O C Character: Eden Lee

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nationality: English

Looks: Long blonde hair, green eyes with golden flecks, slightly tanned skin, lean body

Home: London, England

Mortality: Demigod

Gods Ancestry: Eos, goddess of the dawn (mother)


"We interrupt this broadcast with an important announcement."

The way too perky woman on the BBC news showed her face. What could it be know? It had to be something big; it wasn't everyday they stopped other programs of the news. Maybe war had broken out somewhere new, or someone important had died. And it had to be in the middle of my favourite show, didn't it?

"At a news conference in New York City this afternoon, what people thought to be a local cult group proved to be the real deal. Not many believe that the Greek gods exist, but now we know they do."

What? Since when did this happen? I sat up and paid attention.

"Yes, you heard me right. The Greek gods are alive and kicking in 21st century New York. They say that they have always been there – and so have their children. That's right: the gods have been mixing with us mortals and populating the globe for some thousands of years now. Who knows who these demigods are? Are they a threat, or a helping hand to society?"

So, not only have they told the world about them, they've told the world about us, too. Great. As if my life as demigod wasn't complicated enough already, what with living no where near Camp and having no cousins - or any godly relatives - near by to guide me. Now, I'd have to deal with people finding out about me and looking at me like I wasn't human. (I know I'm not fully, but you know what I mean.).

"The gods also tell of creatures that live on earth with us. Not all of them are a threat, such as the satyrs or centaurs, but then there are the not so nice ones: the Minotaur, Furies, Hellhounds… And, apparently, they can disguise themselves to look like regular human beings. So, watch out! The gods have made it clear that it is highly unlikely that these creatures will attack any mortals, but they cannot be a hundred percent sure that won't happen."

It was only a matter of time before mass hysteria broke out.

"Now, the gods say that all questions will be answered in due course, but you may have to wait for these to be mailed personally to your door."

Hermes must be thrilled; as if he wasn't busy enough as it was.

"And that concludes our broadcast. There will be more tomorrow on our full show. For the whole interview, log onto our website. Until tomorrow!"

The screen returned to scheduled viewing, but I was no longer paying attention. The gods had revealed themselves? Since when was this decided, and why weren't demigods consulted? Well, they probably were, but living in England I probably wasn't even thought about. Hell, my own father didn't even bother to get my opinion when he decided to get married. Again! No one cares, obviously…

"That's not true, child. I care."