Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter

Chapter 1

A Smile hovered over her face as she watched her two best friends playing wizard chess. Harry was laughing as one of his pawns smashed one of Ron's to pieces. Her other best friend Ginny was snuggling up to her now husband to be harry and her smile widened.

When she had boarded onto the train at Kings-Cross Station Ginny had sprinted up to Hermione and squealed; "We're engaged!" She was so happy for her and after Ginny had explained (In full detail) how Harry had proposed, she asked Hermione to be her maid of honour. They had talked about the wedding plans for almost an hour.

Hermione Jumped a little as the train mad a loud ear-piercing screech as it pulled into the station. She had picked up all her stuff and was standing in about 5 seconds.

"I'll see you guys at the feast ok." She said to her friends and then she was off. Blaise and her let off the train first and directed the first years and lost students to where they were meant to go.

"Congratulations by the way," she said to Blaise, " For getting head boy I mean. You deserve it."

"You to," He replied, " I'm not to sure how Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherin are taking it though." They both giggled, thinking of Malfoy finding out that a 'Mudblood' got head girl.

It surprised her the friendship that had sprung up between her and Blaise. When Hermione had found out that he got head boy, she immediately sent him a letter saying that she was looking forward to working with him. After that they were writing to each other almost every week.

She found out that they had so much in common. He was a bookworm, like her, and strangely has an interest in muggle machines. He would occasionally write to her asking what a laptop was or how a CD player worked. She was so relieved to have a friend who had as much of an appreciation for books and knowledge as she did. No disrespect to Harry and Ron, but they weren't the smartest of people.

Lately it had been slightly awkward writing to Ron and Harry as, even though they had bonded and become a lot closer when they where away fighting Voldemort, but now that they were back and You-Know-Who destroyed, they didn't really have much in common. Before, they had the common interest of defeating Voldemort, but now they didn't really have much to talk about.

Blaise and Hermione had gotten into the last carriage and Blaise stared at her as she pulled out a letter from her bag. She hadn't gotten around to opening it yet as it was delivered to her on the train when she was in the company of her friends. She hadn't told anybody about the anonymous letters she had been receiving since she was first accepted into Hogwarts and she intended to keep it that way. It was her little secret.

She decided it was safe to open now since it was only her and Blaise, and she know he wouldn't pry for answers.

She ripped the top of the envelope, pulled out the piece of parchment and began to read it.

Dear Hermione,

I am so proud of you becoming head girl and I hope you have a fantastic year at Hogwarts with your friends.

When you where born and I handed you over to a muggle orphanage, I promised to myself that when the time was right, I would come meet you. I have decided that now is the right time and I will come visit you at Hogwarts within the first term.

I am so looking forward to meeting you in person as it has taken me a lot of strength and willpower to keep my identity hidden to you all these years.

Hoping to see you soon,

Lots of love,

Your real mother XOXO

A/N: I hope you like it. Please review on wether I should keep writing or not.