Dusk on the Ferris Wheel: Chapter 2
Sunlight shone through the windows, it began to beam down onto Hilberts face. He then woke up, and noticed that he fell asleep in Striaton City's Pokemon Center, and with him, just a bunk below was Maya. The girl that he invited to a special something at the city's gym. He got up out of bed, and changed in the bathroom once again into his normal atire, this time not waking Maya in the process. As soon as he changed he came out in his normal outfit, he shot a glance towards the sleeping girl. He walked over towards her and rubbed her hair, she cooed at this. Hearing that, he backed away pretending nothing happened and exited the room, so that he may visit Cilan, of Striaton City. Upon exiting the Pokemon Center and heading off towards the gym, he noticed Cilan entering the gym like normal. "Hey Cilan, hows it going bud?" Hilbert jumpped Cilan, surprising him in the process, knocking him onto the ground.
"H-hey there Hilbert, what brings you back here?" He said as he got up patting his clothes of the dirt that was on him.
"Remember that thing I told you about, about Maya, the girl I told you about 4 months ago?" Hilbert stated, as they began to walk inside of the Gym, still looking as 5 star as ever, being a resturaunt and all.
"Yeah I remember that, you wanted to set-up a date here didn't you? Oh I see, old Hilbert seems to like her. Don't you worry, I will make sure of this, or my name isn't Cilan!" He then pounced out of his chair and began to prepair the gym for something these two will never forget.
"Thanks Cilan, I owe ya one." Hilbert than left the gym, and returned to the Pokemon Center where he was greeted with Maya. Except this time, she looked even more different, she wore: A black mini-skirt, pink thigh-highs, pink straps near her upper area, a red bow in the center, and a bow on her front bangs of her hair. The only thing that was going through Hilberts mind was, WOW! "Y-you look even more different, and even more pretty! So tell me where did the style come from?"
"Oh, you see I come from another region, it's called Johto, and over there this style is all the rage. So, where did you go?" She then approached Hilbert slowly, eventually getting incredibly close to him, she then took to his side, and grabbed his hand, like they have done before, their fingers interlacing with another.
"Well I was talking with my old buddy Cilan, and we decided to do something special for us two. I'm not gonna say what, but you will see soon enough." Once that was said, Maya blushed profusely at this and hugged Hilbert showing him, her affection.
"I can't wait to see, but wait why did you do this for me?" She then stared at Hilbert.
"It's because I thought that way back when, when we first met, that we were gonna be good friends. And so, after the Ferris Wheel ride, I took off to Cilan and told him about you." After those last few words were said, her grip on his hand grew tighter. As they began to walk through the streets of Striaton with their hands placed firmly in the others. "I really did admire you back then, and I still do to this day, in fact I feel like something else."
"Oh, then what do you feel?" She blushed an even brighter red, knowing where this was going.
"I feel like, I feel like, I feel like I love you." Not moments before that, they stopped on a patch of grass on the east side of town, staring into the others eyes. The grip on their hands soon released, and instead they began to embrace eachother. Their faces begining to be inches apart from the others. They could feel each others breath, and soon after they kissed eachother on the lips, letting their hearts sink in a vast ocean of love, as they moaned in eachothers mouth. They kept kissing for what felt like forever, shifting sides after a few seconds, holding the other that much more tightly. Hilbert forced Maya to the ground, her laying right underneath him. This made her blush, as she then grasped Hilberts hands, both infact, curling their fingers together, as they meet face to face once again, forcing a deep kiss on her. Hilbert then responded by kissing down the excellent curve of her neck, kissing lower and lower, then eventually heading back up and kissing her more passionately then before on the lips. The two of them, then got up and proceeded to head towards Striaton City's Gym where they would have their excellent date together, as lovers.
"I love you so much Hilbert, you are the reason behind my courage, I'm so glad I met you. Now let's go inside, where we shall enjoy ourselves like we have ever since we rode on the Ferris Wheel." They entered the Gym, and was then seated by Cilan, where as Chili, and Cress they delivered the food. The gym was well decorated, and well set-up just like Hilbert imagined, it was the perfect time for the two of them, and they could not of had it any other way. They proceeded by chatting amongst themselves about their own individual journies, Hilberts experiences with N and Team Plasma, and Maya's with her obtaining her 8th gym badge, and her soon to be attempt on the Elite Four. Soon after awhile the two of them, finished their date, and headed off. Where to? No one knows. All they knew was that they were together, like they should've been from the start. From the Ferris Wheel till now, their experiences were simply amazing.
And they were never heard from again... sorta
The End