Alice: This is the official end of Saturday.
Emily: The story that has won the poll for which Young Justice story I'm writing next is called Reflection, about how Jaime and Bart's relationship reminds Nightwing of his own past one with Wally.
Alice: Thank you all for voting!
Emily: There is another poll on my profile as well. It is about which new fandom I should write for.
Alice: The list of fandoms are: Avengers, Teen Wolf, Merlin, ICarly, and Supernatural.
Emily: Vote if you want me to write for any of those fandoms! In the meantime, enjoy the very last chapter of Saturday.
Dick Grayson and Wally West
10 Months Later
Dick Grayson scrolled down the chat room with a fondness in his eyes. After he gave the flyers out for the website, the chat room started expanding quite nicely. Jaime, once he reached the mental hospital, told his close friends about the chat room which delighted Megan as she wished to know news about her friends: Zatanna, Logan (or Lagoon boy), Garfield, and even the friendly nurse Karen with her new husband Mal. "What are you looking at?" Wally asked curiously from the bed. Bruce was out on a romantic road trip with Selina, and Alfred visiting some old friends for the week. Once they left, Dick automatically invited Wally over to stay.
"Just the chat room," he said. "I wanted to check up on everybody."
Wally sat up a bit straighter. "How is Jaime?"
Bart had been completely devastated once Jaime left, and the group of friends tried cheering him up as much as possible. It eventually worked, but Wally suspected it had more to do with Jaime contacting him over the website than them. "He's being released today," Dick sounded pleased. "Apparently he's managed his dissociative identity disorder and his schizophrenia much better than in the past, and they feel it is time for him to be released."
"Yeah I know that," he rolled his eyes. "Where do you think my aunt Iris and Bart have gone?"
Dick tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"His mom heard about his escape plan, and Jaime told her about how going to Gotham helped him out," his boyfriend explained. "She decided to move here, and she already has the apartment. Jaime's going to be officially going to our school next week."
Dick's eyes brightened up. "That's great!"
"I know!" Wally smiled.
Glancing over at the computer once again, Dick smiled at one particular photo. "Look at Jade and Roy."
Right after Jade's daughter had been born, Roy immediately proposed to her, and she had said yes. Lian Harper was only a couple months old, and her family adored her. Her aunt Artemis would always bring over some new toy for her, and she would carry her almost everywhere. Paula, her grandmother, always read to her every day and night and allowed the small child to sit on her lap. The godparents, Barbara and Wally, also spent as much time with her as they could and the two actually became much closer because of their bond with the baby. Roy's parents also loved spoiling Lian and bought her everything they could.
"Roy is complaining about how they keep cursing in front of the baby," Dick remarked. "He's saying at this point Lian's first word is going to be 'fuck'."
"Wouldn't surprise me," Wally offhandedly replied. "Those two are always fighting but in a good way."
"There's a good way to fight?"
"Good to know," Dick smirked, going back to the chat room. There was another picture of Conner and Megan, who were both smiling happily in it. Conner and Megan constantly went on double dates with Wally and Dick, and the four of them were closer than ever. Before, they always considered to be closer to one person (Dick felt his friendship with Conner was stronger than with Megan, and Wally felt the same way only with Megan) but now the four of them all considered their love and closeness to each other on equal ground. "Kaldur and Raquel are dating now."
Wally laughed. "That's good for them. You know, I thought Kaldur had a thing for you back in the day."
"I was so jealous," he smiled.
Dick snorted and smiled softly at the picture. Raquel, Kaldur, and Artemis were all laughing wholeheartedly. Since Artemis and Kaldur were very good friends, it was only natural for Artemis to be hanging around the new couple. Once Raquel realized there truly was no romantic feelings between the two, Artemis and her became very close friends.
"Now will you stop staring at the computer and get over here?" Wally pouted. "I'm feeling a little ignored here."
Dick rolled his eyes and shut off his computer. As he slowly crawled onto the bed, he smirked. "Maybe you should do a better job at keeping me distracted then?"
"Maybe I should," he grinned before pressing his lips onto Dick's. He carefully cupped the younger boy's face as they pulled each other closer. Dick wrapped his arms around Wally's neck as Wally's hands softly gripped his hips. Tongues explored each other's mouths not in a fight for dominance but to sooth and relax the other. Slowly Wally broke from the kiss and started moving down the acrobat's jawline. He softly nipped at a particular sensitive spot on Dick's neck, making him yelp in surprise.
Wally's tongue swirled along the place where he just bit, hoping it would cause a mark. Dick had always been hesitant about marks on his neck since the boys in the bathroom forcibly gave him one. In fact, he's been hesitant about sex in general due to the very traumatic experiences. It took quite a while to allow Wally in, but they still haven't made love yet.
Dick's thoughts were interrupted when Wally harshly bit down on his chest. "Ow!" Dick blinked, pouting quite a bit.
"No thinking," Wally innocently smiled, kissing his cheek. "Just feel."
Dick rolled his eyes at the cheesiness of the line only to gasp when Wally put his mouth over his nipple, slightly nipping it. His other hand focused on scoping out the younger boy's body sending shivers down him. "I want to do it," Dick suddenly declared making Wally freeze.
"Are you sure?" the ever-so-worried boyfriend asked.
He smiled softly. "Yeah, I am."
Wally nodded, his eyes searching for any sign of hesitance or fear. Finding none, he deeply kissed his boyfriend who was lying underneath him. "I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too."
And truly they did. When picturing life without the other one, it seemed empty and strange. After all, before Wally came into his life, Dick was nothing but a bullied circus freak. With only Artemis and Barbara as his friends, Dick could barely remember having any fun or being truly happy before the playboy entered his life.
It was the same for Wally. Yes, he had many friends and many girls, but they were never real. Due to the mistrust his father planted in him, Wally rarely opened up to people. Megan was the only one in his friend group that he had truly trusted, but it still didn't help him. His anger and cruelness back then made him flinch to this day. Before Dick, he was lost and furious and scared.
Now both had more than they could have ever imagined. Their friends loved them no matter what, and they both felt open around them. It was not easy to reach this point. Dick still had horrible flashbacks of when he was nearly raped, and Wally still woke up ever once and a while screaming for his father to stop hitting him. However, those emotions of fear were slowly disappearing and being replaced with being content.
At one point in everyone's lives, there is a time of darkness whether it's during their childhood, their adolescence, or their adulthood, and that darkness can arise from difference sources: from being insecure, or bullied, or abused, to even feeling lonely. Instead of pushing others down because of the current negativity in life, lift yourself up. Lift others up. With hope and love, it always gets better even if it seems hopeless at the time.
No one is ever truly alone, and no one ever deserves to be.
Alice: That is the official end to Saturday.
Emily: Did you like it?
Alice: Hate it?
Emily: Think it was too clichéd?
Alice: Then go ahead and tell me.
Emily: I didn't want to put in a sex scene at the end because, for one, I'm really bad at writing them.
Alice: And I also didn't want to end on that note because I wanted it to be more about love, acceptance, and how things can always get better rather than one of the couples having sex.
Emily: So sorry if you guys really wanted a sex scene. If I get enough requests, I'll post a one-shot companion to this story of the two of them having sex for the first time. So if you want that, just put it in the review, and I'll post it if I get enough requests.
Alice: Don't forget to vote on the poll! It's for what new fandom I should write for.
Thank you very much for reading and enjoying Saturday. I appreciate all the positive feedback I have received.