Bella and Paul

Summary; What happens if when Bella slapped Paul he imprinted on her ,can you love the person you hate?

Bella POV

I swear I was going to kill Jake when I saw him, he said he would always be there and then he just ignores me for weeks. He even had Billy lying to me. I knew he was lying to me because if he wasn't he would at least answer the phone when I called. I hated that he was doing this to me. I just wish he would at least tell me the truth.

I got in my truck and drove to La Push. It had been weeks since I had been here but the little red house was still exactly the same. I walked up and knocked on the door before I had even realised it.

Billy opened the door

"Bella, what are you doing here?" Billy asked

"I need to see Jake" I said

"He's out" He stated

"I thought he's sick" I answered

"HEY BILLY!" Some one shouted from the back of the house and then they walked around the side of the house.


"Jake?" I asked, he looked…different.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I needed to talk to you" I said and walked over to him

"About what?"

"I thought you were too sick to go outside or answer the phone or anything else" I said

"Yeah I was. What's your point?" He asked coldly

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked

"We can't be friends" Jacob said and i actually felt like I was about to break again. Some other guys came out of the trees and started walking towards Jake and me.

"What do you mean we can't be friends?" I asked, not caring about the crack in my voice

"I mean we can't be friends, what do you not understand?" Jacob spat at me

"Why are you being like this?" I asked, the guys tha came out were now standing behind Jake but I couldn't care if they heard this or not.

"I'm not being like anything, I just don't want to be friends anymore Bella. Get over it" He said and turned around to face the other guys that showed up

"You promised" I whispered and I saw Jake go to turn around but one of the other guys came out from around Jake.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You stupid or somethin'?" The guy said

"Paul!" One of the others shouted

"He doesn't want to be your friend anymore! Deal with it!" Paul shouted. I looked up and met his eyes for a second before I slapped him in the face.

"Shit!" The one who spoke before said. "Paul, calm down!"

Paul was shaking and he was growling, what the hell?

"Bella, get back!" Jake shouted

I walked back a few steps before tripping over a bit of wood which was lying on the ground. I fell back and landed on my back and heard a roar and the growling became louder, I felt warm breath on my face. When I opened my eyes I was met with a giant growling wolfs face inches away from mine. I stared into it's eyes that hadn't seemed to of changed from the eyes that I saw on Pauls face. Wait, this was Paul. Shit, Paul was a wolf and he was on top of me and I slapped him. Ok, I have a giant angry wolf on top of me, why am I not scared?

"Paul!" I heard Jake hiss. Paul turned his head and looked at him

"Get off her, we need to think about how the fuck to fix this!" The one who spoke first said.

Paul looked down at me again before jumping off me and running into the woods. I sat up and saw everyone was staring at me, awkward…..

"Well this is awkward" I said braking the silence and making two of the boys laugh but Jake and the one who seems to speak just stood glaring.

"I like Bella" One of the two who were laughing said

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked, confused

"I'm Quil, that's Embry" Quil said pointing to the other one who laughed "And that's Sam and you know Jake"

"So…. Jake is that why you ignored me?" I asked

"What?" He asked coldly

"Because you're a giant wolf?" I asked

"How did you know I'm a giant wolf?"

"It's not that hard when you see one giant Quilete guy turn into a wolf infront of you to figure out that the other guys who have Quilete tattoos and are all really tall" I said

"We're not that tall" Embry said

"How tall are you?" I asked

"6,6''" He replied

"What?" I asked

"How tall are you?" He asked

"5,7''" I replied and Embry and Quil burst out laughing again

"How can you two laugh, after everything that has just happened?" Sam asked

"Nothing that bad has happened. Bella already knows vamps exist so what if she knows about wolves the only thing she might have a problem with is finding out is that Paul imprinted on her" Quil said earning a growl from Jake.

"What are you talking about? How did you know I knew about vampires?" I asked standing up

"Jake." Embry and Quil replied at the same time

"Ok, what is the thing about me and Paul?" I asked.

Paul walked out of the woods then and walked up to me

"There is no thing about me and you. Never will be, so just go back to Forks and forget everything here because guess what it was a bunch of shit that meant nothing. So just leave and never come back" Paul spat at me and left. I stared after him, trying to blink back that tears that were trying to make an appearance.

"Bella-"Jake said but I cut him off

"See you around Jake" I said and started walking towards my truck

"Bella, wait!" Jake shouted after me. I quickly wiped away the tears that fell and turned to face him.

"What?" I asked

"Don't listen to Paul, ok? We still need to talk to you" Jake said

"No, you don't because it's not like I'll be coming back here because after all this was 'just a bunch of shit'" I said quoting Paul and jumped in my truck and drove out of the drive. I managed to get past the sign that said I was leaving La Push before I had to pull over and just burst into tears.

Why was I so upset about something Paul said? I didn't even know him and he had me breaking down in tears over him saying that what happened there was a bunch of shit and I wasn't to ever go back. I needed to get a hold of myself because I was losing it. I wasn't going to let myself get like this all because of someone who said a few nasty words to me.

I drove home quickly and started making dinner for Charlie. I had to take tablets for heart burn because it felt like my heart was on fire but it didn't help. I felt like I had to go to La Push but I wasn't going to because that was just stupid. Another stupid thing was that I couldn't get Paul out of my head. Every time I closed my eyes there he was every time I tried to concentrate there he was again, it was fucking annoying.

Charlie walked in and got a beer out of the fridge

"Hey, Bells" He greeted me and sat down at the table

"Hey, dad, dinners nearly ready" I said and started putting the food on the plates. I sat his plate down and started eating mine when I got a sharp pain in my heart causing me to nearly knock over my glass of water.

"You alright Bells?" Charlie asked, concerned

"Yeah, don't worry about it" I said

"You sure, you look like you're in pain" Charlie said. I felt like I was. I picked up my water and was in the middle of drinking it when I got a sharp pain in my heart causing me to spill it everywhere, I was expecting it to go away but the pain didn't stop .

I clutched my chest and tried to breathe but it was hard to just do that.

"Bella? Bella, what's wrong?" Charlie asked

"Don't…know" I groaned and felt another pain.

"I'm calling an ambulance" Charlie said and quickly dialled the number. A picture of Pauls face flashed across my eyes making me more annoyed.

"Bastard" I hissed and Charlie looked at me in shock and shook his head and started talking down the phone. What the hell was happening to me? Was this what a heart attack was? Crap, now I'm scared I'm having a heart attack! Fuck that hurt!

"Bella, breathe, you're turning purple. An ambulance is on it's way, it's going to be ok" Charlie said, kneeling down in front of me.

"It hurts" I groaned

"I know, it's gonna be ok Bells, it's gonna be ok" Charlie and then I was getting carried out of the house and into the ambulance. I looked up and saw Paul at the end of the street looking at me in pain. Good he should be in pain!

When we got to the hospital it was an endless cycle of being poked and prodded and getting my heart listened to. I didn't have a heart attack but it was close to one. I had to get kept in hospital overnight to be checked out. Billy and Jacob were here, which I didn't know was a good or bad thing. Charlie came up and told me that Jake wanted to talk to me so I agreed.

"Hey" Jake said as he walked in and closed the door beside him

"Hi" I replied.

"What're you doing here?" I asked

"I need to talk to you about something" Jacob started but I cut him off

"If it involves Paul or wolves or any other weird thing I don't want to hear it" I said and he sighed

"Bella, I know you don't want to hear it but you need to. I know what Paul said today was harsh and unnecessary, no one is talking to him right now, so can you please just listen to this and then you can kick me out? Please?" Jake asked

"Fine" I sighed and Jake sat in the chair next to me.

"Right so you know about the wolves and everything this is going to be easier. Well, wolves have this thing called imprinting and it's like love at first sight but stronger and what happens is that you can't get that person out of your head they are everything to you and you to them. They will never hurt you and never leave you or cheat on you or anything like that. They are with you for life. What I'm saying is that, Paul imprinted on you" Jacob said.

"Ok, so what wolf shit is it that got me stuck in a hospital:?" I asked

"What? How did you know it was wolf shit?" He asked smiling

"Because if it wasn't you wouldn't be in here telling me about imprinting" I told him

"Right well, Paul may of tried to get it on with another girl because he didn't want the imprint so that kind of caused you to feel it, so you kind of are in here because of that" Jake said in a rush

"You said he couldn't hurt me or anything like that" I stated

"We all thought he couldn't but Paul…he's very stubborn and persistent and doesn't like his choices taken away and he's also quite annoying and loud to be honest Bella, I'm very sorry he imprinted on you" Jacob said

"What do you mean choices taken away?"

"Well, he didn't really have a choice about imprinting on you so that's why he acted that way towards you, so he thought if he got with another girl he could break the imprint but it had the opposite effect"

"So I'm in here because he is a stubborn bastard who didn't want me and thought it would be fun to get with another girl?" I asked

"Yes" Jake clarified

"Is he in hospital?" I asked

"….No he isn't" Jacob replied reluctantly

"Why not?" I asked, annoyed that I was the one that had to suffer because of him

"He did feel the heart pain like yours but because we're wolves we can with stand pain easier so he didn't feel what you felt as bad" Jacob explained

"Where is he now?" I didn't actually know why I wanted to know I just did

"He's in the waiting room because it hurts to be away from you"

"I don't want him here, Jake"

"Why not? Would you rather be in pain?"

"I'd rather this all not be real, to be honest with you" I told him

"Yeah, well it's real. Why do you want him to leave?"

"He's only here because he doesn't want to hurt, he isn't actually here because he feels sorry about what he done or anything like that. He told me to stay away from him and forget everything that had happened this is me doing that. Now get him to leave please" I begged Jake

"Ok" He said and walked out of the room.

Paul POV (From the beginning)

We were walking out of the forest when we saw Jake standing talking to a girl, I think her name was Bella. We walked up and stood behind him, she didn't even seem to notice we were there. Jake turned around and was about to say something when she spoke up again.

"You promised" Bella whispered. I dont know why it made me angry, it just did.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You stupid or somethin'?"

"Paul!" Sam shouted, I felt myself start to shake slightly

"He doesn't want to be your friend anymore! Deal with it!" I shouted at her. She looked up at me and met my eyes for a second. SHIT! No, no,no! I didn't just imprint I didn't, as if that wasn't enough to make me angry she slapped me.

"Shit!" Sam breathed "Paul, calm down!" I couldn't I felt my bones start to crunch inside me

"Bella, get back!" Jacob shouted at her. She took a few steps back before she fell just as I phased.

I hated doing this, it sucked. I looked down and realised was on top of her….as a wolf….growling. Fuck, I didn't just imprint, theres another choice taken away from me! I hated this, I hated being a wolf, I hated my life and as if that wasn't enough, I've just imprinted on the leech lover! GO ME!.

"Paul!" Jacob hissed, I turned my head and looked at them.

"Get off her! We need to think about how the fuck to fix this" Sam ordered. I got off her and walked into the woods. I phased back and pulled my shorts on.

I hated that this happened but for some reason I was also happy, I quickly ignored that emotion and replaced it with more hate. I had to think of a way to get out of this and get her to believe that I didn't want it.

I walked out of the forest and right up to her.

"There is no thing about me and you. Never will be, so just go back to Forks and forget everything here because guess what it was a bunch of shit that meant nothing. So just leave and never come back" I spat at her. Ok that hurt to say, a lot. I could smell her tears as I walked away. I felt like shit right now. Why the hell did I just do that? Oh yeah, because I didn't want another one of my choices take away, that's it.

I walked to the beach and collapsed down onto the sand. I put my head in my hands and couldn't help the tears that fell. What was wrong with me? I never cried the last time I cried was when my mum died and my dad left. I have never cried since, I never let emotion show, never and here I was crying over some stupid girl I didn't even know.

"Paul!" Quil shouted, as he ran over to me. I quickly dried my eyes, even though he would know I was crying.

"What was wrong with you back there?" He asked as he sat down next to me

"Nothing, just telling her the truth" I replied, coldly

"That wasn't the truth but. You know it wasn't, you imprinted on her, that's not a bunch of shit." Quil told me

"Yeah, well, it's done now so no need to bring it up anymore. I know just how to forget about it" I said, smiling. Here's the thing I'm a man-whore so when I get upset or angry or just about any emotion, I will fuck anything that walks, except guys that would just be awkward.

"Paul, no you can't" Quil said, realising what I was going to do

"Yes I can, I don't even know the chick so nothing can happen to me or her, so I can go and forget everything that has happened today"

"You know that's not the case, do you not remember what happened with Sam and Leah?"

"Yeah, I do but that was different. Now just leave it Quil" I said and stood up

"Fine, but don't call me when you want a lift to the ER because you're having a heart attack" He said and walked off in the other direction.

I stood up and ran to my car and started driving. I didn't know where I was going but I just had to drive to a club get drunk and get laid, in that order.

I pulled up to the only club in La Push and walked in. I couldn't actually get drunk because of the whole, wolf metabolism thing but I could get a buzz and that was good enough for me. When I walked up to the bar, I sat next to probably the real life Barbie doll,she was that fake but I didn't care I just need something to get my mind off of her.

"Hey" I greeted her, giving her my best smile

"Hi" She replied,

"What's your name?" I asked

"Zoey" She answered "Yours?"

"Paul, remember it, you'll be screaming it later" I replied, grinning at her

"You always that sure of yourself?" She asked

"Maybe, gets me what I want"

"And what do you want?" Zoey asked, even though I think she knew the answer

"I want to fuck you so hard you can't walk for a week" I told her honestly. She grinned back at me and tugged my arm and started walking out of the club. I pulled her over to my car, all the while feeling this really annoying pain in my heart. I pushed her up against the side of my car and crashed my lips to hers. The pain in my heart only intensified. I groaned out in pain but Zoey took that as something else,she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me harder.

It felt like my entire body was on fire with the amount of pain I was feeling.I wonder what Bella must be feeling. Stop thinking about her! I pulled away and started kissing down her neck.

"Paul" She moaned and I felt sick and a giant pain went through my heart and I could help the little groan that came out, followed by more pain.

"Fuck" I gasped, it was starting to get hard to breathe but I was ok for now. Bellas' face came across my eyes and the pain once again intensified.

"Bitch" I hissed and Zoey looked at me

"Excuse me?" She asked, looking annoyed and I felt another stab of pain, I couldn't ignore it this time, if what I was feeling hurt like this….Bellas' pain would be worse.

"I gotta go" I said quickly and pushed away from her

"What? Why?" She shouted

"I just have to sorry!" I shouted back as I ran away. Yes I could have take my car but then that meant having to jump around Zoey to get in my car.

I was half way to Bellas' house when I felt another stab of pain causing me to double over and clutch my chest. I phased as I could run faster and ran trying to ignore the thoughts of Embry and Jared.

I got to the woods at the back of her house and phased back and pulled on my shorts on. I ran to the front of her house at the corner of her street as I felt another stab of pain. I looked up and met Bella's eyes for a second. She was being carried into an ambulance. No,no,no,no! Fuck! What have I done?

The ambulance started to drive away. I had to get to Jake he and Billy would be going because it's Charlie so they would have to go.

When Jacob saw me, he wasn't happy…at all. He started ranting at me and everything but was cut off when I doubled over as I felt another stab go through me.

"What's wrong with you?" Jake asked, not sounding concerned at all

"Bella. Hospital, need to go" I stuttered out

"You done this to her, you know" Jake said as he went in to get Billy and start driving to the hospital.

When we got there I ran out of the car but Jacob stopped me.

"No, Charlie doesn't even know anything about you. If he asks why you're here, you met Bella when we were working on the Rabbit ok?" Jacob asked and I nodded my head. We walked into the hospital and was met with the sight of Charlie pacing back and forth in the waiting room. He looked up when he saw Billy and walked over.

"Hey Billy" Charlie greeted him

"Hey, what happened to her?" Billy asked

"Don't know, it was like she was having a heart attack or something, she's alright now but they want to keep her in over-night" Charlie said

"Can I see her?" Jacob asked and I wanted to hit him. I didn't want him anywhere near Bella and my wolf wanted to rip him apart for even thinking about it. I looked at him and he whispered too low for Billy or Charlie to hear.

"Do you honestly think he's going to let a stranger see his daughter first?" He asked

"You're right" I sighed reluctantly



"Watch it, he carries a gun" Jacob whispered and walked away

"Who are you?" Charlie asked looking at me.

"I'm friends with Bella, I met her when she and Jake were working on the rabbit together" I lied, which was surprisingly easy.

"Alright, Billy you wanna come with me to get coffee?" Charlie asked

"Yeah, you be ok here alone Paul?" Billy asked

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p'.

Charlie and Billy left, leaving me alone in the waiting room. I sat down and automatically my knee started bouncing on the. My wolf was going crazy thinking that another wolf was with his imprint when she was hurt. I should be in there with her, but she probably doesn't want to see me. She probably doesn't even want me near after everything I said to her, why did I say all that shit to her, I'm such an idiot. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Jake until he started clicking his fingers in front of my face.

"Paul, you ok?" Jacob asked, looking worried

"How is she?" I asked ignoring his question


"Right, I'm gonna go talk to her" I said and stood up to be pushed back down again, "What the hell?" I asked

"I don't think that would be a good idea" Jacob said

"Why not?"

"To quote Bella she said, "He's only here because he doesn't want to hurt, he isn't actually here because he feels sorry about what he done or anything like that. He told me to stay away from him and forget everything that had happened". So I don't think she really wants to see you right now" Jake said looking sorry.

"I want to see her so bad, Jake. I feel like I'm about to collapse if I don't get near her"

"Yeah, well you did this man. You can only blame yourself" Jacob said truthfully

"I know, I know I did, but I want to fix this" I said

"You may be in trouble, if you thought that you were stubborn she's a hundred times more stubborn" Jacob said

"Ok" I said "What room is she in?"

"You..she…third on the left" Jacob said, sinking into a seat.

I stood outside her room and looked through the window. She looked so small hooked up to all the different machines. I knocked on the door but didn't get a reply, I knocked again and she said something that I thought was an ok so I opened the door.

"How's it goin'?" I greeted as I closed the door.

"Get out" She stated

"Bella i-"

"Didn't Jake tell you? I don't want you here, you told me to forget, I'm doing that, since I'm doing that for you can you do this one thing for me?"

"What do you want me to do?" I asked

"Leave me alone" She whispered, I looked up and met her eyes that were filled with tears.

"I can't do that" I stated

"Yes you can, just go please" She begged and closed her eyes.

I walked over and sat on the chair next to her bed. The pain in my chest was now completely gone but it was now replaced by the combined hurt of mine and Bella's.

"Please, go" She begged again.

"I can't" I whispered

"Just because you don't want to feel the pain" She said

"No, because I can't" I replied

"This is just crap" She whispered

"What I did was crap"

"Go, please, you won't hear from me again. I'll stay away from La Push, I'll move back to Pheonix if that's what it takes, just please go" She begged again, I felt my self start to cry at the thought of her leaving me like that, oh wait she isn't mine to leave.

"I'm not leaving" I said and took her hand in mine. She let her hand sit there for a moment before pulling it out of my grasp and turning on her side, so she couldn't see me

"I'm not leaving Bella" I said

"I don't want you here"

"Sometimes we don't get what we want"

"Yeah, well you got what you didn't want, didn't you. You got me." She stated

"I never said I didn't want you"

"No, you just said that we will never have anything and that everything that happened today was just a bunch of shit that I needed to forget" She countered

"I didn't mean that" I tried

"Yes you did, don't lie" She said, wow no one ever caught me out on my lies

"You want the truth?" I asked

"No, I want you gone" She said, it hurt when I heard the crack in her voice

"Bella, please" I begged. I started to twirl a strand of hair around my finger.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Playing with your hair" I stated

"Can you stop?" Bella asked

"I can" I said, smiling slightly

"Will you?" She corrected herself

"Maybe" I thought and stopped playing with her hair.

"Will you go?" Bella asked

"I don't think I can" I whispered and crossed my arms on the bed and rested my chin on my arms.

"Why not?" Bella asked before she yawned

"If I leave it means I've lost you"

"You never had me to lose" She told me

"You're right, but I want you to be mine" I told her

"I'm not, nor will I ever be anybody's"

"Bella, I need you" I said

"I'm not doing this" She whispered

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going through this again" It was like she was talking to herself

"Bella, what are you talking about?" I asked she rolled over onto her back and covered her face with her hands

"I'm not doing this again"

"Bella, what is it?"

"Please, go, I can't do this again" She said, she sat up and looked at me, "Please, please go"

"Tell me what you can't do again?" I asked

"I'm not telling you, I'm not doing this again. Just go!" She was shouting now, the beeping from the machines seemed to get louder and faster.

"Bella, calm down, your heart" I said

"You done this! You're the reason I'm here! Go, please, go!"

"Bella what happened?"

"GO!" She screamed and a nurse walked in.

"What's going on?" The nurse asked looking between me and Bella. Bella was clutching her chest in pain.

"Bella, are you alright?" The nurse asked walking over to her, "Sir, I think you should leave and let her rest" The nurse said as she started pushing buttons on the machines

"I can't" I told her, looking at Bella who was starting to calm down

"Sir, please leave" The nurse said. Why was everyone trying to get me to leave?

"Paul…" Bella gasped out as she grabbed her chest again in pain, I could feel it slightly but nothing like she was feeling. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into my lap.

"It's ok" I whispered in her ear and she started to calm down.

The nurse looked at us for a moment before she walked out of the room

"I hate you" She whispered after a while of silence

"I hate me too" I whispered back

"I'm tired" She told me

"Ok" I said and laid her down on the bed and stood up and was about to walk out the room when she stopped me





"I don't wake up in the middle of the night having a heart attack" She told me and I laughed slightly at that

"Sure" I said and sat back down on the chair on laid my head on the edge on the bed on top of my hands.

"If I wake up in the morning with a sore neck I'm blaming you" I said laughing and she laughed back.

"I can live with that" She told me "Night"

"Good night Bella"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Stop…. Don't…please" I woke up hearing Bella talking. I looked up and saw she was still asleep but she was talking and crying now.

"Please stay" She mumbled

"Bella?" I asked but she was really out of it

"Let me go. Edward…Please" She mumble. Edward? Oh yeah the vamp that left her in the forest, why was she dreaming about him? But she wsnt dreaming if she was she wouldn't be crying. She started to sob and she was rolling about in the bed and then she started screaming.

"Bella! Bella, wake up! Bella, stop screamin'!" I was shaking her but she wasn't waking up

"Bella, wake up!" I said but she wouldn't. What would wake her up? I wasn't going to slap her because that was abuse, what else would wake her up? I looked down at her and saw she was still crying but had stopped screaming.

"Bella,Bella wake up!" I tried again but didn't get anything.

"Don't leave" She said again but was still asleep. I looked up and saw a jug of water on the table. She would kill me but it would get her to stop screaming. I reached over and grabbed it.

"I'm sorry" I said and poured it over her face. Bella gasped and sat up almost immediately.

"Right before you kill me you were screaming and you wouldn't wake up" I said quickly before she could say anything. She looked around the room and burst out crying again.

"Bella, Bella what's wrong?" I asked. She looked towards me as if just realising I was there and shook her head.

"Nothing, sorry" She apologised

"You're saying sorry for crying?" I asked confused by that

"No for screaming" She replied and I nodded

"Sorry for, you know, pouring water over you" I apologised

"It's fine" She answered

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked

"It wasn't a dream" She said

"What was it then?"

"Hell" She answered

"Hell?" I asked

"Can we just drop it?"

"Um…ok. Should probably get out of the bed but because you'll end up getting' sick or somethin' if you don't get dry" I said and she nodded and started to get up. I had to help her dis-connect herself from a couple of the machines so she could get out of the bed. She sat down on the chair and I walked over and sat down on the window sill on the other side of the room.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked, after a very awkward silence

"A little, but I shouldn't"

"Why not?"

"'Cause then it would be more real, I don't want that"

"Or it more fake because it's just a dream"


"So…." I said and she smiled slightly

"So you want to know what I'm dreaming about?" She asked

"If you want to"

"Edward Cullen"