"The Accords Halls steps. Go."
Magnus is still smiling at how everyone seemed to get their happy ending. Considering that he is around 900 years old, he knows that's not the case. But a warlock can dream. Dreams is all that a living creature has when they live forever.
He watches Clary until she reaches the steps, and then focuses on Alec and his own life. Clary has become a little sister, only without the annoying part. I'm sure that once you get close to her, you'll see it, he mused. He grins when Alec gives him a questioning look.
To be honest, at first he pushed Clary and Jace together to finally get Alec. But, once he began to know both him and her, then he couldn't help but grow an affection for the two. They are miserable without each other, and yet they can't even tell the truth to one another. And all this within a month's time. That has to be true love. Plain and simple.
Clary will do anything for the ones she loves, and so will Jace. It's less obvious with Jace, but he will do anything for Alec if he needs it. But both of their actions are because of love. And Magnus, he can not help but help those two do what they plan to do. Because honestly, he's a sap when it came to love. And it is something that should not be hidden.
He saw how much Clary did hide, from everyone. Her fear, her pain, her love. Everyone gives Jace credit for that, but the trick is not letting anyone know that you're hiding anything. Oh, and Clary is quite the con, if he does say so himself.
Clary is a powerful punch is a small package, Jace a more obvious punch. And a stab. And a burial. Anyways, Magnus was always so surprised when people say that Jace is the stronger one out of the two. That is so not the case. And Magnus can prove it.
Magnus knew that the only reason downworlders was able to fight with the shadow hunters is because of Clary. That is the only reason. And he's not talking about her rune either. Even though it was an amazing thing, how could anyone turn that down? The clave simply couldn't. But there was something else that changed everyone's minds, traditions, and hearts.
Her speech, her obvious want to win this battle. A girl, who's best friend is a vampire, who calls warlocks her friends, want the shadow hunters to win. And this girl, this tiny 5 foot girl, was destroying everyone's image. Their image of tradition, their image of Valentine, their image of downworlders. Even their image of their selves. Clary made them believe, made the believe in her and in the power of unity. That, in itself, is something Jace would never be able to do.