*_*Chapter 6*_*

-She Believed-

Previously in SY:

"Wait!" The man in front turned around a looked deeply into my soul.

"Yes Bella?"

I took a deep breath.


"I believe you."

"You do?" he asked doubtfully, but somehow his eyes were full of hope.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't believe you're lying because the things you say – I remember some."

"But you don't remember me?"

"Edward, from what you said, I remember most of our childhood: the games, birthday parties, the sleepovers. The doc said it's not unusual for cars-crash victims not lose their recent memory." After a beat I added, "And from what you've said, we have a lot of catching up to do."

A grin broke out across his face as he gingerly moved towards my bed. Hesitantly, he leaned towards me.

Shit. Please don't kiss me. Please. I'm not ready.

I closed my eyes and held my breath. After what seemed like hours, his lips touched my forehead on the boundary between my skin and the bandage covering my head. I let out the breath I'd been holding. Edwards lips, still pressed against my skin, moved into a smile. For a moment, I could swear he was sniffing me. Weird.

Bastard. He knew the effect he had on me.

"I hope you know what this means, Bella?" he asked, pulling away from me slightly. I instantly missed the contact of our skin.


He leaned in once again, this time towards my ear. His breath fanned over my neck, making me shiver and goose bumps to rise on my skin. Edward paused, kissing below my ear lobe once, twice.

"Now that I've found you again Miss Swan, there is no way in hell I am letting you go." He smirked, pulling away and heading towards the sliding doors of my room.

Before exiting completely, he looked back as if to make sure I haven't disappeared in the last twenty seconds. I gave him a weak smile, which he returned with a wink and left to go find everyone else again.

Immediately I reached for my phone on the bedside table, quickly dialing the number.

Ring. Ring. Come on, fucking pick up.

Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Black! You have some explaining to do."


okay, so first off, i want to apologise. AGAIN.

tbh, i completely forgot about this with all my school work and being in hospital and just generally sometimes shitty life.

shoutout to yhan29 for reminding me about updating 3

I'm going to try to write some stuff on the way to and from school, and just generally find some spare time. I mean I am studying Literature, so I guess this is all part of it, right? ;)

thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has been loyal and patient and stuck by this story even thought its really bad! XD

much love to the oldies and newbies to SY, see you all very soon 3

Misia xoxoxo