Have far too much time on my hands at this point, and I needed to take a break from all the other stuff I'm writing. This is the result. Will be two-shot, maybe a three parter, but no more than that.
I love Rogue and Logan together, so I don't usually like him as the bad guy, but I also love a darker/wilder Rogue, so I just had to do this.
"He's gone, Rogue." Ororo looked sympathetic. "He promised he'd be back, just as he always does."
Rogue's expression remained blank; she wasn't sure what to feel.
"He left you a gift this time." Ororo held out the little black box. "It looks expensive. Not that I think that's any reason to forgive him."
Rogue took the box, stared at it with that same blank expression, opened it, careless in her movements. Ororo continued talking, ranting about men in general and Logan in particular, and how someone should teach him a lesson somehow, but Rogue was tuned out, not thinking.
Inside the little box, now sparkling in the light of the sun streaming in through the window, laid the beautiful diamond ring he'd promised her when she'd said that yes, she would marry him.
That had been months ago, the day after she'd turned twenty six. The same night he'd come in with the faint smell of another woman's perfume on him. She'd noticed, and he'd panicked; he always forgot that she had some of his senses, so of course she'd noticed.
"It's nothing, darlin, really. Some barfly bumps into me with enough perfume on, it rubs off, and you got my senses..."
"Yeah, sure Logan."
"Hey, comere." He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her closer, kissing her, and she tried to push him away.
"Don't, it's alrahght, Ah'm just tahred. I'm goin to bed." Her southern accent got a little thicker as she started to get upset.
She turned to walk away, but he grabbed her arm, pulled her back.
"Don't be like that, please. You know, I've been thinking... How long's it been now? Three years."
She turned to him, wary, not wanting to get her hopes up.
"What are yah talkin about?"
"I'm talking about, you know, that happily ever after you been talking about." He pulled her to him again, looking into her eyes. "I'm asking you to marry me, Marie."
She stared into his hazel eyes, looking for even the slightest hint that he was lying. She found none, not immediately.
"Yes. Yes, Logan, Ah'd love nothin more…" She kissed him this time, long and hard.
"I don't have a ring yet, but I'm gonna get you one. A pretty diamond for my pretty girl."
"Rogue? Are you alright?" Ororo's voice became loud and clear again. Rogue looked up at her, a single tear sliding down her pale cheek.
She should've known something was up.
She brought a hand up to wipe it away, staring at her wet finger for a moment.
"Yeah. Yeah, Ah'll be fine." Rogue forced a smile. "Ain't like he hasn't done this before." She took the ring out of the box, slipped it onto her finger. "Look how pretty that is. Think Ah can live with his little disappearances if this is what Ah get as an apology. Yah know, diamonds are a girl's best friend."
Storm didn't respond, just watched her, looking worried.
"Ah have an English class that should've started already, Ah'd better go."
"Alright." Ororo nodded. "Just know that I'm here if you want to talk."
Rogue nodded as she got up and left.
Rumours had a tendency to spread like wildfires at the mansion. Most of the time what was said was only half true, if it was true at all, and this time was no exception. Before the day was over Rogue had heard at least six different very untrue stories about herself and Logan, all of them revolving around the fact that he had left again, really left, for the first time in what had to be a year.
"I heard they had a big fight…"
"I heard she caught him with another woman…"
"I heard she threatened to kill the other woman…"
"I heard HE caught HER with someone else…"
"I heard he stayed out all night drinking…"
"I heard she just tried talking about a wedding, you know, I guess he'd been avoiding it for a while and…."
"Enough!" She let out a growl to match the Wolverine's, and the hushed conversations that had been circling around her last hour class stopped abruptly. "Ah don't want to hear another word, not one word, about Logan, yah hear? Not. One. Word. Yah can tell that to all of your friends too. Class dissmissed."
They grabbed their things and shuffled out, looking frightened, and Rogue was grateful for the silence that fell in the room when they did.
Finally, some peace and…
Rogue winced.
"Hey Jubes."
"Is it true? Is he really gone again?"
"Yeah, he's really gone again."
"What about…"
Rogue held out her hand, the one with the ring on it, and Jubilee's eyes widened.
"It's so pretty! I don't even want to think about how much that cost!"
"Probably more than he could afford, guess he really wanted to make sure I wasn't mad at him."
"Well of course he did, because he knows he wouldn't know what to do without you. Come on." She grabbed Rogue's hand. "You come to my room and we'll watch a movie, something with lots of hot guys in it."
Rogue followed, if a bit reluctantly.
"Oops, guess I left the radio on…"
For some reason the lyrics caught Rogue's attention.
"Wait, Jubes, don't turn it off! What song is this?"
Jubilee paused for a moment, listening.
"I think it's by Ciara. Like A Boy."
"Never heard it before. Kind of like it."
"Sounds like something you could sing right to Logan."
"The funny thing is that Storm was talkin this mornin about teachin Logan a lesson, like givin him a taste of his own medicine or somethin. Anyways, you can turn the radio off now." Another song had started playing. "Come on, let's pick out that movie you were talkin about…"
They picked out Pirates of the Caribbean, because according to Jubilee 'you just couldn't get any hotter than Johnny Depp in dread locks'.
It wasn't until after the movie had ended and Rogue was about to pop in the next one, now feeling like she wouldn't mind hiding away from the rest of the world with Jubilee, that her best friend decided to comment on what Rogue had said before.
"You should do it."
Rogue turned to her, her face one big question mark.
"Do what?"
"You know, give your should-be-husband-already a taste of his own medicine."
"And just how am Ah supposed to do that?"
"You still have him in your head, don't you?"
He'd offered to help her practice with her skin until she'd learned to control it, and as a result she'd absorbed him a few times to many. It hadn't helped that it had taken forever; she'd only just managed to gain full control, though she'd been able to touch some for a while.
"Well, yeah, unfortunately."
"No, that's perfect though! You'd know better than any other girl around here how to act like a boy! Let out your own inner Wolverine, grrr." Jubilee made a clawing motion with her hand.
Rogue just stared at her for a moment, thinking through what she'd just said. It was true, she had a guy in her head; no one knew better than her what they thought like. What harm could it do to let her own wild side take over, just for a little while?
"That..could actually work." She replied, sounding as surprised by the realization as she felt.
"See! Ok, come on, we should start thinking this through, I'm serious. Besides leaving in the middle of the night, what is it that Logan does that drives you crazy?"
"Well, he likes to go out to bars…"
"Come one, keep going."
"He likes to go out without me, which Ah asked him not after the night he came back smelling like perfume. I see him flirting with other girls. You know, in his own way. And it seems like I'm never the most important thing to him. There's always something else for him to be doing… You know, I think I know exactly how I'm going to pull this off."
They stayed up well into the night, alternating between watching more movies and coming up with a solid plan for what Rogue was going to do about Logan.
Three long months passed before Logan finally called Rogue with more than just the usual 'I love you'; he was coming back. She pushed him for an exact date, and he finally gave her a day. Rogue was excited, not just at the promise of seeing him again, but at the prospect of finally getting to put the plan into action.
She was going to need more than just Jubilee's cooperation for this, though.
"Hey, Ms. Munroe?"
"You know Rogue, you're plenty old enough now to call me Ororo."
"Sorry, Ah don't know if Ah'll ever get used to that." She chuckeld before trying again. "Ororo?"
"Logan's coming back, you know."
"Yes, I know." The white haired woman gave her a more tentative look when she didn't' respond immediately. "Rogue, what is it?"
"Well, see, me and Jubilee had this idea for how Ah could get back at him and Ah thought it'd be a good idea to let you know what was goin on so you don't get worried. Maybe you can help, too…" She went on, explaining her plan in perfect detail.
"You know I'm all for teaching Logan a lesson." The elder woman responded when Rogue was finished.
"Oh boy. I'm sensing a 'but' here…"
Ororo chuckled.
"I just think I should warn you not to get lost in the act. With all these different psyches in your head… you know better than I how easily you could loose yourself."
"Don't worry. I'll be careful."
I love, love, loooove reviews, so pwease send some my way. :)