A/N: Yet another story... Only i'm hoping this one will be multichaptered... Which will only happen if there's interest in this. Basically... I started randomly singing Tick Tock Goes the Clock from the actual show... I ended up adding to is and thought, hmmm... This wouldn't be such a bad story... So each chapter to this will be a line from the re-written version of the song... Expect... Strange things that may not make sense just yet... But i will tell you... It involves quite a lot of character... And a few new ones too...

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who... Which sucks... But i'm only ... almost 17... I wasn't even alive when it began :L

Hope you like it... Enjoy...

Tick Tock, goes the clock…

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it's really more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey… stuff.

So what happens when that big ball… freezes in mid-air? As if you'd just thrown it up, a child-like grin on your face as it spun, and you watched in slow motion, waiting for it to fall into your waiting hands… When it suddenly becomes weightless, a balloon floating in the air that would take forever to fall…

And what happened in the time it takes for that weightless ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff to fall back down to where it belongs?

What happens… When the clock stops ticking… When time… stops moving…


Five months, seven days, sixteen hours, thirty-two seconds… That's how long the TARDIS had been silent, apart from his inane ramblings to no-one but his Sexy, the old girl's incessant humming, and the noise she makes when he's left the brakes on…

It was for the best though. Eventually, they had to leave… Move on from adventures through time and space with The Doctor…

The Pond's returned home…

It was great though… For them… And him, if you looked at it a certain way. Amy was expecting again, hopefully this time they'd have a child who wasn't raised as a psychopath, who's one mission in life was to take The Doctor's own… But with Amy who knew what would happen.

And he'd be getting a new sister-or-brother-in-law … That was strange to think about.

To have a sister-in-law (or brother!), he'd have to be married… Which he was… Which is strange…

It'd been a long time since he'd last had a ring on his finger… Not that he had a ring on his finger… Or that River had a ring on her finger for that matter…

He should look in to that…

He was happy for the Pond's. Don't get him wrong… They were his family now…

But he missed company… River still had a few months left in Stormcage... At least according to the timeline he knew.

Not that Stormcage could hold her.

The TARDIS was too quiet. He'd talk to her… Oh how he'd talk to her… But it was hard to miss the response… As there rarely was one…

He missed company…

The TARDIS jerked suddenly, throwing him from the top of the stairs down, rolling to a stop and crashing into the wall on the other side of the room. He looked up, shaking his floppy, shaggy brown hair off his eyes and stared up at the console.

The TARDIS' lights began to flash, dimming radically until only a faded light shone. He scrambled to his knees, running back up the stairs and flinging himself at the controls.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

He received no response… Not even a hum…

He spun, jumping down the stairs in one leap and rushed to the door. Flinging it open, he stared in shock.

He'd been in mid-flight… Right in the middle of the time vortex…

This was not the time vortex…

The vortex was bluey, and swirly… Alive with time… life… the universe… It moved as though the universe moved it, a storm of colour… Now…

It was still… Completely, and totally still… Frozen…

"What is going on?"

Time… had stopped…

A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen i present to you... The end of the first chapter. I'm not sure whether this idea/plot has occurred before, but this is completely of my own imagination as far as i know... Review it please... I'm only going to continue if it gets interest.. Otherwise i'll probably just move it to AO3... Like i said... Not really happy with at the moment... But whatever... Bye...