Note: My contribution to Loki-shipping. Include Thorki and IronFrost.
Warning: Mention of rape, torture and non-graphic copulating activity.
Loki subconsciously knew that it was his fault that Midgard fell into chaos. Yes, he was the one who 'stole'—even though it was rightfully the Chitauri's—the Tesseract. He knew that they would punish him—he had, in all honesty, knew that even though he only created half of the problem, he would be blamed for everything, and hence, the punishment. And he understood that nobody would stand for him—after al, what was he, if not an abandoned baby adopted and raised half-heartedly by the Allfather, an unwanted son who threatened the perfection of the Royal family? So when he was subjected to he court in front of everybody in Asgard; degraded and spitted on and mocked on and looked down upon with no one there to talk for him—and he couldn't so it himself since his mouth was kept tight with the sew and lock-he accepted it in a stride.
And he surrendered completely to his fate when they took him into the dungeon—the place where they punished all those captured villains and war captives. He was silent as they whipped, kicked, punched, used all those torture equipments and marred his body from pale to red by his own blood. He was silent. He was used to pain.
But he wasn't used to the humiliation when he was taken and defiled against his wish. It was started by one of the elder who 'visited' his cage. The old man satisfied himself in expense of Loki's pain and humiliation finishing prematurely and leaving Loki exposed and naked for all the prison guards to gawk upon his naked, bruised body.
And they started to touch, to probe, and in the end, penetrated him.
It continued for sometime, until Loki didn't know where he was or why he was still alive. All he knew was that he was a disappointment and he was punished for everything he was. His mistake, his birth, his life, his characteristics, his actions. Everything about him was wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
It was then suddenly Thor came into his cell and looked terrified. The man Loki used to call brother looked enraged and immediately covered him with his own cape. Loki wasn't sure why he deserved the cape, but he didn't do anything. He has surrendered to everything he was given and a cape was way better than a whip.
He stayed silent as Thor took him in his arms. Well, maybe because his mouth was still sewn shut together.
Loki could hear voices around him.
"…your father might wake up soon and he wouldn't be happy with this, Thor!"
"I know, but I cannot leave Loki alone like that! Sif, you have seen his injuries, his conditions, his eyes…. I cannot let my brother be like that!"
"If you do not agree with my choice you are welcome to leave and pretend you have nothing to do with this. I am perfectly fine to defend my brother's honour by myself."
"You too, mother! Don't you see how badly hurt Loki is now?"
"I can see it, my son. I am the one who healed most of his injuries, remember? But this is something that only Odin can decide, and we need to plan something or Odin would be very angry when he woke up. The elders are arguing outside…"
"No! I wont let them come and take my brother away! They will not come and harm Loki any longer!"
A tingle of warmth seeped into his chest. Even in his half delirious state, Loki felt himself smile.
And the thread sewn to his lips was gone.
It wasn't an easy recovery, but Loki was relief when Thor and Frigga were the only one coming and taking care of him. Frigga, his adoptive mother, was the only person in the nine realms whom Loki felt a kin of affection. Because he could sense that at least the Allmother did love him to a degree—at least she was very gentle and she kissed his forehead more often than she did Thor. She stayed by his bed side several hour per day, changing his cloth and herbs; fuelling the healing charms around him. and Loki was grateful for that. A beggar couldn't choose, and Frigga's attention felt like water in the desert.
Thor was another matter entirely. Thor was the rightful son of Odin and Frigga, the rightful prince to the throne. He was the rightful and the best son in Asgrad, the most handsome and strongest in land. Loki used to be compared to him, and of course, Loki—with all the books and magic and his preference to stay in the background and observed rather than using violence and strength to get his aim—lost. Loki was nothing compared to Thor. It made the God of Trickster bitter, especially after he knew his real identity—and abandoned unwanted son of Laufey the Jotun monster.
Yet Thor was the only one to safe him and still protected him (and called Loki brother!) after all the problems Loki brought.
So when he asked Thor why, and Thor replied—with blush and stuttering—that it was all because of love, Loki let the muscled God kissed him and had his way with him.
'I love you' Thor had said.
And Loki believed him. After all, his body has been defiled so many times (it was a wonder he hadn't had another child yet), what was another defilement counts?
It continued, whatever happened between them—the copulation, the gentle caresses, the cuddle, the smiles, the conversation, the shyness—until Odin woke up. By then, Loki was half convinced that maybe his brother was not an idiot over-muscled God. Maybe his brother did love him like he did to the Migardian woman—Lady Jane. Maybe Loki deserved the love—well, the copulation definitely enjoyable, compared to what he had in the past; and the gentleness was very welcome. The attention was something Loki found very enjoyable to bask in, because he had never gotten such full attention from anybody in his memories.
Yet, it ended when Odin woke up.
The Allfather was enraged and Thor ended up in a very volatile argument with his father. Loki stayed behind Thor, trying to hide and not to winced everytime the man he used to think as father called him names: 'need to punish', 'bad deed' and 'disappointment'. And he watched helplessly as Frigga stayed away from the argument, even though sometimes the lady Loki used to think as mother (and he still wished he could) only gave him an apologetic look from time to time.
But when on the heat of the moment, Thor admitted that he knew what has been happening to Loki inside the cell—the torture and the defilement—and let it happened, only till the point that he felt it was enough to atone whatever Loki's mistake was; and his current problem with Odin was that Loki had enough torture and defilement that everything should stop. Loki felt his eyes opened so wide it hurt. So Thor wasn't angry because he was tortured and defiled like a scarlet woman. No, Thor was angry because he thought Loki's punishment was enough in length already. And that means Thor agreed to the punishment. Thor agreed that Loki deserved to be used by so many elders and prison guards.
Thor wasn't saving him because he didn't agree to what Loki had to endure—Thor merely disagreed to the time length of such treatment.
Oh, those lies. Those 'I love you's meant nothing now. Loki just realized he had been lied at, and the irony was that he believed those lies desperately because… because he wanted to be lied upon.
Loki's chest hurt so much and retracted himself from Thor as far as possible. It was then Thor realized he had spoken out his most important secret, and he turned to watch his—brother, lover, and enemy all in one—paled and shook.
Those big doe emerald orbs started to cloud and the raw emotion struck Thor, reminding him what a grave mistake he had done.
Before anybody could say anything, Loki disappeared.
Odin groaned and ordered his guards to catch Loki, but it was futile. Loki was nowhere found in Asgard. Both Odin and Thor felt like a déjà vu—it was just like the Bridge falling scene all over again.
He awake to find himself in Midgard once again. He was unconscious from the dimension travelling he had forced himself onto. Around him was the lower end corner of Manhattan, and he was, ironically, sprawled over trash bags.
Feeling bitter, Loki didn't know what to do. He put himself together and walked around. He subconsciously discarded his clothing, one by one, until he only had one layer on top of his undergarment as he walked through the neighbourhood. He saw himself in the mirror in the display window and saw a pathetic, pale looking creature with no future. Funny when he thought he used to think he would be a king.
Feeling disgusted by himself, Loki used the last of his used-up magic and turned himself into a female version of himself.
For people always love his female self better than his real self.
Tony was looking for a catch that night when he saw Loki. No, he was wrong. This Loki look-alike was a lady. So it definitely wasn't Loki.
The lady was seated on one of the small settee by the corner of the room, with an old man lecherously feeling the silk on top of her covered thigh. The lady looked impassive and let it happened, but Tony knew it wouldn't be right for him as a hero if he didn't safe the damsel in distress from the lecherous old dragon. Thus, he strutted to the corner and smiled when he saw the two of them recognised his face.
"Good evening, my lady. Care for a drink and dance?"
The old man—which, Tony just realized, was the CEO of a minor (compared to STARK industry) metal manufacturer—protested weakly as the lady looked at Tony and back at the old man, measuring something. Which was the bigger catch, maybe, and Tony smirked when he knew he won. The lady stood up, her elegant long figure-hugging green silk gown fell nicely around her body and she nodded to Tony.
Tony found himself in the company of a silent, but clearly witty (and if he wanted to be honest, maybe even as genius as he was) high class prostitute. She was one of the most beautiful prostitute he ever seen, not the top but there was something special about her eyes and smile. It was different, and yet familiar.
They ended up going back to Tony's place and screw like rabbits—the lady sure knew how to shake her booty—and Tony felt bliss. He wasn't drinking that much that night, yet he got so much satisfaction from the sexual act. Definitely a worthy prostitute.
Pity he had a one-night-only policy (because, let's face it, there are too many women in the world and Tony have quite limited time to sleep with all of them—hence, one woman per night).
Tony was used to wake up finding different women and their antics; but that morning was one of the rare ones where he woke up to find his bed empty. He looked around and saw that his bathroom was occupied. He smirked and took the green silk thongs on the floor and kept them into his ever growing collection.
When the door opened, Tony was half surprised to see the woman was naked and confidently walking around, simultaneously drying her hair while gathering her scattered clothing. When she couldn't find her thong, she turned to Tony.
"My underwear, sir, please?"
Tony gulped and he played innocent, hiding his embarrassment of being caught behind his trademark smirk. His lips dropped when he saw the reddened eyes—the woman (whose name Tony didn't bother to remember) was crying in the bathroom.
"Are you alright?"
The woman looked surprised, but she disregarded the question and put on her bra and dresses back. Since it was evident that Tony wouldn't return her underwear, she let it slipped and walked towards the door.
Tony was surprised. Usually he needed to kick the woman he brought into his bed in the morning—but this one left him like it was a mutual fun, thank you very much and bye bye—and here Tony thought that she was a prostitute who surely would demand somekind of fee or compensation for the night.
"Wait!" He found himself calling. The woman turned, and looked impassive.
"You don't want money, or anything?" Tony, always the blunt one.
The woman tilted her head. "Why should you pay? I am, after all, the worthless one."
The answer struck Tony like never before and he was unable to stop the woman—and he still didn't know her name, damn it!—left the room and Stark Tower.
The image of 'the woman' stuck inside his head, even though he didn't want it to.
And that was why he religiously has been looking through the high class prostitute catalogue for three days. It was without Pepper' knowing, of course.
It yielded no result. Tony groaned in frustration and ended up inviting himself in most of the high class parties held on that particular week. Just to catch 'the woman' again.
In the fourth party he attended, he finally saw her again—this time she was wearing a dark green off shoulder velvet gown, hair up and bared of any accessories. It was quite a contract with all the women in the room who wore at least half-carat diamonds on each ear. She was standing at the corner, and Tony could see two drunken gentlemen surrounding her.
Again, Tony fancied himself as a prince in shining armour and saved her—only this time, she refused his invitation and instead silently endured the harassments from the drunken men.
Tony couldn't control himself anymore—he had been searching for her, and now she dismissed him like he was nothing? His ego couldn't stand it, because for once, he wasn't the one who dismissed other. So he grabbed her wrist and forced her to his place.
She was silent, but when he thrown her to the sofa, she tilted her head and spoke for the first time since Tony forced her to come to his place.
"… Are you going to defile me again?"
The question was like cold water to his face. Tony's anger and irrationality were instantly gone. He started to feel ashamed. Why?
It was at that moment the elevator door opened and revealed Steve, Bruce and Thor into the room.
"Tony, we have another mission. It seemed like Loki is missing…" Steve carried on talking to Tony, oblivious to the situation since he couldn't see the only female in the room. But Thor, he saw her, and two simultaneous things happened: Thor ran to catch the woman, and the woman tried to run away but was caught by her own high heels and fell.
Tony was a second too late. Thor already caught the woman and held her tight.
"Let me go!" The woman screamed, in such desperation which made Tony felt very protective.
"No! I won't let you go again!" Thor roared.
"Thor, she said you need to let her go." Tony slipped in, trying to diplomatically (since he couldn't win, surely, against the brute strength of the Thunder God without his suit).
"You!" Suddenly the woman looked accusingly at Tony. "You tricked me! You brought him here!"
Tony shook his head, ready to deny when Thor roared.
"No! Brother, I have been very worried!"
Brother? Tony was confused, but the next second explained everything. The woman morphed back into a male form and produced the very familiar villain, Loki.
"You…!" Tony was speechless.
"Worried? Spare me the lies, Thor." Loki spoke coldly, clearly there was no love lost between the brothers. "What? Odin wants me back to the torture chamber? The elders missed their fuck doll? What now?"
"Brother, Loki, please don't be difficult. I have tried…" Thor spoke out, clearly in pain and confused of what to say. He was not the wordsmith afterall. And he settled for what he did best: shorter sentences. "I love you. Come back with me?"
Loki opened his mouth, but in the end he spoke nothing and looked away.
"Brother, please come back. Mother and I have persuaded Father. You will return with me and have house arrest for three centuries, but there would be no more torture or … defilement. I will be personally responsible for you. Please come back before he found you here."
Steve and Bruce looked at each other, while Tony watched the scene very closely. The two Gods looked like a couple, with Thor's strong arms locking Loki's body tightly and wouldn't let go. Thor looked flushed and was pleading earnestly. Loki, on the other hand, looked dead.
"It was never my place, never my home, never my throne. I have no familial connection with you, or Frigga, or Odin. I cannot come 'home' as you said, Thor. It is not my home. My home is in Jotunheim and they hated me. I settled in Midgard and living myself as a punishment. Is that not enough for you and Odin? What more would you want? Me, to be defiled by every single soldier of Asgard? Why can't you just kill me and get it over with?"
"If you really, like you said, 'love' me, then please let go of your hand." Loki hissed.
"No, you will run away if I do."
"See? Always the lie." Loki laughed, but it was hollow. It made Tony's chest fell. It was a painful laugh. "You used that 'love' to lie to me. And you call yourself a hero? And I, who never lies about 'love', who tried my best to get those 'love' from others, always ended up being blamed and disappoint Odin. And I am called the God of Lies. Oh, the irony."
Loki suddenly morphed into his female form. Thor was surprised, and Loki used it to struggle away, but Thor grabbed her firmly and force kissed her. Loki looked surprised and struggled, but her strength was nothing compared to enrage God of Thunder. Tony felt déjà vu—he had, afterall, grabbed her and forced her to return with him to his place. And when he saw the tears on her face, he couldn't stay silent. Even Steve was scowling.
"Release her at once!" The righteous Captain of America shouted. "Thor! You should never force a lady!"
Thor reluctantly released his struggling 'brother'. Loki released herself and moved back, rubbing her lips with the back of her hand, hard.
"I hate you! All of you!" She screamed, and with a flash of green light, she was gone.