The Horses Are Coming

(POV: Blaine)

I was used to spending a lot of time alone.

The big house I lived in was always empty. My brother was away shooting his commercials, my dad was working, and my mom had been gone for as long as I can remember. So yeah, I spent lots of time alone. It wasn't all bad. Kurt and I had the houses to ourselves whenever we wanted it, and I could go anywhere I wanted and do whatever I pleased.

Sometimes, though, I got a little edgy. What if something happened and there was no one here to help me? So I would just sit in the living room and watch T.V. until I felt safe enough to drift off to sleep on the couch. Tonight was one of those nights.

I sighed, and glanced over at my phone. I wished Kurt would call. It was highly improbable, seeing as it was past two am. If he was even awake, he probably thought I wasn't. I went back to the myth busters marathon I was currently watching. It was an hour later that I was finally drifting off to sleep that I heard it.


The front door had been thrown off its hinges and two masked men entered the house. The alarm started blaring. Suddenly very awake and aware, I leaped off the couch and grabbed for my phone on the coffee table. But I was too late, and one of the men grabbed me from behind. I bit his hand and raced for the back door. As I jumped for the handle, the other man grabbed my foot, and I landed on the island, knocking over pots and pans. One fell on his hand, and he howled and let go. I slid off the island and landed on the floor, knocking over a chair as I went. The wind was knocked out of me, but I recovered quickly enough to make it to the door. I pulled at the handle only to discover it was locked. There was a sharp pain to the back of my head. The frying pan. How cliché. Was my last thought before I slipped into unconsciousness.

(POV: Mr. Anderson)

I was in a very important meeting, and I was nervous. If I got this wrong, my company could lose millions. So, when my secretary poked her head in the conference room and said "Mr. Anderson?" I couldn't help but wonder what was so important.

"Can it wait, Angela?"

"I don't think so."

Now that shocked me. My first instinct was that Cooper had been in an accident somewhere. I didn't think of Blaine, because Blaine was the careful one. So I told the people I was presenting to "please excuse me." And headed out the door.

The two police detectives in the lobby were not what I was expecting, that was for sure. I wondered if one of my kids was in jail. More like I hoped, because if they weren't then that meant…

"Harry Anderson?"

"That's me."

"I'm Detective Marshall and this is Detective White…"

"Is something wrong?" I cut the detective off.

"Late last night, the security alarm in your house was triggered. When police got there… your son Blaine was gone."

Blaine? Blaine was missing? No. Blaine was the careful one. Blaine said he would be more careful. He had promised after Sadie Hawkins.

"Mr. Anderson?" The detective asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry. Do you mean my son has been…"

"Kidnapped. Yes, there was a note at the scene. It reads 'I'll be in contact.' So, were hopeful that Blaine is still alive and given your wealth that is just a case of ransom and not something else."

I took a moment to look over the detectives. Detective Marshall, who had been talking this entire time, had her hair pulled back into a no-nonsense bun, revealing the sharp features of her face. She looked intimidating, and she spoke in calm, to the point sentences. When you looked at her bright blue eyes, however, you could see that she cared deeply about the well-being of his son.

Detective White, however had sharp unfeeling eyes that were a dull green color. His sharp features matched his partners perfectly and he wondered if they were related. White's hair was styled like he was some sort of teenage heart throb. I imagined that if he spoke, whatever he said would be filled with annoying comments nobody wanted to hear.

The reality of the situation still hadn't hit me. I was desperately trying to distract from the fact that my son could be hurt or lying dead in a ditch somewhere. This thought kind of took everything out of me- that my son could be dead.

So when Detective Marshall started talking about ransom calls and how they would have to set up for everything, I just nodded dumbly.

The moment they left I pulled my phone out. I needed my other son here with me. So I dialed the seldom used number (which I now deeply regretted) and waited for an answer.



(POV: Cooper)

"Dad, I'm in the middle of shooting." I said. "Can we talk some other time?"

"Cooper, I need you here."

"Why? Is something wrong? Is Blaine okay?"

"I… no he's not."

I barley heard the rest of what my dad said. A few words registered. Kidnapped. Ransom. Alive. I went back to the first time I had gotten a call like this. The weeks spent in the hospital, the months of therapy, physical and mental, and the hours crying over that fact that my little brother had to suffer through that.

"I'll be right there."

(POV: Carole)

Burt and I both got calls from the school. We hadn't expected the recording of the principal's voice to announce something that would alter their family's life forever.

"Hello this is principal figgins. I'm afraid we have some sad news. One of our students, Blaine Anderson, has been kidnapped. If you know anything about this unfortunate situation, please notify the police. All students will be questioned by the police Monday at school. Counseling will be offered to the friends and family of this student. Thank you."

The shock I felt when she heard the name Blaine Anderson was followed by kidnapped is indescribable. She had grown to care deeply about the kid in the time that Kurt had been dating him. He was almost like part of the family. I had always hated to think of him alone in that big house, and invited him to stay as often as possible.

Now I wished I had insisted he stay. Then he wouldn't have been kidnapped. And now they wouldn't have to tell Kurt and Finn.

Burt and I called for a family meeting after dinner.

"So uh… we got a call from the school today." Burt started.

"Did it burn down?" Finn asked.

"No… uh… something bad happened to one of the students. One of the students was kidnapped." Burt said.

Finn and Kurt's faces both fell. "Who?" they asked at the same time.

"It was… well it was Blaine."

Kurt looked so lost and heartbroken in that moment. It hurt me just to see the pain he was in.

"B… Blaine?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. I'm sorry kiddo. The police will find him, he'll be okay." Burt tried to reassure.

Kurt just kind of sat there, completely crestfallen. He honestly loved Blaine. It must be breaking his heart to think of him… god knows where. Hell, it was breaking my heart.

(POV: Blaine)

The next time I woke up it was completely dark. It shouldn't be night. I thought. It was dark when I went to bed. Wait a minute… You were kidnapped! It's a blindfold! That would explain why I couldn't feel or move my hands. They were tied together behind my back. It was so tight I could barley feel them. I tried to open my mouth to call for help when I realized there was a gag in my mouth.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.

No! Stop! Don't freak out, Blaine. It won't help.

I was right, so I attempted to calm down. I concentrated on the sounds around me. And thanks to the summer I spent building a car with my dad, I recognized them as parts of a car.

A car trunk. You're in a car trunk.

Thinking back to the Psych marathon Kurt and I had had the other day, I thought of the time when the main character Shawn had been kidnapped. He had kicked out the tail light and texted his friend clues to where he was. I could so that.

If I could see.

Take it one step at time, Blaine. Get the blindfold off.

I scratched my cheek against the bottom of the trunk trying to get it off. After my cheek had some major carpet burn I managed to get it off. Inside the trunk it was still pitch black. I felt around for the tail light, and when I found my mark, I raised my feet up towards my chest and brought them down on the tail light with a satisfying crack.

Okay, now just turn around.

This was much more difficult then it sounded. In the tight space, I barley had room to move. I managed to twist myself so that my head was where my feet used to be, but it took a good fifteen minutes. I was getting anxious now. Who knew when we would stop?

It's okay. Don't rush. You'll have plenty of time.


You will!

Not if I waste time fighting myself.

Okay. Next step. I have to get the gag off. I used my tongue to push it out. That part was easy enough.

So I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket, unsure when I had gotten in during the fight but glad it was there. Not bothering to unlock it, I hit the emergency call button and dialed 911. Then I tossed it over my body so it landed next to my head.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My name is Blaine Anderson and I've been kidnapped."

"Okay Blaine, do you know where you are?"

"I'm in the trunk of a car. I kicked out the tail light and it's just an old dirt road. I think that's farmland on the sides…"

"Thank you, Blaine, just keep talking. Can you describe the people who kidnapped you?"

"They were wearing masks…"

"Did they say anything to you?"


Just then the car screeched to a stop. "The car is stopping." I said to the 911 operator. "Please help me. They're coming…"

"It's gonna be okay, Blaine. The police are on their way."

The car trunk opened and I was blinded by the sudden burst of light. "Shit! The kid called 911. Where did he get a phone?" One of the men called in a deep voice.

"He didn't have one, I swear!" The other one said.

"Whatever, we gotta move."

Deep-voice grabbed me and dragged me out of the trunk, causing me to land painfully on the ground.

"No!" I screamed. "Please! Somebody help me!"

"Shut up!" deep-voice yelled. A swift kick to the stomach effectively silenced me. I was still gasping for air when deep-voice grabbed my hair and pulled me up.

My sight had finally adjusted and I could see they were still wearing masks. That's good. My brain supplied. If they let you see their faces they will probably kill you. Deep-voice dragged me into another car (where did this come from? I wondered) and threw me into the back seat.

"Get in the back with him! We'll keep an eye on him this time." Deep-voice said to the other man.

They threw me roughly into the back seat and deep-voice tossed the other guy a roll of duct tape. The other guy seemed nicer than deep-voice. His bright blue eyes were actually kind of… pitying. However much kinder he seemed, he was still trying to kidnap me. So I struggled against him desperately as he taped over my eyes and mouth.

"Cut it out." Blue-eyes said.

Of course I didn't listen. Blue-eyes sighed and pressed a rag over my nose and mouth.


I could already feel myself slipping away. Out into the air and out of the car…


Author's Note: Thanks for reading this. This idea has been floating around in my head forever and I'm glad to finally write it down. I'm warning you this will get pretty mushy as well as pretty graphic. There will be more violence and swearing. Not to mention huge doses of cheesy Klaine.

