Hey guys! Thank you for the reviews/alerts/subscriptions. Please enjoy the final chapter of "Wide Awake"...
Twitter: TheCliffyG
No Beta Reader, so ignore mistakes if any :)
Thank you for reading!
Just a side note: The Torres mom is a police officer in this story!
Wide Awake
My arm-with much hesitation and caution-was wrapped around Eli's waist. After two minutes of trying to get comfortable, I learned to relax against him, and grip onto his leather jacket when I was nervous or scared.
"If you feel like something is going to happen...or you just need me, remember to squeeze the side of my jacket."
"Are you ready for this?" Jake asked, and they both turned to me, "I'm going to tell them...I'll tell the police what happened, it just might take a little longer. I'm sorry."
Eli leaned his head against my forehead, kissing my cheek gently, "You take all the time you need. I'll be right beside you."
"Yeah Clare, there's no rush. Just take deep breaths, and it'll be over before you know it," he smiled at me, before getting out of Glen's truck.
"What's wrong?" When I didn't follow Eli out, he stood by the doorway, "There's reporters on the steps Eli...they're going to ask-they're going to question-I don't have the answers."
Out of bad habits, I began to scratch my right arm, until Eli gripped my wrist, "No Clare, you're not itchy, okay? Don't do this to yourself, you're fine. These people just want a good picture for the newspaper. Don't worry, won't let them have it."
I nodded, slowly slipping out of the car.
The second I placed my feet on the grounds of the local police station, two police officers approached us, huddling around Eli and I to get us inside without reporters being able to touch us.
"How does it feel to be a liar, Clare Edwards?"
"Clare Edwards, will you turn this way and smile? Asher says he needs a picture of the last time you're wearing clothes before you exchange it for a jumpsuit!"
"Clare Edwards-."
Eli placed both of his hands on either side of my face, over my ears. The suction and warmth that radiated from his hands was appreciated, being that I couldn't hear a word being said around me.
I smiled gratefully, engulfing my hands around his hands, as we entered the police station.
"Thank you Eli," he smirked, "I don't want you to be hearing that bullshit. All they want is attention and to break you down. I'm not letting you fall alone Clare, not this time."
"Goldsworthy, Martin, we need you outside during the questioning. Asher has already been questioned in the hospital and we'd like you two to watch the video we recorded while there. Clare Edwards, please go with Mrs. Torres, she'll be questioning you today."
Eli quickly took off his jacket, my arms sliding through the sleeves.
"I thought-Eli, you promised-," his hands were being handcuffed, as well as Jake's, bringing tears to my eyes, "Don't worry about us Clare. I'm sorry, I didn't know. Just take deep breaths, pretend that I'm there. If you get nervous, grip onto the jacket. Don't panic, panic is what they look for."
Eli's voice ran through my head as I nodded, clenched my eyes shut, taking deep breaths, while gripping onto Eli's jacket, kneading at the fabric.
"Follow me please," Mrs. Torres ordered sweetly.
My feet felt like bricks while I walked behind the police officer. She kept looking back, flashing me small smiles. My heart raced upon entering the questioning room, chills going up my spine from the cold air.
I tugged on Eli's jacket tighter-if that was even possible-as I took a seat behind a desk, which had a file with my name on it.
"Clare, I'm not here to hurt you, okay? That's the last thing we want to do here. We want you, as well as Asher to get the justice you deserve. I am recording this conversation for purposes, and I would like if you told me your side of the story. Can you do that?"
She smiled sweetly at me, and before pressing the record button, said, "Clare, you're a sweet girl, I've heard many stories from Adam. But now, we have to be professional about this, and you need to tell me the truth, the entire truth."
I nodded, "W-What if it takes a while?"
She shrugged her shoulders, sitting across from me, "I have all day Clare, please proceed with your side of the Clare Edwards/Asher Richardson assault charges case."
"...and this is why I'm the innocent one. I mean, look at me, look at what she did to my tooth with her heel! And those two little brats came into my diner, beat me up in front of my customers...I want justice!"
The clip cut off, and I laughed at the police officer, "You believe this?"
"We must believe both sides until one is proven innocent."
"You really believe that Clare Edwards, a one hundred and ten pound, five foot-two inch girl had the power to sexually assault a grown up man, probably weighing at least two hundred pounds and full of muscle? That's bullshit and even you know that! Clare can barely lift her school bag from time to time! There's no way-," the police officer cut me off, "Mr. Goldsworthy your plea is appealing, but you must remain silent until Clare Edwards questioning is over."
I was frustrated at the fact that in these places, if you talk-they barely listen!
"I hope she's doing okay, it's been two hours," Jake noted, and I nodded, "It's been too long...something is either wrong or she isn't speaking. Is our plan still a go?"
"Hey, no talking!" The officer shouted, as Jake whispered, "Just look outside..."
"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Torres, I can't-," she smiled, "I think we've got enough Clare, enough to put him behind bars. I've watched his questioning tape, and now your questioning is complete. Your story is more believable Clare...and you want to know what makes your story more believable?"
"I thought I needed more proof for Jake and Eli to be let off the hook. I'm sorry, I don't have any physical marks or-," Mrs. Torres shook her head, placing a hand on the shade, which blocked the sun from coming in.
"Clare, I'd like you to take a look outside...I think we have all the proof we need to get Jake and Eli off the hook, plus put Asher Richardson behind bars."
The chair screeched painfully loud when I stood up, slowly making my way to the window, beside Mrs. Torres. I swallowed the lump in my throat, clinging onto Eli's jacket, whispering to myself that he was here, he was here, he was here.
"Look," Mrs. Torres instructed, the shade rising.
"W-Who are these girls?" I asked, watching as nearly a hundred girls holding signs, screaming at the police officers, "Down with Asher! Up with Clare!"
"W-Why?" Mrs. Torres smiled, "You're the only one...out of all these girls, who was brave enough to tell me your story. These girls are all victims of Asher's cruelty, and some even have marks, pictures, one girl even has a video she stole from the surveillance camera in the diner. It's amazing, the information these girls have. They're all like you Clare, each and every one."
Tears pricked my eyes, "S-So does this mean he'll go to jail?"
She smiled at me, "I'm afraid so...he'll have a trial, but you won't have to attend, seeing as though we have your statements and these girls want to go to the trial to defend you and themselves."
"I-I don't want to see Asher anymore, so that's...that's really amazing," my right hand palmed the leather jacket around me, as Mrs. Torres led me to the room where Eli and Jake were.
Eli was standing outside the room, his hands un-cuffed, "You heard the news?"
He smirked, "Over two hundred and fifty teenage girls are outside waiting to talk to you. We promised them a lunch at the Dot, if you don't mind?"
I interlaced my hands with his, "I-I'd love to meet them all...but how are we all going to fit in the downstairs Dot?"
"See, that's the thing...Jake and I...sort of, rented out the Dot. Above the Dot, Below the Dot, and the middle Dot," Eli teased, kissing the corner of my lips.
"Why'd you do that?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders, "These girls are willing to stand up behind you, they should at least have a good meal in them and besides, maybe talking to these girls will help you feel better."
"I already feel much better Eli, after telling you what happened...talking to Mrs. Torres, everything-this new environment is making me feel better. Thank you for accepting my apologies, and I'm sorry I hurt you...again," I kissed Eli's lips lightly, wrapping my arm around his torso, "I love you Eli."
"I love you too Clare."
Just as we were about to walk out of the station, I mumbled, "Wait, we're missing someone...where's Jake?"
Eli pointed outside, and he was in the middle of the swarm of girls, signing their foreheads, "Jake, what are you doing?"
"Hey, I beat Asher up! They want autographs!" All of the girls immediately ran away from Jake, charging towards Eli and I. I gasped, still not used to being so close to other people since I've isolated myself too well the past week. Mentally I'm not quite healed, but physically, I'm almost near the halfway mark.
"Alright ladies, back it up! Let's all head down to the Dot, and we can get some food, then you guys can come back here! How does that sound?" Eli called out, and I blushed, hearing his voice raised so highly, "Woo hoo! Yeah! I love food!"
These people must have gone through so much trauma, and went through life threatening situations, and yet...they seemed to have so much life in them.
I wrapped my arm around Eli's torso, pulling him close to my side.
One day, I promise, that I'll be like these girls, slowly rising from ashes...back up to cloud nine, where every human being deserves a place on.
Reviews? :)
Love you guys,
Cliffhanger Girl
P.S. I didn't read the chapter over, sorry if there's mistakes. I just wanted to get the chapter up since it was already a day late! Sorry!