Here is a new fic Kaizoku+Vampire a fic co written by me an my friend Overnerd02. Pleased enjoy the misadventures of the Pirate Super Sentai at Yokai Academy.
"Earth was facing its greatest crisis of all time!" the announcer said as many ships fired blasts of energy at the earth, "The overwhelming forces of the Zangyak Empire, which seeks to rule the entire universe, was on a campaign of destruction, driving the people into the depths of fear!" he said as Gormin marched on, but then a red cape covered the view, "But the earth possessed forces that could stand against this abominable evil. The defender of love! Of dreams! Of peace!" he said as all the Sentai where lined up "The thirty four Super Sentai who dedicated themselves to protect the happiness of the people!" he said as they all ran to fight the large army, "The battle became known as the legendary War!" he said as the army of super Sentai though with all there powers and weapons against the army of the Zangyak. "But they were not alone." he added as it show the three Space Sheriffs fighting alongside Dekamaster and the other Deakarangers. "The Metal Heroes had allied themselves with them." He explained as the other metal heroes the Juukou B-Fighters were seen fighting alongside the Megarangers and many others alongside them. "They all railed together and fought to save all of life on earth even if it where human or other wise!" he said as they all fought side by side "These heroes all fought to save us from evil!" he said as all the heroes Sentai and Metal heroes fought all the monsters. Akaranger then took down a Gormin as he saw even more monster to come.
"They just don't stop!" he said "Mina we must pull all the powers of Super Sentai to stop the Zangyak!" Akaranger said as they all listen to him, they all then looked up and agreed, All the heroes flashed a gold color and flew into the air "Fire!" he said as they all let lose a powerful burst of energy that destroyed all the ships and monsters.
"And so the Super Sentai defeated the Zangyak Empire but in the process lost there powers, But little did they know that a new breed of heroes where coming to earth at that moment." he said.
1 year later.
A large red space Galleon was coming towards the earth. In the ship a young man with messy hair dressed in a red long coat with a black vest over a white shirt, he had black pants and boots on as well, he had a lock around his neck, he was sitting in the captain chair and was looking at the screen. "Earth huh?" he said as he got up.
"This is where I will find the greatest treasure in the world sweet!" he said with a big grin.
"Your Highness a ship approaches." a Green women said to the young alien on the chair motioning the Ship. "Its the Kaizoku." she added which enraged him.
"Shoot them down shoot them down no mercy none." he ordered.
"Yes Boss." a Robotic man acknowledge.
"Your majesty perhaps we should." a Golden man with a red cape started
"No buts attack." the royalty interrupted causing all the ship to target the galleon.
"So there here to well no one will get in my way," the young man said. as he took the wheel of the ship. "I wish Doc and Joe where here but looks like I'm on my own here." he said as he turned it so the cannons faced the ships and he fired on them, "I like it that way before any way!" he said as he charged into one and cut it in half. He then fired even more shots at them taking out many of them.
"Damn You Kaizoku all ship take aim." He ordered as all the ship let loose on the red ship.
"Well time for my secret surprise!" he said as he put a key into the main wheel. The ship than made a larger cannon appear. "Galleon Cannon Full burst!" he said as the cannon fired! each shot taking out several ships at once. Buying him time to escape. "Later!" he said, as they where left with many ships gone. A strange portal the appeared before him, "Huh?"
"Damn you Kaizokuuuuu." the prince screamed.
"Highness don't worry we've got it covered." the golden man said as. "Isarn."
"Hai Damarasu-sama." She answered as she type in a combination she then took a small gun and aim it at the Galleon next thing the owner knew a portal had open and sucked in his ship like a black hole. "Impossible!" she said as the red ship disappeared.
"Think I may have used up a little to much power back there." the young man said as he tried to steer the ship, when he exited the portal he crashed the ship into a desolate field with scraggy tree's and tomb stones. "What the hell I never knew earth was so freaking Gothic." he said as he looked around he then noticed there was a building near by. "A school interesting." he said looking at the screen. "Might need to be careful." he said as he got out a phone and he then took out a red little figure. "Okay lets see where this takes me." he said as he exited the ship. All the while a man in a white cloak was watching him from a crystal ball.
"Hummm a transfer student how nice." he grinned evilly as he chuckled and not the good kind either.
Back with the young man. "Hmm place looks deserted for the most part." he said he heard something come up behind him.
"WATCH OUUUUUT." a shrill voice screamed catching the young man's attention,
"Huh?" he asked as he was taken down by a bike, "Okay who the..." he started until he got a good look at the girl, she was regular height and was dressed, in a school uniform consisting of a green blazer over a white shirt with a pleated skirt to complete the school girl vibe, she also had a black choker with a chain connecting a Rosario to her neck it was silver with a red jewel in the center. she her self was unbelievably pretty with pink hair and emerald green eyes. "Who are you?" he asked a small blush on his face.
"Oh sorry I knocked you over sir." she said as she helped the young man up to his feet. "Ah who are you per say you don't look like you go to my school?" she said, as she saw over his close she had to admit it made her think Pirate when she looked at him.
"No I'm just well passing through." he said honestly. "Ah who are you again?" he asked.
"Oh sorry my name is Moka Akashiya yoroshuku." she said with a bow.-
"Oh well I'm Marvelous." Marvelous said as he bowed also. His name made Moka wonder to her self, as it was a strange name to her. "Pleasure to meet you Moka you said was you name."
"Nice to meet you Marvelous-san." she said with a big smile. "But what's you last name?" she asked him.
"Don't have one." he said bluntly which made her sweat drop, no last name.
"Why not?" she asked him confused.
"Don't know I would ask my parents but there gone, I picked my name my self." he explained.
"Oh I'm so sorry." Moka said
"For what." he asked
"Your parents you must feel so lonely." she said as she recalled her family situation
"Maybe at first I was, but I had some one to help me grow up a father figure if you will, but he ah you know passed on also." he said in a said tone as he had a memory flash, He was running across a steel bridge with a treasure box in his hands and a mechanical parrot flying next to him. he was then shot at by Gormin and Zugomin. He fell but was saved by a man in red.
"Run!" he said as he lifted him up and charged at the minions swinging a cutlass sword.
"Akared!" he screamed as an explosion blocked his view and forced him to run.
He then snapped out of thought. "Sorry to bring you down just you know still got some problems with it as it happened in front of me." he said
"I understand so what beings you here." She asked but then he was bleeding. "Oh my you've a cut." she said as she pulled out a handkerchief and started to wipe it but as she got close she had a daze and longing look as she moved closer to Marvelous's neck.
"Oi you okay." He asked
"Sorry you smell so good." she said short of breath.
"Well thanks I try to keep my self clean." he joked as she moved closer and closer. "Hey what are you doing?" he asked a little flustered.
"Sorry you see I'm a vampire." she whispered into his ear as she bit his neck. Marvelous felt a pinch and then...
"AAAAAAAHHH!" he screamed freaked out! She then let go. And his hand shot to his neck. "Wow! hey wait that didn't hurt." he said shocked and embarrassed "Sorry I just freaked out there."
"Oh no I'm the one who's sorry I should never have drank from you without asking."
"Its fine so where're you heading for."
"That school." She said as she pointed towards the strange building
"So am I need some company." he offered-"Thank you I'm a little nervous so I'd really like that." She said but she really wanted to talk more with this young man.
"Sure lets go." he said as he walked with her. "I get the feeling you think I'm older than I am," he said. walking with her.
"Well you are really tall." she joked. "Um Marvelous do you hate vampires?" she asked.
"Well never really met one." he said "But you seem nice." he said.
"Really." she said her eyes full of hope "then we could be friends?" she asked him with puppy dog eyes.
"Sure..." he said and was then caught in a deaf hug. "Oh I feel like I should be careful around friends now." he joked.
"Come on lets go!" she said as she dragged Marvelous to the school.
"This is a school one wired place." he said as he waited for Moka to get out of the Bathroom, he then felt something behind him as he pulled out a red flint lock pistol on a man in a white coat. "Who are you?" he asked as he aimed the gun higher.
"I'm the Headmaster of this fine school and I was wondering if you would like to join and become a student here." He asked with an evil grin.
"Nah I got way better things to do." he answered.
"Oh well too bad I figured you would like to get close with that vampire girl."
"Why would you say that."
"Well accidents tend to happen here and to certain people if you know what I mean."
"Hey Marvelous." Moka called as she returned from using the bathroom. "Thanks for waiting for me."
"No problem hey you know who this guy is." He asked but as he turned around the strange man was gone, "He was right here?" he said as he looked around "Man this guy could show Luka a thing or two." he said to him self.
"Well thanks for coming with me." Moka said, "Are you leavening soon?" she asked him.
"Well maybe I'll stick around." he said as he had a thought, 'Moka seems to well, nice to be able to defend her self even if she is a vampire what kind of man lets a cute girl go to a school where she could get hurt' he thought. 'Wait I need to find the greatest treasure in the universe. Plus the Zangyak are here also.' he reminded. "Hey Moka I think I might go here." he said. 'I can use this time to think about how to find the greatest treasure and help my new friend out yeah that will work' he mentally assured him self.
"Oh really that's great." She said excitedly then the bell rang. "Oh time for class Marvelous-Kun can we meet up after school." She asked shyly
"Sure" he said as he started looking around. "See you later, Now where did the freak in the white robe go?" he said as he started looking around.
Mean while on the grand hours ship leading all the others. "You Highness we have found no trace of the ship any where." Damarasu said.
"But I have found a strange power source its one that could be a threat to the invasion." Insarn said. "I picked it up while searching for the Kaizoku, its very high for anything the humans have, its source seems to be a mystery I suggest we capture it so as to use it against the humans." she said.
"Yes take it so that we can crush these humans with it." The prince said as he slumped down. "As soon as we have it we will focus on taking over this world, that worthless Kaizoku." he said. "Barizorg, set up a platoon to take this power source."
"Yes boss!" the robot man said as he typed on a computer.
Back with Marvelous he had spent most looking for the man in white robe. "This guy is good Luka might asked him for his secret." He said he then opened a room and saw a lady with cat ears and tail?
"Ah who are you." She asked surprised by his arrival.
"Oh sorry I was looking for someone." He said and he did find someone.
"Marvelous-Kun." Moka said as she glomped the young pirate.
"Good to see you too Moka." he said as got up. "So this is where your at huh?" he asked as he looked at everyone "Dose everyone here where that same outfit?"
"Oh Marvelous your the last student here on the list." the teacher said.
'wow that old dude works fast.' Marvelous said to him self. "How I just got here?" he asked.
"It says your a new transfer student." she said.
"Man he does work fast." he said bluntly.
"This is great we're going to be classmate." Moka said excitedly
"Yeah hey I guess...ow" Marvelous exclaimed as Moka bit him on the neck again
"What the heck who is that guy?" all the male students asked in a menacing tone.
"He gets between me and Moka I'll kill him." others said.
"Okay who said that?" Marvelous asked. "If you want to challenge me than go ahead!" he said as he looked them all over. He then pulled out his gun. "I dare ya!"
"Eh Marvelous-san weapons are not aloud in school!" the teacher said.
"Really well never been to school wouldn't know?" he said as he twirled it and put it away.
"Well as long you know." she said "Now please take the seat next to Moka." she said as Moka led him to the spot while holding his arm, this made everyone look at the two with jealously
"Umm Marvelous why do you have a gun." Moka asked
"Well you see..." He started then his Mobilate went off. "Hello oh Luka where the hell are you."
"Kind of busy!" she said over her Mobilate as she shot her gun off at a group of Gormin. "More importantly where are you, you lazy excuse for a captain." she said as she fried more shots.
"Uh High school." he answered he then closed the phone as people could here Luka cursing over the phone.
"Marvelous who was that." Moka asked knowing the voice to be female and was jealous.
"Ah just a friend." he said "She's one of my childhood friends and is worried as to where I am." he said "Besides she's just upset I ditched some left over work on her." he finished "
"Oh I see do you have any other friends." Moka asked curious now to the people Marvelous's social life.-"Well there one who acts like a samurai and another who I call Hakase." he answered
"Samurai? Hakase?" she asked confused as the images of a samurai and a doctor showed up in her head. -"Well there just like that, the Samurai is my good friend Joe and he is a really good swords man, and Hakase is just my goofy friend Don, who is scared of his own shadow but has guts when it counts." he explained. as the teacher was giving her lesson.
'Man he was right about school being boring.' Marvelous thought as he thought about his Red Pirate days.
"Marvelous my first advice to you never go to school." a Blond haired kid with Red and Blue eyes said.-"Why not Akared said its not that bad." He replied
"Cause he never been there he knows about it but never went." He went on. "Its boring you have to learn lesson answer stupid questions only the teacher knows the answer to."
"Your right man that is boring."
"Yup now come on Basco's cooking Beef stew." the blond kid said as he walks towards the Galleon.
Flashback ends
"Guess there's no way out of it now." he said quietly.
"Did you say something Marvelous-kun?" Moka asked.
"No nothing just bored is all." he said as he sat back.
"Now class as you all know this is a school for monsters to learn how to interact with humans so the number one rule is stay in you human form at all time." she said as Marvelous looked up.
'you got to be kidding me!' he said in his head. 'a monster school well I'm an alien I think that's plenty not human.'
"Are you okay Marvelous." Moka asked
"Umm Yeah." he answered. "Moka I've been meaning to ask is that thing around your neck part of the uniform."
"No its..." she started.
"Moka, Marvelous do you find the lecture boring?" the teacher asked.
"No." Moka squeaked.-"A little." Marvelous admitted.
"Well I appreciate you being honest." she said
An hour later Marvelous and Moka were cleaning up the entire classroom with using toothbrushes
"Stupid cat lady." Marvelous griped as he was done. "Yo Moka lets go get a drink." he said. "I'm thirsty."
"But I'm not done." she said being careful not to touch the water. Marvelous then took her hand and helped her up.
"I'll get it later." he said. "Come on my treat sort of." he said as he pulled out his gun. He then came back with a wallet. "Okay lets go." he said taking her out. on the way Moka noticed a kid on the floor unconscious with stars around his head.
"Umm Marvelous where did you get that." She asked looking at the knocked out kid.
"Someone lent it to me." He said as he put it in his coat pocket
"Really did they really." She asked with a judging glare.
"Let's just leave it at that and get a drink." he said as they rounded a corner to the vending machine. They then got there drinks. "What you get Moka?" he asked as he chugged down a soda.
"Tomato juice." she said as she drank hers. "I really like it." she said.
"Huh interesting don't know that many people who like the stuff." he said "So any way what where you saying before sensei cut you off before." he asked not knowing there was a young man coming up to them.
"Oh well this necklace is called a Rosario it seals my powers when it comes off I become scary." she explained
"Really there nothing wrong with that." He told her as he now curious but before he could touch it.
"Hey your that girl Moka Akashiya right." The guy asked setting off an alarm in Marvelous head.
"Marvelous if you meet a nice girl and some weird guy comes up to her and if just looking at him sets something off in your head do the following 1. kick his ass. 2. if he has friends or you don't want to upset the girl pretend he doesn't exist and walk away." The blond kid told him.
"Come on Marvey-Chan will never get lucky enough with to use your advice anyway." Basco told him.
"I wouldn't be sure Basco. Marvelous take Sho's advice under consideration." Akared told him as he sat in the captain's chair.
Flashback ends
"Moka lets go." he said as he took her arm.
"Ah okay well good by ah what's your name?"
"Names Saizo or you could call me your man." he said in a way that made Marvelous burn in side.
"Sorry but no." Moka said, as she went up to Marvelous.
"So you would rather hang out with that rat then me?" he asked
"What did you say?" Marvelous asked him not turning around.
"You heard me what are you going to do?" he asked as fist met face and he was sent flying.
"That's what I was going to do or did." he said with a happy grin on his face. Moka was looking at how far Saizo was knocked back.
"Wow your really strong Marvelous-kun." she said.
"Nothing really I hate punks like him who think they can boss others around. Besides I don't like taking orders all that much." he said as he walked Moka out of the school to look around.
Than Marvelous Phone went off again. "Marvelous I need your help." a panic and very familiar cowardly voice begged
"Hakase!" he said Moka not noticing him. "Where are you?" he asked.
"Not far from earth me and Joe are pinned down by Zugomin." he said as lasers shot past his head. "We need you?" he screamed as Joe landed beside him shooting his gun and blocking shots with his sword.
"Oi Marvelous hurry up." he shouted as he cut one down.
"Oi Joe, Hakase!" he said, as the phone went dead, well it said call disconnected on account of change meaning Don had used his Mobilate to change. "Dam!" he shouted as he left. Moka then noticed him leaving towards a direction that lead out side the school. The way he cam from to be precise witch is the way to leave the school.
"Marvelous wait where are you going." Moka asked chasing him.
"I'm leavening my friends need me." He said determined
"But why do you have to go now when just became friends." She insisted, as she followed.
"Sorry Moka but my friends are in trouble." he said as he pulled out his phone again. But Moka took it from him. "Oi Moka give that back." he said to her.
"NO!" she shouted at him. "I wont let you leave your the only friend I've had in a really long time." she said as she held the phone close. "My whole life people made fun of me for saying I was a vampire. Middle school was a prime example no one would be my friend, they called me weird and... and." she said starting to cry.
"Moka." Marvelous said feeling sad.
"Please Marvelous if you really are my friend then just stay." She pleaded
"I can't my friends need me and I have a promise to keep." he said no matter how much it hurts he had to help his friends.
"I see then goodbye." Moka said as she ran off in tears but with the Mobilate.
"Moka!" he shouted as he ran after her. "Moka Wait!"
"Barizorg are the troops ready?" Warz Gils asked.
"Yes boss." he said with a bow.
"Then attack." he ordered.
"Your majesty are you sure such a small platoon will do the job." Damarasu asked.
"Don't question me Damarasu! Be Silent!" he shouted annoyed.
"But Your majesty…" he started.
"I said silence!"
Back with Marvelous. "Moka!" he shouted as he ran after her, But he stopped when he saw a large ship fly by. "Zangyak!" he said, noticing them. "No way they found me here?" he asked. "No they must be after something." he figured. "MOKA!" he shouted as he ran again.
With Moka she had arrived at a graveyard and on her knees and crying. "Marvelous I thought you would be the one true friend I could make." she muttered. "But no one wants a Vampire for a friend." She cried not noticing the new arrivals.
"Ah there you are." A male voice said.
"Marvelous." She said happily but only saw the man Saizo from earlier with some strange gray robotic creatures with flat heads, with several bulkier blue ones with large forearms, and leading them was a Metal man.
"Is she the one who knows the pirate." Barizorg asked Saizo.
"Yep I'll make her talk and help get the rat." Saizo said with a grin
"Why are you after Marvelous." Moka asked the two
"That rat is a wanted Uchu Kaizoku who has a large Bounty on his head." Saizo said. "And I plan to get the reward." he said holding the poster.
"Uchu Kaizoku?" Moka said, "That means he's an alien!" she said with the image of a funny green alien.
"That's right now please hand him over." Barizorg said as he pulled out his sword. He then had a monster came out from behind him. "Follow orders to get the power source." he said. The creature looked to be mechanical as he was covered in metallic armor with large bug like eyes and two protrusions on his shoulders that looked like Bishop Chess Pieces.
"Okay!" he said "Wow what a pretty girl, Can't wait to hear her scream from when you kill her." he said,-"Kill her what do you mean." Saizo asked
"She is an ally of the Kaizoku so she must be eliminated." he said.
"Not if I can help it!" a voice said as they where all sprayed by bullets.
"Marvelous?" Moka said as the young man was standing behind her.
"Yo!" he said holding his gun in one hand and a cutlass sword in the other. "Hade Ni Ikuze!" he said as he ran forward and slashed at them, and shot at others. He slashed on and shot another, and continued in that cycle till the Gormin where pushed back. "Come on." he said as he blocked an attack from the action commander, he then shot the now transformed Saizo with his gun making him fall back "Oops I meant to hit your head." he joked as he traded blows with the action commander. He blocked his attack and kicked him away and tumbling after Saizo. He then blocked an attack from Barizorg. 'Damn this guy fights like Joe.' Marvelous thought as he blocked blow after blow from Barizorg.
"Marvelous-Kun." Moka yelled as she ran towards him only to be grabbed by Saizo.
"Moka." Marvelous yelled back as he ran towards her only to be slashed in the back by Barizorg then punched in the gut by Saizo much to Moka's horror.
"That it?" he asked as he got up. and blocked a hit from Barizorg and the Action commander with his sword as he aimed his gun straight at Saizo's face. "I'll give you to the count of five." he said, "Five!" he said as he fired point blank making Saizo drop Moka and roll away. "You underestimate me." he said as he pushed both back. But he then fell down 'dam the cuts shallow but it still hurts.' he said in his head as Moka ran up to him.
"Marvelous-kun?" she said helping him up. Marvelous then noticed the Mobilate in her hand and took it. "Wait what are you doing?" she asked.
"Just stand back and watch.!" he said as he flipped it open and produced a red figure. "Gokai Change!" he shouted as he squeezed the figure making it fold into a key. He then plugged it into the phone and twisted it, making the top part of the phone open.
"GOKAIGER!" a voice said as three X's and a V shot out of the phone. The first x formed his black body suit, the second x formed a red coat over his chest, the V formed a red helmet that looked like he was wearing a pirate hat with a angled black visor, and the third x formed the symbol on his helmet. He looked like a red Pirate.
"Gokai Red!" he said as he flashed his hand in front o his face. They all looked on in shock and aw.
"Gokai...Red." Moka said in awe.
"Damn Kaizoku." the action commander said as he charged at Gokai Red who simply took his sword and slashed him across the chest once followed by a diagonal slash across his chest. He then kicked him back into a group of Gormin he then took his key and put in a slot on his sword's hilt.
"FINAL WAVE!." was heard as Gokai Red then slashed his sword at the action commander firing a energy wave to shoot from the tip of his blade and hit him and the Gormin causing them to explode.
"Who's next." Gokai Red challenged.
"No way." Saizo said scarred. "How did he do that."
"Now time for something really Showy!" he said tapping the top of his buckle. making a key that looked like Shinken red appear. "Gokai Change!" he said putting it in his phone.
"SHINKENGER!" it said as the Kanji for fire attached to his helmet turning him into Shinken Red.
"Shikenmaru!" he said drawing the sword. He then clashed with Barizorg, "Rekka Daizanto!" he said spinning the hilt turning the sword into a large Zanbato. He then slashed him back and took out several Gormin, "Many Flame Profusions!" he said as he smashed Barizorg with the blade that he blocked. "Your good." he said as he pushed him back. "But I'm better." he said as he spun around delivering several hits to Barizorg making him back off with each one, "HAH!" he screamed as he delivered one last slash that sent him skidding back.
"Unexpected turn of events." Barizorg answered as he got up and retreated with the surviving Gormins. "We'll settle this later Kaizoku." Barizorg added as the Zangyak left.
"Oi matte what're you guys after." Shinken Red asked as tried to make chase but then remembered. "Moka." he said as he change back into Gokai Red and made his way to her. "Are you all right."
"Yes Marvelous-Kun." She answered. "So its true you really are a Uchu Kaizoku."
"Hai I'm called Captain Marvelous a former Red Pirate and now currently the leader of the Gokaiger." he explained. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" she asked confused.
"About how humans treated you and how it made you feel." He told her. "But a friend of mine said not everyone or thing is evil there's good people and things out there you just gotta wait for it."
"Marvelous-Kun." Moka said touched by his words. but they forgotten about Saizo.
"Don't forget about me!" he shouted as he tackled Gokai Red.
"You never quit huh?" he asked as he kicked him off. "Gokai Change!"
"GORANGER!" his phone said as he became the first super Sentai Red.
"Ikuze!" he called as he punched him in the face sending him back, He then jumped up and kicked him "Red Vute!" he called as he pulled out a whip. He then smashed Saizo around and brought him in to hit him square in the face with a battle staff. "Come on that it?"
"KISAMA." Saizo yelled as he punched Akaranger in the back.
"Ahh." He let out. 'Damn that wound.' he thought
"Ah haa so you've got a weak spot." Saizo muttered as he repeatedly punch Akaranger in the back
"You think one weak spot is it?" he asked. as he put a new key into his phone. "Gokai Change!"
"GEKIRANGER!" his phone said as the Gekiranger symbol appeared over his body. He was now GekiRed.
"WakiWaki!" he said as he blocked all his attacks. He then punched him several times square in his face making him back off. "Geki waza! Hou Hou Dan!" he shouted as he made a large energy tiger shoot out at him, the tiger slashed at him several times making him fly back. "One more time!" he said as he pulled out another red key.
"MAGIRANGER!" his phone said as a magic symbol appeared over his head and turned him into MagiRed.
"Red Fire!" he said as he jumped up his body now covered in flames that took the shape of a phoenix, he crashed into Saizo making him explode in flames. As he skidded to a halt he changed back to normal Gokai Red. "Todomoda!" he said as he took out his phone and a ranger key.
"FINAL WAVE!" his gun said as he aimed it at Saizo.
"Gokai Shoot!" he said as he fired a red bullet that flew straight through Saizo
"Damn you I... I... I won't forget this." Saizo said somehow surviving amazing Marvelous.
"Wow he tough." he said slightly impressed. but then he noticed something. "Wait Moka." He called for. "Where did she.."
"AHHHHHHHHHH." he heard her scream coming from the direction in which the Zangyak had escaped
"Moka!" he said as he ran up to her. He then found several Gormin attacking her. "You losers never learn!" he said as he slashed them. "Gokai change!"
"GOSEIGER!" his phone called as a card attached to his helmet, making him GoseiRed.
"Skick Sword!" he said as he slashed at them. He then shot some with his holstered gun. "Try this."
"Explosion Skick power!" the little Head device said as a red tornado made them all fly away.
"Lets try this one" he said as he took out a another key.
"ZYURANGER!" it said as a large coin with the image of a T-rex connected to his body.
"Gekiryuken!" he said as he slashed them all with a broad sword, making most of them explode.
"Don't let your guard down." Barizorg said as he surprised Tyrannoranger bringing him down to his knees.
"You're really good." Marvelous said nicely but he was still outmatch.
"Marvelous-Kun." Moka cried as in amazing demonstration of strength he was able to hit Barizorg who then turned his attention on Moka.
"You will not interfere I will deal with you." he said as he walked towards Moka
"Moka!" Tyranoranger said but was then stomped on by Zugomin. "Ah Don't get in the way." he said as he slashed them. He then pushed Moka out of the way as both tumbled down a hill, "Moka are you okay?" he asked. But he was then pulled back by Barizorg.
"Good by Kaizoku!" he said as he slashed his sword only to have Tyranoranger blocked it with his.
"Not today robot boy!" he said as he held him back.
"Your pretty good." he said as he then kicked him back. "But your still a little off."
"Maybe!" he grunted as he tried to get up.
"Marvelous-kun!" Moka shouted as she helped him up.
"I'm okay but you gotta get away." Tyrannoranger told her as he gently pushed her out of the way and then continued his sword fight with Barizorg.
"Worry more about yourself." Barizorg told him as he slashed at the Red Sentai's hand causing something to fly far away.
"What was that." Tyrannoranger pondered.
"Oh my Rosario its missing." Moka said to herself
"EH?" Tyrannoranger asked as he flashed back to Gokai Red. "What did she said about that thing coming off?" he asked him self as a bright flash blinded him and Barizorg.
Moka than changed as her hair turned silver and her eyes a deep red color. 'Wow so taking it off turns her into a babe?' Gokai red said in his mind.-"Interesting?" Barizorg said as he watched the turn of events.
Moka than looked at the two. "So I was brought out to deal with this?" she asked confused to the sight before her. "Interesting to say the least." she said as she looked over Gokai Red. "your that boy who has been watching over my other self?"
"Yeah and not to ask the obvious but what the hell just happened?" he asked as he kicked Barizorg away.
"My Rosario it restrains my powers and the real me." she started.
"Real you?" Gokai Red asked confused. "Where's the other Mo... watch out." he said as he shot at the action commander who he thought he destroyed.
"Arigato I'll assist you for now." She told him as she entered the fray
"Thanks but you know if you do that you'll be on there hit list also you up for that?" he asked her as he aimed his gun. -"I don't mind." she shrugged
"You seem sure but I'm mainly asking to take care of the other you." he said as he shot the action commander.
"Well then you'll have to take care of her." she said as she kicked away a Zugomin.
"I don't think its fair but alright." he said as he slashed at another Zugomin.
"One too many lets try this then," he said as he took out another key.
"MASKMAN!" his phone said as he became Mask Red. He then punched them making them all fly
"Interesting trick." Moka said as she kicked more away. "You can turn into past Super Sentai." she pointed out.
-"Pretty much." he said as he punched more. "But there just Pirated versions." he shrugged as he took out a sword and slashed at more of them. He then changed back to normal again as he stood back to back with Moka.
"I see," she said as she kicked away the Action commander. he then hit Saizo.
"I will need to report this to the boss." Barizorg said as he disappeared.
"Got away." Gokai Red said as he looked at the sorry sight of the Action commander and Saizo. "Hade ni Ikuze." Gokai Red said as he took out several Ranger Keys he then put them all in and twisted them one after another he then finished it by putting his own key. He then set it down and he then crossed his arms as Vuleagle Shinken red Go-on Red and Red falcon appeared alongside him as did their swords. Gokai Red then picked up his sword and the other Red heroes mimicked his action. "You finished." Gokai Red then charged at them as the past heroes fused into his blade.
"GOKAIGER!" Was called as the Red pirate did a left cross slash as the blade made impact the Gokaiger symbol appeared. "LIVEMAN!" was then heard as Marvelous slashed Saizo and the Liveman symbol appeared. "GO-ONGER!" was next as he performed a straight slash. "SHINKENGER!" added as he performed as sword thrust. "SUN VULCAN!" was last as he cut the action commander down to the middle causing him to explode.
"One down one to go." he said as he twirled his sword.
"Allow me." Moka said.
"Go ahead." he said. as Moka went up to Saizo.
"Wah y-your a-a vampire!" he said shocked. "Those eyes that aura your not just a vampire but a S-level Yokai." he sad on the verge of peeing his pants.
"True and your that pathetic orc who thinks he is worthy of me." she said he eyes staring daggers. "Know Your Place!" she said as she kicked Saizo into deep space.
With the Zangyak, "Barizorg what is the meaning of this?" Warlz Gil asked.
"Well..." he started as something hit the window, They all saw Saizo stuck to the window. "Ah?" he said as they all saw the Orc stuck to the glass windshield of the ship.
"What is that?" Insarn asked.
"that would be the creature who helped me."
Back with the heroes.
"Wow that's far." Gokai red said.
"Why thank you." She said smugly. "Now for a real challenge." She said as she threw a kick at Gokai Red.
"What the hell." He said as he step back.
"Those guys weren't worth my time so I'll take you on." She said as she attacked him again
"Hey wait?" he said as he blocked the kicks with his arms. "I'm already hurt here woman." he said as he jumped over her. He then blocked more of her kicks,
"Your pretty good." she said as there hits met one another.
"Well my home planet had a pretty high gravity." he said as he blocked her kick. "That and I'm really good at fighting being a pirate its the only way to stay alive." he said as he blocked her kick with his own.
"Really?" she said with a smirk. "Then how is it your so wanted?" she asked.
"I have been fighting the Zangyak since I can remember, they destroyed my home world, and have killed many of my friends." he said as he delivered a few hits. "So I got quite the grudge." he said.
"Interesting tell me how do you learn how to fight." She asked.
"Hmm My Captain and sempai." Gokai Red answered as he recalled AkaRed teaching him is weapons skills and Sho showing him hand to hand combat techniques. "Listen do we really have to do this I don't want to hurt you."
"Don't worry about me."
"I'm not I'm more worried about the other Moka. Hey Moka if you in there tell yourself to stop."
"That's not the weirdest thing I have ever said." he said as he blocked more of her kicks. He then stumbled back as his transformation canceled. "Well I should have figured out what to do about that sooner." he said as he took off his jacket to check his wound.
"you alright?" Moka asked him.
"Fine." he said as he massaged his shoulders. "Just a flesh wound I've had worse." he said.
"Hmm I think I can do something about this if I had... oh yeah" Marvelous said as he took out his phone and typed in a number.
"GOKAIGALLEON!" was heard as Marvelous red ship appeared.
"So you getting medical supplies." Moka asked.
"Yeah I can treat these on my own." He told her as he made his way towards a rope.
"Your welcome to come aboard." he said as a second rope came down "Oh here's your necklace." he said tossing it to her. She then grabbed one of the ropes as it pulled them up. She the found her self in a large living room. "Welcome." he said as he sat down.
"You got hurt again?" a high pitched voice said. Moka looked to see a mechanical bird. "Hello." it said to her. "My name is Navi." it said to her.
"Nice to meet you." She said as she looked around.
"Marvelous when're we going back I miss Joe-Tachi." the metal parrot asked.
"Oh carp I almost forgot." Marvelous said as he took out his phone to call the others
"Hello." Luka said on Joe's phone.-"Luka where is Joe?" he asked.
"He's out cold no thanks to you where are you I had to come save him and Hakase on my own." she said with Don hanging on her leg. -"Please tell me where leaving her?" he begged.
"Get off!" she said smacking his head. "Any way I plan to sneak some more things from a Zangyak ship so don't wait up." she said. -"Marvelous I hope you have a good excuse?" Don asked angry.
-I was attacked by Zangyak here on earth." he said, as Navi patted his back.
"And he got hurt." she said.-"Well then I guess you've been busy." She joked.
"Marvelous who is that." Moka asked.
"Who is that?" Luka asked "Do you have a girl there?"
"Umm no one." He told Moka as he then turn to the phone. "And no I don't I'll leave the ship's tracking beacon on so you can find me Ja ne."
"Oi Marvelo-..." Don and Luka started till Marvelous hung up.
"That was close."
"You're telling me." Navi added. "What do we do about your new friend here." Navi asked pointing at Moka
"I honestly have no clue." he said as he bandaged his back. "So how what are the Zangyak doing here?" he asked the Mechanical parrot.
"Maybe there after this strange energy source here in the school." she said as she flew to the computer and taped on the screen. "Its a fairly weak source of power but it can be used against them effectively to defeat them if utilized as a weapon." she said as it showed the energy emanating from the school.
"Huh I think that source might be what separates the school from the normal human population." Marvelous surmised. "I would suggest taking it but I guess this place needs to be here." he said as he got a new shirt. "So navy any new Bounty's out there?" he asked.
"Funny you should ask your new friend here has been set as a new hit." she said as she printed out the bounty paper showing Moka and a price on her head. "You two are in trouble." Navi joked.
"Told you they take there enemies out fast and effectively." he said as he looked it over He then noticed it only had a picture of Inner Moka. "Well as long as you stay as the other you we should be fine." he said, as he gave it to her. "Well you will."
"We'll see later Kaizoku." She said as she reattached the Rosario turning her back into pink haired Moka who fell into Marvelous arms.
"Moka... Oi Moka... must be sleep." Marvelous surmised he then thought about the situation she was now in. "I guess I'm struck here for now." he said to himself as he put Moka into Luka's room on top of his nakama's bed. 'Good night.' Marvelous said in his head as he made his way to his room.
the next morning.
Moka woke up in a strange room. She knew it wasn't a school dorm room as it looked just different that and there was this large collection of gems all over the room. "Where am I?" she asked as she rubber her eyes.
"Good morning." Marvelous said from the door frame. "Looks like your awake." he said as he walked in. "So how did you sleep?" he asked her as he sat down in a chair.
"Fine where am I?" she asked. -"On my ship the Gokai Galleon." he said as Moka was shocked she then ran to a window and looked out side. -"Where flying!" she shouted freaked out.
"Yeah it is a space galleon." he joked making her faint. "Oh man!" he said as he went up to her. "Man why does this have to happen to me."
'Because your a pirate.' the voices of Akared Sho hell even Basco told him in a matter of fact tone in his mind.
"Well might as well wake her up." he sad as he picked her up and took her to the living room. "How do I wake her up again?" he asked as Navi landed on his shoulders.
"I know use one of you old socks." she said with a laugh.
"Stupid bird how will that work." he asked angrily.
"I'm not a bird I'm Navi." she said just as mad. She then went into Marvelous's room and brought back an old sock that she waved in front of Moka's face. She then woke up with a gasp. "See."
"What the… hell is that…stink." Moka yelled covering her nose.
"My socks." Marvelous said bluntly -"Do you wash your feet ever." Moka asked as she step back.
"YES." Marvelous said embarrassed. "By the way when do school start."
"It should start soon." she said as she waved the smell away. "Wait your staying?" she asked him.
"Yeah for two reasons, one the Zangyak are after something here and two I want to stay here with you. Friends need to stick together and help each other out." he said shyly
"Thank you." she said as she hugged him.
"Don't mention it." he said as he pried her off. "Come on." he said as he put his coat on.
"Where's your uniform?" she asked him as she followed.
"Never got it." he said as he showed her to a set of ropes. "Hang on this is our way out." he said as they descended to the ground. They then started walking towards the school. 'I get the feeling something is watching us.' he said in his mind as a blue head of hair was watching them. 'Over there.' he thought looking back. 'Guess it was nothing.', he then pulled out his phone. "A message, didn't know we could do that with this thing." he said
'me and Hakase are on our way, we'll see you soon. Joe' it read as Moka looked over to see.
OverNerd02: Will hello minna and thank you for reading the first chapter of. Kaizoku + Vampire.
Kamen Rider ZER0: As my friend has already stated thanks for reading our new fic, Now I know I my self have two other fic's with the same usage of R+V but we made this way before and only now got back to working on it. But any way I hope you like it we worked hard on this ya know.