Hello there! Um. Not really sure what to say about this story actually. My friend suggested it and I decided that it absolutely had to happen. My knowledge of Star Trek is limited to Chris Pine and Tribbles and very little else so humor me. This story if very much intended to be based around the 2009 versions of the characters since that is what I'm more familiar with. I hope you enjoy! Review so that I know someone actually reads this loony mess of a story!

I don't own Star Trek or Avengers.

Chapter One

"I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it-"

"Who showed you this power?" Thor says sharply, loudly, more worry in his eyes than Loki is accustomed to seeing from his would-be brother.

They are standing on a mountaintop on Midgard, but Thor's question has Loki's mind leading to another Midgard, a newer, faster, more intelligent Midgard. Brighter, shinier, reminiscent of his Asgardian home. The people in that Midgard remind Loki of Asgardians as well, brave, foolhardy even in their lust for exploration and new worlds. And then he remembers the one that was like him, different, wiser, less enthralled by what they found on their new worlds, more fascinated by why and how and how to reasonably evade capture without excessive killing and wasted time.


Loki's unofficial exile had not been easy. He had fallen for what felt like years to his already broken body, he had dropped through unseen skies, watched unfamiliar worlds fall by. And then when he closed his eyes as his lungs tightened, he felt his body tense on someone else's accord. A light curled around him and he blacked out. When he opened his eyes, he was looking up at the smooth white ceiling of an unfamiliar building. The building hummed with energy, with a kind of life that Loki had never felt.

"Who the hell are you?" A gruff voice demanded to know, and then a weathered face came into Loki's line of sight, a face that matched the voice.

"What?" Loki managed to say, quietly, painfully.

"Okay let's start over. I'm Doctor McCoy, the Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Now who the hell are you?"

"The what? I-I don't understand what's going-" Loki was cut off by McCoy turning away from him abruptly.

"This. This is exactly why we don't pick up strange floating men in outer space, Jim. Because they're incoherent and confused and all around unpleasant to talk to," McCoy hissed at the gold-clad man that watched him with curious eyes.

"We're explorers, Bones. This is what we do," the man in gold stated.

"No. We go to planets. We don't pick up hitchhikers," McCoy barked. He snapped his fingers at the silent girl in red who held some kind of thin book. "I need that now."

"The fact that he was breathing out there is fascinating," another voice, calm and emotionless, said. Another man in blue stepped into Loki's line of sight and looked down at him curiously. "What is your name?"

Loki didn't say anything. He was completely baffled by what had transpired. His day, already made bad by his brother returning and his father rejecting him, had been officially ruined by these primary-color wearing space explorers that had somehow managed to keep him strapped down to their flimsy hospital bed. When McCoy approached him with a harshly glinting needle, Loki realized that he had been drugged, and he couldn't fight off the sleep that they were forcing on him yet again.

"I've never seen anything likes this before, and that's saying something," Dr. McCoy said with amazement in his voice. "He looks human, everything about him looks human, but his vitals are nothing like a human's. It'd take a lot to kill this guy."

"I like him. Can we keep him?" Jim asked eagerly.

"Captain, he is not a pet," I said.

"Dammit, Jim. Don't you have things to be doing?" Dr. McCoy said testily.

"Not really, no."

"You're not the captain or anything. Nothing important?" Dr. McCoy was practically attacking his PADD in his annoyance.

"Fiiine. I get it if you want me to leave. Just- Captain's orders here. You are not allowed to toss him out the garbage chute, okay? Okay. I'm leaving." The captain left the Sick Bay and I turned back to look at the still figure lying in the bed.

"He will be very interesting to learn about," I said without really meaning to.

Dr. McCoy shrugged. "Unless he kills us in our sleep."