So here we go!
Jerome's POV
Oh crap! It's Mara. This probably doesn't look good, cause you know – I'm casually lying on top of some hot American chick, happens every day you know?
"I thought you were better than this! I knew I should have never trusted you with my feelings!" with that Mara ran upstairs...well more like a pregnant woman waddle, having twins will do that to you. I was going to go after her when I took a glance at Brooke, she looked guilty.
When I got to Mara's room I heard her sobbing and talking to...Emma? Well they are friends don't get me wrong! "I don't know what to do Emma!?" I heard Mara say. Man, I have a bad habit on eavesdropping, why can't I just go in and well you know...who am I kidding? If I go in there they will quickly drop the subject.
I kept listening "Mara just calm down. This can't be good for the babies! ok well did you let Jerome explain?" Note to self: thank Emma! "No! But I won't let him! In his eyes I saw that he liked her!"
NO! I love Mara not Brooke! Brooke may be hot, funny...wait where am I going with this? The point is I LOVE MARA! "Mara I don't know what to say...I will go get you a glass of water, I will be back!"
The door knob twisted. OH SH*T I'M SCREWED! "JEROME! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!?" oh no I knew this was coming. That's why I came up with a professional lie!
"I saw a spider on the door and I tried killing it with my ear." mental face palm. "Jerome please leave me alone!' I can't stand seeing Mara like this! "Mara please let me explain!?" "Jerome we need a small break."
She didn't ask for a small break...she said 'we need a break.' If she says so. "Alright Mara...just remember I always love you" with that I left. I went to my room and locked myself in there. I laid on my bed.
Eugh. I'm such an idiot! But I can't help but think that this could maybe be the best? Who am I kidding? I need to go talk to Brooke. As I left my room I bumped in to Alfie in the hall.
"Dude, have you seen Amber? I can't find her anywhere!" Alfie said. "Sorry man, bigger issues," I said walking out the door to find Brooke.
Amber's P.O.V
Ever since the girls arrived I've kind of felt that I need to get back to doing what I love most.
Everyone's always thought I'm just some pretty girl who happens to be a dumb blonde, but I'm so much more than that. The 'Dumb Blonde' is an act, truly I get over 95% in every test I've ever done but I ask the teachers to keep it private.
I was in town yesterday by my self, just window shopping really. Well, we all know it wasn't really 'window shopping' it was 'window shopping then going in and buying anything I think looks nice' but whatever. When I was in Starbucks I saw a flier.
It said, "Liverpool National Dance Society (A/N THIS IS MADE UP BTW) Invites YOU to come dance at Open Dance Regionals THIS SATURDAY! JUST BRING YOURSELF AND SOME TALENT." So now I'm here in the Auditorium practicing a Lyrical routine.
I'm dancing to this music, the routine I made myself (A/N I DO NOT OWN THIS ROUTINE, IT WAS ORIGINALLY DANCED BY MADDIE ZIEGLAR AND CHOREOGRAPHED BY ABBY LEE MILLAR) when the music finishes and I hear clapping.
"Amber, that was amazing!" I heard him say. "Yeah, Amber. How would you feel about doing a duet with me? I know Miss. Abby would be proud to see me dance with you," The younger blonde says.
Alfie's P.O.V
I'm walking the halls of the school looking for Amber when I bump into a smaller blonde.
"Oh god, sorry Alfie! I'm such a clutz!" She says. Oh, it's Paige! "What are you doing still in school?" I ask. "I'm looking for the auditorium so I can run over a few dances and stuff, could you show me where it is?" Paige asks. "Sure, right this way." I say, leading the way.
We get to the auditorium to hear music being played. We quietly open the door and creep inside.
"OH MY GOSH IT'S AMBER!" I whisper. "Did you know she dances? She's amazing!" Paige whisper back. "No, this is the first time I've seen her dance!" I whisper back.
"I think she's going to a competition on Saturday, I heard her mumbling something about it at lunch. It makes sense now," Paige whispers.
The music finished and we stood up. "Amber, that was amazing," I say. "Yeah, how would you feel about dancing a duet with me? I'm sure Miss. Abby would be proud to see me dance with someone so graceful and amazing." Paige says.
(A/N This is the solo Amber is dancing watch?v=QuzR7lIaVnA&feature=fvwrel funnily enough it is danced by Paige herself!)
"Okay... but we need to get to work straight away, now go get changed!" Amber says. I walk towards her and say, "Why'd you never tell anyone that you're such an amazing dancer?" "I guess it's just a part of me I thought I left behind when I came here a few years ago," Amber says.
Just as I lean in Paige walks in so I lean down and peck her on the lips, "Bye beautiful," I say before walking out.
Amber's P.O.V
Paige walks in with nude dance shoes on with booty shorts and a crop top with her hair back in a cute ponytail. I say to her, "Okay, I've decided we'll dance to Chasing Answers. So let's get to work!" Paige nods and we get down to work. (A/n Paige and Amber's duet watch?v=I6nn0HE5C0k&feature=relmfu )
After 3 hours of dancing we have a perfect duet, my solo perfected and a solo for Paige (A/N watch?v=1okcp5C33Vk ) so we sit down and talk out costumes.
"Okay, so that's that. I'll order the costumes and we can practice again tomorrow. See you soon Paigey!" I say before walking out of the auditorium.
AMBER'S A DANCER? Next time on... SUMMER SECRETS. Relationships are created and the gang gets a suprise.
Amber's dance wear - ambers_dance_outfit/set?id=61885412
Paige's dance wear - paiges_dancewear/set?id=61885937#stream_box