This Is my first story so be nice!

Nina POV:

Once the Taxi cab pulled up to Anubis House I was very excited to see everyone again, especially Fabian. After Prom last term we became a couple. I grabbed my luggage and went inside.

"I'm here!" I shouted as I entered the common room.

"Eeeeepppppppp" Amber shrieked as she jumped up and tackled me in a hug

"Okay Ambs Save some American for the rest of us" Alphie Joked

I looked around for Fabian but I didn't see him anywhere

"Is Fabian here?" I asked

"Yup he's in his room, go see him, I'll take your bags to your room" Amber said

"Thanks" I said as I walked to Fabians room

Fabians POV:

I heard Amber's loud squeal so I knew Nina was here, I stayed in my room waiting for her to come.

I heard a knock and I quickly shouted "it's open"

Nina walked in and closed the door behind her

"Hi" she said nervously

I smiled and stood up "How was your plane ride here?"

"It was long and boring but worth it" She explained smiling

I smiled and before I knew it my lips were on hers. We stood there kissing until we heard Trudy Yell we had a new student. I took Nina's hand and walked into the common room. Everyone was at the door saying hello to the new student, so I just pulled Nina over the couch and sat down. She sat down next to me and I put my arm around her. She smiled and I kissed her.

Joys POV:

When I was greeted by all of the residents of the house I was looking for Fabian. I thought since I was gone all last term we could finally get together this term.

"Joy! I've missed you so much!" Patricia said as she squeezed me in a hug.

"I missed you all so much too!"

After talking and hugging we went into the common room, I instantly regretted it. Fabian and the girl who took my place last year were snogging on the couch. I cleared my throat and the instantly separated.

"Uh, Hi Joy, This is Nina," Fabian said quietly

Nina just smiled and looked down

Fabians POV:

Once Joy showed up I was scared of what she would do because of me and Nina being together. I knew she had feelings for me but I never felt that way about her.

"Fabes, can I talk to you a second?" Joy asked

I looked over to Nina for her opinion and she just nodded her head at me. I stood up and went into the Kitchen with joy

"So are you and Nina and item?" Joy asked

"Yea, I thought it was pretty obvious" I exclaimed

"What about us?"

"There was never an 'us' Joy, so just except the fact that I am in Love with Nina" I said while walking back to the common room to be with Nina

Joy POV:

I was crushed, why Fabes would pick some American Over me was still a mystery. I would be with Fabian no matter what, and I had a plan.

~ Like I said, I'm new at this and sorry if it was bad and short. Please Review and I will update soon. I don't know when I will update because I have softball But please review It means the world to me!