A/N-So, I went to update this and was really surprised and kind of embarrassed that I last updated nearly a year ago. I fell out of the fandom for various reasons, but I've done that before in other fandoms and still managed to wrap things up both because I figure it's only fair to the readers who invested time in my fic. I promised myself I would do that with this piece, and I finally actually did it. So here it is. A nice, neat, super fluffy bow on top of what began as a reward fic that I promised years ago.

Hope you enjoy this and thank you for sticking around!

Maura woke up the next morning later than usual. She could tell without opening her eyes, because the sun slicing through her curtains was higher and brighter than usual. Maura would've guessed it was about 9:30 or 10. Normally, she would have been upset about such a disturbance in her sleep pattern, but these were not normal circumstances. Jane was sleeping next to her. Jane was sleeping next to her naked. It had happened before, waking up in bed with Jane, at around the same time even, but the circumstance had been so different. Superficially, they were the same; in both cases they were naked, and in both cases they'd engaged in a very satisfying sexual encounter the previous evening.

But this was different, so very, very different. To start with, they were in Maura's bed this time. Maura's actual bed, her personal space, not a bed she'd been assigned on a cruise ship. Though she had no qualms about taking a lover, Maura rarely ever took them back to her place, and even more infrequently let them into her bedroom.

Then there was the part where their cruise ship encounters, though immensely satisfying, had been largely about getting and giving sexual pleasure, creating a particular chemical, hormonal reaction in one another.

Last night though, last night had been so much different, so much more. It had undoubtedly been about giving and getting sexual pleasure, but the added closeness, the emotional intimacy coupled with the physical intimacy set the encounter apart from any encounter in Maura's borderline eidetic memory. The sexual release alone from her encounters with Jane had been enough to rank with some of her more satistfying sexual partnerships.

Maura slipped quietly out of bed and moved silently across the room. She put on the silk robe she'd left draped of her lounge chair, tying it loosely in the front. The house did, after all, get a bit chilly in the morning.

Maura moved around the kitchen as quietly as she could manage. She decided to use her coffeemaker in place of the coffee press, because she wanted the time to think. Not that she was incapable of thinking and operating a coffee press. She just liked the quiet stillness of her kitchen in the morning and felt, however irrationally, that the soft hum and gurgle of coffeemaker would be less likely to break that spell.

She put in the proper settings, hit the start button and stood leaning against the counter with her hands resting by her side on the counter top. She closed her eyes and a serene little smile crept across her lips. The scent of gourmet coffee grounds lingered in the air from when she'd prepared the blend, and Maura loved the smell, because it always seemed to have a calming effect on her.

It allowed her to drift back to the previous night, to the way that Jane had taken her time kissing her way from Maura's lips to her jaw, down her neck, breasts, then stomach. By the time Jane had pressed a kiss to the inside of Maura's right thigh, she had been beyond ready, and the fact that Jane would probably draw it out more was the only thing that kept Maura from outright begging for it.

Jane knew though. She knew anyway, in part because she was a detective, but mostly because she knew Maura so well, so Jane had smiled wickedly up at Maura before giving her what Maura refused to actually beg for. Jane drew it out, somehow made the hot, quick spark into a deliciously slow burn. Maura couldn't even find it in herself to be a little annoyed at Jane for that. She always did like a good slow burn. The way the tension builds, almost imperceptibly, with an innuendo here, a few touches there, until, before you know it…

Maura's daydream was cut short but the beeping of the coffee pot. With a smile still on her lips, Maura took the two steps back towards the coffee pot, prepared two cups of coffee and walked back towards the bedroom.

Jane rolled over onto her side and pulled the blankets up over her shoulder without opening her eyes. This bed was so insanely comfortable, it was no wonder Maura was so consistently perky every morning. A person couldn't help being perky after having slept in this kind of bed.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with the bed itself. Maybe it was the fact that it was Maura's bed, that they'd spent the better part of the evening in it, and that Maura, still naked, had fallen asleep snuggled into Jane's back. Not that Jane would ever tell anyone that last part. As far as anyone was concerned, Jane would always be the big spoon.

Jane smirked again and readjusted her blankets. Then she felt it. That sense that she got just under her skin when someone was watching her, a sixth sense that was well developed from all her years as a cop. Some other sense also told her that these eyes were not a threat. That, and the fact that she smelt some of Maura's best coffee.

"You're staring," Jane said without opening her eyes.

"I wasn't staring," Maura said. "I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Well, some things never change," Jane said, smiling as she opened her eyes.

Maura was sitting in a chair by the window that was angled to face the bed. Jane wondered if Maura could actually comprehend how beautiful she was. How breathtaking she looked sitting there with the sun coming in through the window facing her backyard, her robe loosely tied around her hips so that it fell open just a bit at the top, her hair disheveled in just the right way.

Then there was that smile. That radiant, positively adoring, adorable smile that Maura, and only Maura had. Jane could do nothing but lay there and admire her.

Maura sat in her spot by the window for another moment before standing up, taking with her the coffee mug she'd been resting on her knee. She walked to her side of the bed, and sat with her back resting against the headboard as she placed her coffee mug on her bedside table.

"I made you some coffee too. It's on your side table," Maura said. "I hear you can't live without it."

Jane sat up and picked up the mug of warm, delicious coffee. She held it under her nose and inhaled deeply.

"Mmm, you're so awesome," Jane said after she took a sip of the absolute best coffee she'd ever tried.

"Are you talking to me or the coffee?" Maura asked.

"Both," Jane said. She took another sip before putting the mug back on her side table. Then she leaned over and gave Maura a lingering kiss. "But mostly you."

Jane pulled away and leaned against the headboard in a pose mirroring Maura's, never once taking her eyes off of Maura. Because, after that kiss, Maura smiled. She hadn't really stopped, but this was a special smile. Her special Jane smile, the one that went all the way to her eyes, the one that Jane was pretty sure came directly from Maura's heart even if Maura would say that such a thing is technically impossible.

Maura broke eye contact with Jane to look Jane over, as if she couldn't resist any longer. She licked her lips as her eyes lingered on Jane's chest, which, Jane was just now remembering was still bare.

Jane pulled her knees up against her chest and rested her head on them facing Maura. She wasn't at all shy about that kind of thing with Maura, but she also wouldn't pass up the opportunity to gently tease her.

"Hey there. My eyes are right here," Jane said as she scrunched up her nose and smiled. "Just thought I'd help out, you know, since you seemed to be lookin' so hard for them, and in all the wrong places."

Jane was certain Maura might have missed that kind of joke when they first met, but now, now she had no problem. She laughed and gave Jane a quick kiss.

"Thank goodness," Maura said. "I was afraid I might have to do a thorough, full body inspection."

"Well," Jane said, as she moved to straddle Maura. "Far be it for me to interfere with your work. You always have been so…meticulous."

Jane said that last sentence, particular that last word, low and deep right next to Maura's ear, and Maura inhaled sharply, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment. Jane was actually pretty proud of that effect, because she'd never thought of herself as a particularly sexy person. Attractive, maybe, but the seductive kind of sexy just wasn't her kind of thing, not unless she was putting in an effort, as she had with Maura on the cruise. But, being around Maura, the flirtiness seemed to have rubbed off, because that move, that had come so easily.

"Mmm, I try to be," Maura said.

And she opened her eyes again and looked directly, seriously at Jane, putting a hand on either cheek. And their eyes connected for a moment before Maura pulled Jane into a slow, long, deep kiss that Jane wished didn't have to end, because it felt so much like it was saying something. Something important and meaningful.

When Jane opened her eyes after the kiss, Maura was still looking at her with the same soft thoughtful look as before, but in that moment, Maura, like Jane, was breathless. And it was that moment that Jane knew. She strongly suspected it well before that moment, but Jane liked to be sure. And in that moment, in Maura's bed, on glorious spring morning, Jane just knew…

"I love you, Maura," Jane said. Then her face splits into a broad smile because the words came easier that she ever expected, easier than they every had before. "God, do I love you."

Maura smiled so bright that it looked like she was about to start laughing. Then she leant forward almost abruptly and kissed Jane, hard and decisively, like it positively could not have been helped.

"I love you too," Maura said, her arms looped around Jane's neck. "I love you, Jane. You, you've almost always made me feel so much…less lonely than I've ever felt before. I just, I hope I give you half of that feeling."

Jane felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, in part because the moment was so charged, and so, so long coming, and in part because she never ever wanted Maura to feel lonely, or that she wasn't good enough. Jane didn't like to think that Maura had spent the better part of the first 30 years of her life feeling so isolated.

"That's not even a question, because of course you give me all the good feelings. And you will never feel lonely ever again if I have anything to say about it," Jane said as she ran a hand through Maura's hair. "Even if it means that I follow you everywhere you go. I'll follow you to your boring medical conferences too."

"I don't think that will be necessary," Maura said as she smiled and kissed Jane. Then she made a quick little maneuver that had Jane on her back as Maura leaned over her and continued in that sexy voice Maura had at her disposal. "Although I wouldn't be opposed to finding you waiting in my bed after one of those exhausting conferences."

"Oh, that can definitely be arranged," Jane said as she looked up at Maura.

Jane didn't make any move to change their position, because it was giving her really pleasant flashbacks to the previous night. That coupled with the view and feeling of Maura's weight against Jane's body was a pretty spectacular way to start her morning too. Jane pulled Maura down into what she could tell would be one of many more kisses.

Maura smiled into the kiss and rested her hands on Jane's cheeks.

"Mmm," Maura hummed, resting her head against Jane's forehead. Then she whispered with a reverence that Jane had never heard in Maura. "I love you so much, Jane Rizzoli."

Then Maura was kissing Jane again, this time slow and deep and so achingly meaningful.

Jane couldn't help smiling, because she was positive about something else now too besides the fact that she was hopelessly in love. Jane knew, without a doubt, that getting those kinds of Maura kisses and hearing Maura say 'I love you' with every bit of conviction she had was never ever going to get old.

"I love you too, Maura Isles."

A/N-That's all folks! Thanks so much for sticking around and I'm really sorry about taking so insanely long to get back to finishing this thing. Seriously though, all my love to you lovely people for being consistently awesome, because I'd never ever dreamed of anywhere near the amount of love I've gotten on this fic. Even if you haven't reviewed and just alerted or faved, it's all been great to see, to know that people are interested in and enjoying what I have to say about these two crazy, clearly head over heels in love with each other ladies.

So, any final thoughts on how this thing turned out? Did all the fluff here give you any cavities? Or did it perfectly satisfy your sweet tooth? I'm really curious because it's been so long since I've immersed myself in Maura and Jane's voices.

Thank you again and hope to hear from you wonderful people!

(Additionally, if you're interested, I have been writing Warehouse 13 Bering and Wells fic and posting it on Archive of Our Own under the penname Myka Wells. I also post the stuff here on a matching account as Mrs. Myka Wells and will put the links in my profile in case anyone is curious.)