Princess Karin's POV

"Hime-sama!"A voice called.

I felt myself being pulled back into the real world, sunlight ruining my sleep.

I turned on my side, hugging my pillow close.

"Princess Karin!"Another voice begged.

I started whining, the sunlight was bothering me.

"No..."I groaned.


"She's not waking up, Miyon."

"I know, Rika-chan, I guess we're just going to have to think of something else.. hmm.. let's see..."

I frowned a little, trying not to open up my eyes to see what they were planning.

"I seriously hope she remembers she's going to be late to her marriage meeting if she doesn't get up soon.."

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly.

"Oh, god! The marriage meeting!"

Prince Kazune's POV

"So, your highness, which crown would you prefer?"One of my maids asked, giving me a choice between 3.

I pointed to the one in the middle, a new black and gold crown my father had specially made for me in order to match with my new outfit I'd be wearing today.

Geez, why do I have to be bothered so early in the morning with this stuff! Just choose a damn outfit for me and put it on! This princess everyone's been talking about can't be so pretty it's just SO important that I have to look my best, right? None of these stupid marriage meetings turn out right, anyway!How come these maids can't figure out that I hated being bothered since I was a baby? They're so stupid, after 18 years? Seriously..

"So, Prince Kazune, are you excited about your marriage meeting? I hear this princess is popular in at least 24 kingdoms!" Prince Yuki, one of my friends asked me.

I sighed before answering. "I don't really care either way.. I bet she's just another well trained smart girl who has no real personality whatsoever and just acts fake like all of the other girls I met... I don't even think I'll actually get married if all of these princesses are going to be the same all of the time."

Yuki sounded worried, "But, Prince Kazune, you have to have at least a little bit of hope..."

"Shut up."

Yuki laughed, "Who, knows, maybe this girl will be completely different than all of the other girls you've met."

I looked away. "What are you babbling on about?"

"Nothing, it's just.. you never know.."

Miyon's POV

I tucked a lock of my teal blue hair behind my ear and stared down at Karin, who was sleeping in my lap soundlessly .I stifled a giggle. Neither me or Rika could believe she'd fallen asleep right after we gave her a bath..Too bad she won't get to see how beautifully stunning she looks right now until we get to the princes' castle... I pushed a lock of her dirty blonde hair out of her face.

"I hope she wakes up once we get there.." Rika twirled some of her long black hair around her finger worriedly.

I laughed and quickly covered my mouth, both of us glancing down at the princess, hoping I didn't wake her.

When we were rewarded with only a slight shifting in sleeping position, we exhaled in relief.

"It wouldn't be much of a marriage meeting if she sleeps the whole time.." I added.

After the full 40 minutes to the kingdom, the carriage stopped and a butler came in and lifted her up without a word.

We all walked down the long path towards the tall, black and golden castle before us, protected by guards.

They looked at Karin's sleeping face and flushed slightly. Then they started to laugh.

"She's quite a cutie.." One guard smiled.

"Name, please." The other guard said.

"Her name is Princess Karin Athena Hanazono. Her father, you know as King Zeus was not able to be here." One of Princess Karin's guards explained.

"Oh, he showed us a picture of her.." the guards nodded.

"Welcome to the Golden Music Kingdom. It's an honor to meet the Princess."

And with that, they opened the large doors to the castle and we walked in.

Prince Kazune's POV

I checked my watch.

That's weird... no one's ever been late to a meeting with me...

I looked over at Yuki to see that he was smiling widely.

"Well.. she's late.. that's odd.. and quite ..different, isn't it?" he looked excited.

"Don't get you hopes up, you weirdo.. " I muttered.

A man in a white and pink uniform walked into the room.

"I will now announce the arrival of Princess Karin Athena Hanazono."

I stopped. "Athena?.. Then.. the daughter of King Zeus?"

Yuki nodded. "I hear she's really cute.. but, wait a second.. you didn't know?"

I shook my head. "My father says he wanted this one to be a surprise... or something."

The door to the Golden Throne Room opened.

A bunch of guards walked in, set down a long rug a few meters on the ground from my throne, and then they all formed a line.

"Well, where is she?" I asked them all.

"Bring in the princess!" one of the guards yelled outside the door.

2 maids walked in and joined each end of the line of guards that left an opening at the door.

The both of them were giggling uncontrollably about something.

I ignored them and watched as another guard- holding a girl in his arms- walked in.

I ignored them, too, and then watched in the door for the princess to walk in.

But then I realized that the guard holding the girl was walking towards the rug.

"No way.." I heard Yuki mutter.

Wait, so that girl is..

And then the girl, who was snuggling against the guard and was hiding her face, suddenly shifted in the guard's arms, finally showing her face.

Her eyes were closed.

Princess Karin?

"She's asleep?" Yuki burst into laughter but I ignored him for a second, admiring the girl's features.

Her hair was at least the length to her knees, shiny and dirty blonde,pulled into a long braid, hanging over her chest and her head was a sparkling silver tiara, a symbol on the tip of it seemed to be a bunny – the symbol of the Love Kingdom..Her eyelashes were unusually long, adding a beautiful touch to that wonderful face. Her skin was porcelain, almost completely white.

Everything about her was perfect.. if only I could see the rest of her body under that surprisingly adorable white and black bunny kimono that stopped a little over her her perfect legs.

I mentally screamed for her to open her eyes.. if the she was so perfect like this, I could only imagine what those eyes of hers would look like..

"What are you waiting for? Wake her up, already." My voice boomed.

"Right.." The guard gently shook the girl in his arms and begged for her to wake up.

I felt the side of my mouth curl slightly at her actions... she twisted in his arms and kept trying to fall back asleep, refusing him.

"Your highness, please wake up.."

"But I don't wanna!" she said quietly in a sweet voice.

I stifled a laugh.

Prince Yuki's POV

I glanced over at Kazune.

This was wonderful.. I hadn't heard his laugh in such a long time...

Perhaps I was right about this girl.. She was catching his eye already and he seemed to laugh at her hilarious actions.. It was so surprising... usually the princesses both of us met were so.. uptight and well trained... and so.. fake.. but this girl actually showed up.. asleep and late.

I could tell this girl had something special about her...

Prince Kazune's POV

Finally, her eyes opened and the guard set her down to stand on her own feet. Once our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat.

It was as if her eyes made her look even more beautiful.. the wonderful mixtures of green was in my opinion- her best feature.

I felt my cheeks warm, but I quickly calmed myself down. No girl had ever made me do that before... that was odd.. What was going on with me today?

Princess Karin's POV

Wait a second..

"I-is that.. the prince I'm meeting?" I turned to the guard .He nodded silently and stepped into a place in line.

My heart thumped as I slowly turned back to look at him.

He was...

I couldn't even describe his beauty..

Pale golden hair, beautiful waves of blue in his enchanting eyes, a wonderful black and gold emperor like outfit clothed him, and on his head was a sparkling black and gold crown.

Everything about him said he was a prince.

None of my marriage meetings ever worked out... and here, on this day, I met someone that actually caught my eye in a romantic way.

I suddenly remembered that I was staring.

"Well, introduce yourself, princess." His voice boomed and echoed for a split second.

I blushed, "Oh, right.. uh.." I bowed nervously and suddenly shy, looked back up at him,giving him my best smile.

He looked surprised for a second, and then he just looked away.

"My name is Princess Karin Athena Hanazono. I'm 18 years old. It's nice to meet you."I said in a quiet, yet sweet voice.

I heard the godlike prince sigh.

It was silent before I spoke again. "Uh.. aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

He rolled his eyes. "My name's Kazune Apollo Kujo."

I frowned and shook my head slightly. "No, no, no, no-" I gave him the "no no" sign, which seemed to surprise him, "That's not the proper way to introduce yourself.. you see, you have to put emotion into your introduction as a prince, be glad that you have such a title, you can't just leave out the "Prince" part, you kno-"

I was cut off by him laughing.

"You talk of a proper introduction in our meeting, but you show up asleep? It's amazing.." I could tell he wasn't exactly being nice.

How could such a beauty be so rude? We royals were always taught manners, every single day we practiced them.. was this the way he treated every girl he met?

I crossed my arms, the long sleeves of my black miyabi slowly dropping down to my elbows, and I pouted, my cheeks growing warm.

"What's the matter? Why are your cheeks red?" Prince Kazune teased.

I balled up my fists. "Look here, you.."

"And not only did you show up asleep, you whined like a child that you had to be woken up by a guard.. how childish.." He cut me off.

I stomped over to him, up the few stairs that led to his throne, and I placed my hands on either side of his arm rests, pushing my face just inches from his.

" I don't think you'd EVER get married with that attitude! You sexist jerk! You can't just treat women that way! Especially princesses!"

I watched as shock crossed his face, and the slight reddening of his cheeks.

I began to blush myself, realizing that I was so close to him that I could kiss him if I wanted to..

But I didn't!

Embarrassed, I quickly took a few steps back, whispering under my breath, "Sorry.."

Prince Kazune's POV

I tried to stop the reddening of my cheeks..

Yes, this girl was definitely different..

She had been so close to me only a few seconds ago.. and the most adorable shy look crossed her face when she was embarrassed.. She was so cute when she was embarrassed..

I watched her cheeks flush with the most beautiful red I had ever seen.

She really WAS amazing..

Beside me in his throne, Yuki spoke kindly to her.

"It's really nice to meet you, Princess Karin. I'm sorry for Prince Kazune's behavior, but there's nothing we can do about it now.. he's just.. not used to girls so.. amazing as you.."

I looked over at Yuki in disbelief, and then my eyes darted over to Karin's face.

She was beaming, and her wonderful blush had disappeared.

"Oh.. thank you.. Am I really amazing?" she laughed.

"Yes, you are.. My name's Prince Yuki." He stood up and they both bowed to each other.

They extended their hands toward one another,and for some reason, it really pissing me off at how nice they were acting to each other.

I quickly pushed my hand in Karin's face, taking a second to marvel at how soft her skin was, but then returning to reality.

This stopped her from stretching her hand, I was blocking her vision.

"Get your hands off of me!" she yelled.

"Now, Kazune.. you're being really rude to her.." Yuki turned to me.

"Shut up and stop acting so sweet to her." I glared at him.

Princess Karin's POV

Why was he being so mean to me? Is this how he treated everyone?

I stepped back from them and turned to walk down the stairs and across the throne room to the line of guards.

My maids stepped over.

"Hime-sama?" Miyon asked worriedly.

"Princess Karin?" Rika eyed me curiously.

"We're going back to the kingdom.. I could never marry such a jerk! Let's go!"

"But Hime-sama!" one of the guards tried to get me to stay.

I put my hand up to silence him gently.

"No, just take me home, please.."

"Princess Karin?" I heard Yuki ask.

I turned to see that he was right behind me. He looked upset.

"I'm sorry, Prince Yuki, but I don't think it would work out between me and Prince Kazune."

I locked eyes with Kazune one last time, reading his expression, waiting for him to say something.

"She's right." he looked away carelessly, sitting back in his stupid throne. " I could never have someone so stupid be my wife, you know."

I glared at him and turned away from the throne room, stomping out of the castle, the guards following close behind, trying to coax me into going back until I finally threw my hands in the air and yelled, "I can't, I'm sorry you guys! Daddy's just going to have to find me a better prince!"

My guards looked sad, I had no idea why every one thought I would've made such a good couple with such a jerk.

I let one of the guards open the carriage door for me and as the door closed behind Me, Miyon, and Rika, we sat down quietly.

"Oh, Hime-sama.. you guys would have made a wonderful match." Miyon sighed.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, if perfect matches were for two people that hated each other."

"Well, Princess Karin, you do have a point, that guy was a complete jerk, but.. maybe if you got on his good side, he might be more different than you thought.. I mean.."

"Thanks, you two, but I think there's someone better out there.. I just haven't found them yet."

I gazed outside the carriage window.

What a jerk.

I hoped we never met AGAIN.