3rd Person POV

Five Wonderful Years Later..

"Mommy! Daddy! Get up!"

"You're 'posed to say please!"

"Mommy, Daddy, please get up!"

Karin Kujyou rolled over in bed, knocking a tiny, noisy child from off of her lap and into the small space between her and her husband. Her golden brown hair became a messy veil that shielded her from the intense glow of the early morning sun.

The bed shook slightly as one of the children jumped to her tiny feet and launched herself in the air to land on her father in her best wrestling move.

"OoF!" Kazune Kujyou sat upright from the sudden weight that collided with his gut. Glaring down at the tiny 5 year old copy of his wife that was now lying belly first across his lap, he huffed and gave himself a moment to recover.

"Hey, Suzue! Didn't we have time out yesterday about this — ah—"

3 year old Suzune came into view, green eyes massive and sparkling. He reached his tiny arms out to wrap around his father's neck, hugging him close.

"I'll make you feel better, Daddy!"

"Good morning, baby.." Kazune chuckled as his toddler's silky sunshine blond hair (exactly like his own) covered his face and blocked out his vision. As he hugged him back, he wrinkled his nose at the smell that followed.

"Someone needs a diaper change!"

"Suzune! You're supposed to be using the potty!" Karin sat up, hair in magnificent disarray. Suzune turned around to look at his mother and started to whine.

"But I didn't want to get out of bed…"

"Sound familiar?" Kazune gave his wife a teasing look as he scooped his son and daughter off of their King sized bed and slid to the wooden ground with them in his arms. After setting them both down gently, he lifted his arms up for a stretch, letting out an audible, satisfied groan.

Suzue and Suzune lifted their arms in attempt to stretch like their father. It made for a cute, clumsy scene — so cute in fact, that it managed to get Karin Kujyou out of bed. She jumped up to join in the stretch party before bending down to tickle any lingering sleepiness out of her little ones.

"Alright, Kazune, you should probably change his diaper now." Karin stood upright and nudged her husband's arm. Kazune raised a brow, folding his arms across his chest.

"Very funny, darling, but I seem to remember we were taking turns? We used the potty last night before I tucked them in."

"What? No you didn't, I was in the same room as you. We tucked them in together!"

"You were reading Suzue her bedtime story and you just didn't see us go into the bathroom!"

"Yeah, right! Nice try! How could I not realize you guys left the room? I pay attention to my kids, you know."

"Obviously you don't because you would have realized I brought our son to the bathroom!"

Suzue turned to look at her brother and made a face at him, "Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be fighting if you just stopped using your diaper!"

Suzune's lip trembled, but he attempted to stand his ground, looking into his sister's big blue eyes. "I'm lazy sometimes! Get over it!"

Within seconds, the entire family was arguing — as they did every morning over the simplest thing. Nevertheless, it took a very short time before the conflict resolved itself…

"Can you believe we won't have to be changing his little diapers anymore? It kind of makes me sad.." Karin's anger melted away at the realization as she looked down at her little one and felt her eyes start to water.

"I know.." Kazune reached over to draw her into his arms, "We make some beautiful babies, don't we?"

"Let's have another!" Karin wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and pressed their lips together in a fiery good morning kiss, muffling their laughter. Even after years of being together, the spark between them had yet to die — and it didn't look like it would fizzle out anytime soon. The way that Kazune kissed his wife back (still tamer than usual in front of the kids), was hint enough for Karin to know they'd be continuing the conversation in private later on.

"You know, I like being lazy too!" Suzue started to laugh as she reached over to hug her little brother, and their laughter echoed throughout the bedroom, chiming in melodically with their parents'.


A lot had happened over the course of 5 years, but it was all so wonderful and always taken with patience and readiness. Kazune and Karin managed to balance their marriage, parenting their children, and taking

great care of their kingdom over the years. It was never easy, nor was it a breeze to learn in the first place, but with time and effort, everything started to fall brilliantly into place.

The two shared work equally, made time everyday to be with their children, and spent weekends going on dates and family outings.

Their good friends were married and starting their own families and learning to balance out their lives as well. They often turned to Karin and Kazune for advice and used it as an excuse to get together and see them every few months or so. It was hard seeing everyone go in their own different directions, but it was comforting to know their friends always wanted to keep in touch.

Kazune's twin sister Kazusa would be crowned Queen when Kazune's father stepped down from the throne. Kazune had seen a change in her as she took on all of her new responsibilities as heir, but every once in awhile on a surprise visit he'd catch her lounging around and basking in luxury. The old Kazune whom she used to look up to would have scolded her for doing such a thing. It took years for his viewpoint to change after accepting that his wife had her own method of balancing work and play. In order to spend time with his family and take better care of his mental health, he learned to join in on fun more regularly. He was happy that his sister knew how to unwind every once in awhile. She had many challenges ahead, but she was still young and could work her way up to success.

The world just seemed so perfect for everyone.


Today, the Kujyou family decided to bask in the glow of the sun rays and enjoy the day together in the comfort of their home. They brought their children out to play in the field of roses that surrounded the backside of the Love Kingdom. As little Suzue and Suzune ran around and played tag in the field, their mother and father lay in ecstasy among the roses, hands intertwined as they had been when Karin had invited Kazune to see the field for the first time years ago.

With her eyes fluttering closed, listening to the sound of children laughing in the distance, Karin hummed a tune. Kazune's gaze drifted up to the sky, watching the clouds drift along up above. He scooted closer to his wife, resting the sides of their heads together.


"Yes, darling?"

"Do you ever think about what would have happened if we hadn't gone on our second date?"

Karin kept her eyes closed and giggled at the memory of how disastrous their first meeting had been. And she had insisted she'd never wanted to see him again. Yet here they were nearly 6 years later with their two children running in circles around them.

"I think about it sometimes. I'm almost certain we wouldn't have met again."

"That's a little depressing."

"You think so? I think it's sweet. Fate brought us back together after years — even after my memory was lost and we drifted apart. We still found each other again. I'd like to think fate is certain. When our father's arranged our marriage, it was definitely meant to be."

"I guess you're right." Kazune smiled so widely, his cheeks started to hurt. He hadn't felt like he'd ever truly smiled until he was with Karin. She could make him so angry, so happy, so excited — and sometimes all at once, in the most confusing way.

"So...are we going to talk about baby number 3, though?" Karin sat up, throwing her arm around her husband and looking down at him with excitement flashing in her eyes. Kazune watched the way the sun highlighted her incredible hair and reached up to run his fingers through it briefly.

"Oh, I'd love to talk about baby number 3, , but that's not a very appropriate conversation to have in front of the children, I don't think." A smirk played on his lips, and Karin leaned down to kiss it.

"Don't worry, they won't be there. We'll talk about it during nap time."

"Talk, yes. It'll be quite the conversation."

Karin frowned, "Wait, just so we're on the same page, we're having sex, right? Cause —"

Kazune interrupted her with his laughter, "Yes, . I want another baby, and I'm going to screw your brains out tonight so that we can make one. Is that literal enough for you?"

Karin slapped his arm, "Shut up! You forget I'm still getting used to how stuck up and serious you used to be, right? Flirting with you is a hit or miss!"

"I wonder if we'll have a boy or a girl?"

"I'm great with whatever kind of baby we have!" Karin lay down on her husband's chest to listen to the way his heart beat. It sped up when she made contact with him and she couldn't help but grin.

"Me too...I love you…"

"I love you, too."

"...gorilla wife."

"I told you never to call me that again!" Karin burst into laughter and jumped on top of her husband to wrestle him. As their voices joined in hysterical laughter, the happy screams of their children echoed throughout the field. Suzune and Suzuka launched themselves on top of their parents to become apart of the wrestling match. Their laughter sounded through the field like music that joined in with the whispers of the wind.

Tomorrow could be a disaster, but Karin and Kazune found they didn't care. Beauty was possible after a disaster, after all, and they would have never discovered that if they hadn't gone on a second date!


A/N: Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me! I wrote this story around the time I was 12 years old and it's such a wonderful feeling knowing I've had readers that have stuck with me since the beginning. I knew I needed to finish these stories not only for myself but for you guys. I read every last one of your comments and I want y'all to know that. Thank you!