn eyes she'd grown to love so much and spoke the truth that she'd denied herself for so long.

"I love you, too."

Her voice could barely be considered above a whisper, but she successfully hid the crack in her tone and blinked back tears.

And before she knew it, his hands were tangled in her hair and their lips were meshed together, fitting as perfectly as if the spirits specifically created the two for each other.

And she was kissing Mako. Kissing Mako.

And Korra was incomprehensibly, wholly, and unconditionally in love with the most infuriating, incredible young man she'd ever met.

So she let one tear slip. And he let another fall. And they held each other not like the dizzy lovestruck teens that others made them out to be, but like lovers wise beyond their years.

And Korra remembered what he said, and the feeling of rightness became something more.

She felt complete.