They were never formally introduced. Nor did they speak a word, or even exchange a mutual glance. He had bright, sun-colored tendrils for hair that radiated warmth. The same could be said of the girl. She had cool, cerulean eyes that overflowed with a natural compassion and a newfound intrigue. The same could be said of the boy. They had no verification that the other had seen, truly, for there had been two Aurora's in the memory. One gracelessly talking with Prince Phillip, and the other standing behind a crowd of Birchwood trees, looking onward at the newest distortion to her memory.
The colors were bursting and full, while the silhouettes — the imprints of people who were near, but so very, very far away — were hazy and graphitized with thoughts. They were barely recognizable through the tinted film.
No one could know what sleep was like for Aurora. It was a strange place, preferable to the death Maleficent could've given her, but it never came close to real life, the ability to create new memories. She was forced to relieve the past with fleeting clarity. This brought her happiness nonetheless, as the ones that continued to roll through her subconscious were memories of Phillip. But all of that was stripped away when her heart was released. Her place of sleeping residency became restless, thrown into a fervent uproar, with sounds that made more of a cacophony than a lullaby, with colors that made more of an eyesore than a masterpiece. But in a flash, it was all gone. She was tumbling through darkness, freefalling into eternity. She could recall no Phillip. And she was completely and utterly empty.
But then this. This same memory of Phillip, without the usual color and sound distortion, like an old, withered photograph, was clean and clear, unabridged from its original form. Except this boy.
Aurora should've been listening with keen ears, and watching with undiluted attention. But she couldn't keep her eyes off the boy.
She swears that sigh she released wasn't the least bit wistful.