Chapter 1
"Noriko! Are you alright?" Shimako exclaimed rising to her feet quickly, concern for the named girl evident in her voice. The object of her worry had just fallen after rising from her chair across the table from where the Rosa Gigantea herself had been seated.
Noriko quickly jumped to her feet and replied to the girl who was rapidly advancing on her location with a concerned and worried expression upon her western features. "I'm alright Shimako-san." The petite dark haired bouton used Shimako-san as it was just the two of them within the Rose Mansion that afternoon. "I think I have just been sitting too long," she said with a smile which only added to her traditional Japanese doll looks. Yoshino and Touko were both at their club activities and Yumi had taken the opportunity to go and visit with her Onee-sama at Lillian University as the Yamayurikai had agreed to cancel the after school meeting that day.
"You should be more careful," the light haired girl intoned in her usual warm and calming tone of voice. Stopping before her Petite Sœur, Shimako laid a gentle hand upon Noriko's arm almost as if to help steady the girl who had just fallen so that she might not do so again. I hardly feel that 15 minutes sitting is long enough to cause one to fall, she thought to herself but decided not to question the other girl upon that fact. "So long as you're certain you're alright?" Shimako inquired allowing her hand to leave the younger girls arm and her fingers to brush the dark hair gently once they reached it.
Noriko smiled up at the woman before her that had become the sum of her world. The younger girl's cheeks were tinted a soft shade of pink at the touch upon her person. As her eyes ascended they were instantly captivated by the steel grey eyes that regarded her with such love and caring that it nearly stilled her heart. "I'm fine, Shimako-san," the reluctant Lillian student reiterated to the older girl once she could speak. It was only by chance that she was even here. If not for that unseasonal snowstorm on the day of the entrance exam I would never have meet Shimako-san. This thought sent a chill of a shiver down her spine colder than any winter storm could ever be. The now second year student had started her first year of high school due to an accident. Lillian had not been her first choice of high schools to attend. It was only due to the great respect she held for her great aunt, who was a Lillian Alumna, that she had taken the entrance exam for Lillian's Girls Academy at all. When she missed the entrance exam day to the high school she wished to attend, her only option was to accept Lillian whose entrance exam she had passed.
Shimako eyed her little sister for a long moment before relenting and trusting her to tell her if there was something wrong. "Perhaps then it would be best if we call it a day," the oldest of the pair offered with a soft gentle smile that contained more love than any one person had the right to receive, or so Noriko always felt when the older girl looked at her as such.
Feeling inadequate as always, Noriko turned away and stepped to the table as she replied, "Alright." Gathering up her tea cup as well as Shimako's she walked to the kitchenette area and washed then dried them quickly before putting them away. Turning around she found the light wavy haired woman holding both their school bags waiting for her with an ever present smile that warmed the smaller girl's heart.
"Shall we go?" Shimako held out the other girl's school bag till Noriko walked over and gently took it from her. "It's been some time since last we went home together hasn't it?" inquired the Rosa Gigantea as the two of them walked through the biscuit colored door and down the stairs which creaked beneath their combined tread.
"I was just thinking that, Shimako-san," Noriko replied smiling softly because her Onee-sama had been thinking the same thing she herself had been thinking at that moment. The two of them departed the Rose Mansion closing the door softly behind them before heading off down the path that would eventually lead them to the front gates. "I was thinking I might visit the temple this weekend," Noriko informed the other as they walked along neither holding hands nor arm in arm, yet close enough to brush against the other every now and then. "If that would be alright," she hastily added.
Shimako didn't need to be told which temple the girl meant. Her father was the chief priest of a large temple and Noriko had become a common visitor there over the time they had been Sœurs. Shimako often helped at the temple on the weekends and Noriko would just as often come and keep her company and even lend a hand when she could. "I think that would be lovely, Noriko." The younger girl grinned and grasped Shimako's arm in a sudden display of excitement and affection all combined in one which couldn't be contained and needed to be expressed in some manner. The Rosa Gigantea smiled down at the cute girl and took it all in stride, pleased that she could make Noriko happy by so little a thing. "One of these days you'll grow tired of me if you keep coming over every weekend though," Shimako said with a merry twinkle in her eye knowing that the two of them had been near inseparable since becoming sisters.
Noriko looked thoughtful for a long moment as if contemplating the older girl's words. "I see. Then perhaps I should only stay with you till tomorrow comes," she finally stated in a serious tone of voice. Shimako half smiled and regarded the girl next to her not certain just how to take her answer. Noriko smiled seeing the confusion in the grey eyes before her that she adored. "Per the song, tomorrow is always a day away," she sang in a sweet voice referencing the song from the play Annie which the Yamayurikai, with the help of Kanako as well as others, had put on just the previous week at the fall festival. In her own way Noriko was telling her that she would always be with her as tomorrow never truly comes.
"Noriko?" Shimako breathed ethereally with a slight catch in her throat, her voice filled with so much love she thought her heart would beat right out of her chest. "Oh my Noriko," Shimako voiced as her eyes shimmered with unshed tears of happiness. Noriko felt herself lifted up and borne away on her Onee-sama's love. The response had been everything she had hoped it would be and so much more when it had come. For the remainder of their walk to the front gate the two girls held tightly to one another, each certain that a stray wind would blow them away from the clouds they walked upon.
The cool winds of autumn blew into the cold chill of winter at Lillian. The Yamayurikai was busy with one thing after another and before they knew it Christmas had come along with their usual Christmas Party at the Rose Mansion. Shimako baked the yule log cake for everyone that year, having been taught by none other than Rei-sama herself the previous year. Once the party was in full swing Rei and Sachiko made an appearance to everyone's delight, especially Yumi and Yoshino's. Rei, after sampling the cake and seeing Shimako holding her breath awaiting the verdict, declared the cake even better than her own. Applause was heard all around and Noriko, so very proud of her Onee-sama, couldn't help if her eyes sprung a slight leak. "Crybaby," Touko teased her friend good-naturedly till Shimako walked over and embraced the crying girl, effectively rescuing her Petite Sœur from further teasing. Before leaving, with Yumi in tow upon her arm, Sachiko extracted a promise from everyone present that they would meet at the Ogasawara house for New Year's as they had done the two previous years.
The third annual Yamayurikai New Year's retreat was a wonderful affair at the large mansion. The men were off with their mistresses and so the women had the house to themselves for the entire weekend. Rei had arrived with Yoshino, Nana-chan tucked arm in arm between the two older women with a shy smile upon her cute face. Yumi had pleaded and begged until finally she had been allowed to come the day before and spent the night there so she could help her Onee-sama prepare everything for the weekend. Touko had rolled her eyes in feigned embarrassment at her Onee-sama's actions, yet she herself also arrived a day early as well. Yumi had been beside herself to have the two most important women in her life all to herself for an extra day. Shimako and Yoshino, upon being informed of Yumi's begging and pleading, shared a smile knowing that their cute brunette friend really just wanted the extra time with the sapphire eyed woman that was the center of Yumi's world. The fact that Touko had shown up early as well was the icing on Yumi's cake. Just before dinner there was an unexpected surprise in the form of three Roses, Youko, Sei and Eriko showing up. Exclamations of surprise and joy at their appearance ran around the room. Spirits ran so high that even Yoshino was seen giving Eriko a warm hug in way of greeting. Shimako looked at Sachiko and saw a knowing smile which told her exactly who had invited the former Roses to the festivities.
Dinner was a wonderful affair filled with good food, great laughter and wonderful friendship among the women. After dinner they played card games and board games with the final game being the one Sayako, Sachiko's mother who was also in attendance, had created that used almost every room in the large house. In light of the laughter and fun they all had it really didn't matter who won or lost. As the night deepened they all prepared for bed after folding and placing their boats beneath their pillows they laid their weary heads down to sleep.
Shimako felt a warm hand worm its way under the covers and find hers and then entwine their fingers together. Shimako rolled onto her side and smiled at Noriko who lay upon the futon next to hers. "I'm so very glad you're here, Noriko." Shimako whispered as she felt her little sister's hand in hers give a gentle squeeze.
"I told you I would stay with you, Shimako-san," the dark haired, fair complexioned girl replied as she rolled upon her side to face the girl whose hand she had captured in her own but moments before.
Shimako smiled softly, touched as she always was by the younger girl's heart felt words. "How long will you stay with me, my Noriko?"
"Just till tomorrow comes," Noriko replied and then tried in vain to stifle a yawn. The two young women laid there on their sides, fingers entwined, looking at each other till they dropped off to sleep. The last thing they saw as slumber closed their eyes was that which meant most to them in the entire world, each other. It was no surprise then when that night they dreamed of one another.
Winter's cold stare thawed and gave way before the warm breath of spring. The school year marched on and January brought with it the yearly Yamayurikai elections. This year, as with many others, the incumbents won and would be the next Roses. It had been touch and go for a while as at first Noriko was not inclined to run in the election, seeing no need to do so with Shimako graduating and moving on to Lillian's Woman's University. When questioned about her Petite Sœur, Shimako just smiled serenely and replied, "Noriko will do what's right for Noriko. If she wants to run she will and if she doesn't then there will be a new Rosa Gigantea one way or another." In the end the petite black haired girl realized that people were counting on her and she couldn't let them down and so she changed her mind, running for office instead.
The river known as time flowed on and January's byways trickled out into February which brought with it the Bouton Treasure Hunt event. Shimako had been sitting alone in the Rose Mansion the day prior to the event itself, enjoying a cup of Darjeeling tea, when she heard the front door to the Rose Mansion bang open loudly and a quick and heavy tread upon the stairs. Suddenly Touko burst into the room out of breath and with a fine sheen of sweat upon her brow. Touko exclaimed upon seeing the older girl seated at the table "Gokigenyou , Rosa Gigantea!" The Rose Chinensis en Bouton quickly adjusted her pleats and made certain her scarf and sailor's collar were in their proper places. "You need to do something about, Noriko," Yumi's own Petite Sœur exclaimed.
"About Noriko you say?" inquired the current Rosa Gigantea setting her cup of tea back upon the table as she had been right in the midst of taking a sip when Touko had burst into the room. Upon hearing her little sister's name the older girl turned in her seat to face Touko directly. "Is there a problem with Noriko?"
Touko nodded, her trademark spiral curls dancing menacingly about her face. "She needs more exercise or something. She is getting slower and slower every day," Touko went on to explain. Their last class had been outdoors and the two of them raced to the Rose Mansion afterwards, not having cleaning duty this week. "I used to be hard pressed to keep up with her but these days she's not even a challenge!"
"Touko!" Both girls within the meeting room looked at each other as if they had been caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar upon hearing the voice of Noriko, whom they had just been discussing, resounding from upon the stairs and drawing closer. "I heard that," Noriko exclaimed just before she walked through the door herself. Noriko's face was red and covered in sweat. Her shoulders rose and fell like the great billow of some forge, as they drew in the air her lungs greatly craved.
"Noriko, are you alright?" Shimako inquired in a concerned voice upon seeing her Petite Sœur in such a state. Not waiting for a forth coming answer, the older woman arose and quickly guided Noriko to a chair at the large table. Once she had the flushed girl seated she crossed to the kitchenette area and drew a glass of water for the winded girl. She quickly returned to the seated second year classman and handed the glass to her. "Drink some water," she encouraged.
"I'll be alright," Noriko assured her Onee-sama as she took the offered glass of water from her with a thankful smile. The Bouton took two large gulps of the water and promptly started to choke and cough it all over the older girl who stood before her. Touko, who had been standing near looking concerned for her dear friend, reached over and started to pat the choking girls back while Shimako tried to make certain that Noriko's hair didn't get in the way and wet as well. "Shimako-san! I'm so sorry," exclaimed the mortified girl once her choking fit had passed. Upon seeing the Shimako's wet uniform before her Noriko hung her head as her cheeks turned what she was certain was a bright strawberry red from the feel of the heat rising in them.
Shimako slipped a handkerchief from her pocket with one hand while she reached out and gently, yet insistently, raised the smaller girls chin till she could see her face once more. Reaching forward she began to wipe away the water on Noriko's face before she replied with, "It's alright Noriko. There's no harm done." Touko, sensing that perhaps the white rose sisters needed a moment, moved off and started to prepare tea for the three of them.
"I feel like such a fool," Noriko replied in a dejected voice as she tried to drop her head again however Shimako's hold upon her chin stopped her from doing so.
"Well then I am just glad that I am here to take care of you, Noriko." Shimako regarded her for a long moment before adding with a warm and loving smile. "If you are a fool, then I'm glad that you're my fool."
"Onee-sama," Noriko said softly upon hearing her words and the love within them. Looking up her brown eyes found those of grey and looked lovingly into them. "I want to take care of you too, Shimako-san," Noriko blurted out before she could stop herself.
Shimako smiled and tapped the end of Noriko's nose causing it to twitch. "Are you certain of that?" she inquired, to which the dark haired bouton nodded vigorously. "I think you already do, my Noriko," she confessed knowing that the girl before her loved her and that was all she really needed. "Please take good care of me, Noriko."
The petite second year student tilted her head slightly to one side as her lips slipped back into a smile filled with love. "I will Onee-sama, just till tomorrow comes." Shimako reached out and gently caressed the cheek of her Petite Sœur who was most precious to her. Her heart was warmed by just those few words that were hers and hers alone. Touko brought them both tea and the three sat and spoke for a while before calling it a day and heading home.
The warm winds of spring gently blew through February and into March bringing with them the smell of renewed growth as well as the graduation of a new class from Lillian Girl's Academy. Noriko, Nana and Touko gave the farewell address and, aside from Noriko tripping when climbing the stairs to the stage and nearly falling, all went as planned. In keeping with their own personal brand of tradition the farewell address response was given by Yumi, Yoshino and Shimako, united one last time before the student body. As in previous years, Tsutako was on hand to take pictures of the occasion though this year she was forced to be in many of the pictures herself as the departing Roses had requested a member of the photography club be present as well. The farewells were no less tearful than any other year when the Roses in full bloom were pruned to make way for the rose buds that were just now coming into their own.
March flowed into April as has happened and will continue to transpire since time began. The trees came into bloom and soon the Sakura were full and pink. Shimako smiled feeling the gentle breeze upon her face as she stood before the large Sakura tree that stood alone among the gingko trees. It was here that she had accepted Sei-sama's rosary and became that remarkable woman's Petite Sœur. Sei had known that she needed room. Room to figure out what she wanted, not what everyone else wanted for her. Her Onee-sama had done the one perfect thing she could do for her, she had left her alone to make her own way, her own decisions as well as her own mistakes, which thankful had been few and far between. Onee-sama and I are linked on many levels yet we're also strong enough to stand on our own. Because we know we are each strong we have no fears that the other will not be able to make it in whatever course they choose to follow in life. Our strength is our belief and trust in each other to do what we believe we should and how we should. Let each be onto himself, as an old saying went that she had heard once but couldn't remember where.
Noriko. Just thinking the girls' name caused her smile to change into a grin. My Noriko. Where would I be without you? Where her Onee-sama had utilized a hands-off approach, Noriko was just the opposite and was very much a hands-on type of girl. At first Shimako hadn't known what to make of the small, light touches. A finger gently touched upon the back of her hand to gather her attention. A brief brush of a shoulder against hers as the younger girl walked past. The soft almost hesitant hand upon her forearm while speaking to her to emphasize a point or issue. Nothing inappropriate or out of place but more like soft gentle reminders of the others presence orbiting around her. Those eyes. Always those eyes. They followed her everywhere she went and every move she made whenever the two of them were together in the same room. Those large, brown, moon filled, loved struck eyes that only saw her and her alone. She knew Yumi and Yoshino thought her blind for not seeing them but she did see them. Thinking about them at this moment made her skin tingle and her pulse race. How can anyone be deserving of that, she asked herself referring to the love and devotion she saw whenever she looked into Noriko's eyes. The petite girl, with the traditional beautiful doll features, gave her something she hadn't realized she needed till it was right there in front of her. Unconditional love. She was certain and without a doubt that she could grow three heads and six sets of eyes and Noriko would love her just as she did right now.
Hearing the soft tread behind her Shimako turned with a smile on her face as she opened her eyes to greet her Petite Sœur and chide her gently for being late. "Nori….," she started to say but then stopped as she saw it wasn't the small girl but rather Yumi. "Yumi-san?" Shimako couldn't hide her confusion upon seeing her former classmate who also went to Lillian University now, walking slowly towards her.
"Shimako-san," the brunette started with and then paused as she nervously clasped and un-clasped her hands before her. "Touko came and got me."
"Touko-chan?" Shimako took in her friend's nervousness and lack of customary greeting and welcoming smile Yumi was so well known for. There was suddenly a sinking feeling in the pit of the former Rosa Gigantea's stomach.
Closing the distance to her friend Yumi gently laid a comforting hand upon Shimako's forearm. "There's been an accident," she explained as she licked her suddenly dry lips. "It's Noriko."
Author's Note:
This is a special story for me reasons for which I will go into in my last Author's note. I hope this tale will be well received as has been my other works.
As always, though certainly not required, I do appreciate any and all reviews.
Kind Regards,
EJ Daniels
All characters within this story, unless otherwise stated are the sole property of Oyuki Konno the original writer of the Maria-sama ga Miteru light novel series.
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