Am I THAT predictable? . Well this time it's far worse when they are caught. And I guess they . . . kinda get kicked out . . . kinda. Nott doesn't suffer a long and painful death but it's more of who does it that is supposed to take a little more of a toll.

TO: Michael

Colin's not a girl . He's not a nymphomaniac . . . he's turning into a sex addict. . . xD Besides in this other story I'm writing Seamus is the virgin lol.

TO: Aurora

Yes well Alex is very . . . over protective . . . in this one lol. You do know I've been posting chapters for a story called 'Release' that's about him and Colin right?

TO: Discombobulatedperson

HELLO! Lovely to have a new reviewer (I'm a secret lurker too)!

Sure let's go with him healing it magically (Has only ever gotten one piercing in each ear lobe when she was 12) Magic works well . . . Thank you for pointing that out though! I can remember that for my 'What If?' story ^.^

This is the last chapter of this series. Stay tuned for the second part!

Rating: R

Warnings: Course language, violence, self mutilation, Piercing, use of alcohol, Eating disorders, Drug use, Male/Male, and Male/Female pairings, Rimming, Oral sex, Sexual situations in uncomfortable settings, anal, BDSM, rape, incest, and possibly more later.

Parings: DOMINANT/SUBMISSIVE- Neville/Harry (Harry/Neville), Seamus/Colin (Colin/Seamus), Devon/Dennis (Dennis/Devon), Nott/Seamus, Nott/Dennis Ron/Hermione, Dean/Ginny, Blaise/Daphne, Nott/Pansy, Fred/George, Colin/Dennis, Colin/Devon, Seamus, Devon, Seamus/Dennis, and possibly more later.

. . . Story Begins . . .

Colin reached down and slid his brother's bottoms down, tossing them away, the smaller clad in his boxers eyes lidded. Shaky hands reached down and popped the button open on dark jeans, lowering the zipper and tugging. The older kept eye contact with the other as he shimmied out of his pants. He lowered his hips a bit hesitantly and pressed their members together.

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"Seamus, Devon, what on earth were you thinking? You know how your mother feels about homosexuality!" the old woman stated, eyes narrowed. The two boys shifted and looked down at their hands. "Did you think we wouldn't figure it out?"

"I was hoping . . ." Seamus mumbled. "OW!" he glared when his grandmother smacked him upside the head.

"Seamus," She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "You're almost eighteen. You are perfectly of age to do these things but could you not do it near anyone else?" She paused. "Unless it's been discussed and agreed . . ."

"Gran!" He flushed and groaned. She rolled her eyes.

"And Colin is seventeen when?" they locked eyes.

"October." The elder woman nodded.

"Do it again and I'll put you two on either side of my room." She stated in a hard tone. The Irishman sighed and nodded, frowning. "Devon. . ." He winced. "You're fifteen! He's fourteen! You might be the legal age but Dennis is not! What were you thinking?"

"That if I shoved him away it would be too obvious and you might have seen something I'd prefer you didn't." He looked at his hands.

"Oh . . . uh . . . well don't do it again." She blinked a bit confused.

"Can we go?" Seamus asked nervously. She waved her hand in dismissal and nodded. The two boys shot up and out of the room sighing. "Talk about awkward . . ."

"Yea." Devon ran a hand through his hair and sighed. They walked up to Dennis' door and turned the knob, opening the wooden object.

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Dennis and Colin's heads shot to the door, eyes wide. Seamus gaped and grabbed Dev, tossing him in the room and closing the door quickly. The blondes blushed, lower halves flush against one another, sweat gathering on their backs, clothes scattered about the room.

"Continue." Seamus smirked and pulled out the desk chair, taking a seat.

"Seamus!" Colin glared and buried his head in his younger brother's neck, the rosey colour traveling down his neck and part of his back.

"What? It's hot!" He grinned, his own sibling pulling up a spare chair, plopping down and watching with obvious interest. Colin groaned and shifted to stand. Dennis stiffened and shivered, the older biting his lip. "Jeez how bad did you turn yourselves on?"

"Shay!" Colin whined glaring. The brunette crossed the room and smirked, pressing his lips to his lovers, placing his hand on his lower back, pushing down. The smaller moaned, hips realigning with the smallest boy's.

"Ah!" Dennis arched and squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the boy atop him shoulders hard. Devon shifted on his chair, member twitching. Seamus smirked and pressed his lips to the pale ear nipping it. He kissed down the slim neck and bit causing Colin to buck down against the younger, both crying out and panting.

The eldest looked over his shoulder and motioned for his brother to come over. Said boy was more than pleased to join. Seamus reached down and pulled his own shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside. He turned to the other brunette and grabbed the front of his wife beater, yanking him closer and pulling it over his head.

The Creeveys groaned watching the older boys slowly undress each other. Seamus snapped the shorter's pants open, pulling down the zipper and tugging, watching as they fell. Devon flushed and hesitantly brough his hands up to the other's sweats, pulling them out and over the semi hard member, the article sliding down the tallers legs, pooling at his feet.

He leaned down and lightly brushed the younger's cheek, Devon's eyes sliding shut and lips lightly pressed to his.

"This is so very wrong."

"You said that last time too." Seamus grinned and turned away, stepping out of the thick material and sitting on the edge on the bed, tickling his lover's side. Colin gasped and shifted away, moaning when he pressed harder against his brother.

"Please? Just let go love." Seamus whispered into the pale ear, rubbing the lean back. Colin let out a shaky breath and raised his head, locking eyes with Dennis. Both moved and locked their mouths, the taller snapping his hips against the smaller.

Dennis cried out and arched. Seamus summoned his wand and casted a quick silencing and locking charm before casting a spell to make the bed wider. He turned slightly, placing the wooden object up on the dresser next to the bed.

Colin dropped his head to the pale neck, nipping it and keeping the steady thrusts. Seamus reached over and tugged the bottoms of his boyfriend's boxers. Slim hips raised and his heart sped up in excitement. He pulled the material down and over the smooth arse, shivering as it slid past the milky thighs. He tossed the item away and nodded to Devon.

Colin kept his hips raised as the younger Irishman reached between him and his brother, pulling the youngest undergarments off just as slowly. As soon as the artile was lost in the pile, the eldest English boy slowly lowered his hips, eyes rolling and bucking instinctively against the smaller.

"Ah!" Dennis yanked the thin locks hard and raked his nails down the slim back, hips pushing up in a circular motion, matching the older's thrusts carefully.

Devon convulsed next to Seamus and said man pushed him down flat on the bed, pressing his lips to the thick neck. He leaned back up and lowered his hips onto the smaller, blue eyes widened and a back arching into him. Seamus smirked knowingly and moved his lower half forwards slowly, the younger gripping his biceps tight, eyes squeezed shut.

Colin reached over and tugged on his lover's boxers, clouded eyes meeting his own. He sat up and quickly removed the garment, Devon following a little more hesitantly. Both were still sitting and Seamus leaned over attaching their mouths and pushing on his chest, forcing him to lie down before settling between his legs, bare erections meeting.

"Ah!" Devon bucked and moaned louder, repeating the action. The older smirked and matched the smaller's unsure thrusts. Colin and Dennis moaned beside them and Seamus looked over, reaching across and locking lips with the other boy on top. Their tongues met quickly and both smiled when they felt their sibling shift from beneath them, their own mouths pressing together freaverishly.

Dennis' nails bit into the soft flesh, causing the older to flinch slightly and speed up.

"H-he's close." Devon murmured quietly, breath hoarse.

"Stop." Seamus whispered to his lover. Colin sat back a cry of distress leaving the other, his precum coating a good section of his stomach, mixed with his brothers. He locked eyes with Colin and bit his lip pleadingly. The younger's eyes widened and he looked around heasitently.

"Sh-Shay . . ."

"It's alright, you don't have to." The brunette said a little disappointed, hulting his thrusts, gripping the bucking boy beanith him, holding the desperate Irish lad still. Colin bit his lip and reached behind him and into the night stand at the foot of the bed, pulling out a bottle of lube. Seamus grinned and pulled him in for a heated kiss, teeth clashing.

They pulled back and the older grabbed his wand casting a quick spell, lube filling his hand. He locked eyes with his brother who gave a short nod, shivering slightly. Colin squeezed the substance onto his fingers and spread them around, leaning over his brother, pressing their lips together. He brought his hand between them and gave a nervous breath, probing the shorter's entrance, slidding a finger in. Dennis arched beneath him, turning his head to the side, breaking the kiss.

He locked eyes with Devon and leaned over, pressing their mouths together gently. Meanwhile Seamus had turned his brother onto his stomach and was rubbing his lower back, slowly slipping his first digit into the younger. Devon pulled back from the kiss and hissed, teeth clenching.

"Shh, s'okay." The elsest leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of his kneck. "Are you not ready?" Devon flushed and shook his head. The taller cursed mentally and pulled away, frowning at his boyfriend. Then he smirked. He leaned over and whispered in his brother's ear. Devon's eyes widened and she shivered violently nodding.

The younger Irish fellow crawled off the bed and sat back down in the chair, spreading his legs slightly.

"Colin are you almost done preparing him there?" Seamus muttered. The younger nodded, removing the third finger and hooking the other two, tapping a few times and grinning when his brother arched his and cried out, shaking slightly. "Come here you two." The blonde raised their brows but Colin detached them anyways, the boy benieth him whimpering.

Seamus led Dennis over to Devon and pushed on his shoulders, grinning when he kneeled down, facing his lover. Realization clicked in and he gave a small smile, waiting.

The brunette re-lubed his fingers and lead his lover closer to the other Creevey, Colin still standing. He reached down and slipped a finger into the younger, a gasp falling from parted lips. A second finger joined quickly and he pushed back, the head of his member leaking perfusily. He bit his lip and groaned, a third slipping in.

Seamus grasped the slim hips and moved him behind his kneeling brother. The brunette conjured up a soft foot rest and slipped it between Dennis and Devon. The younger braced his elbows on it and laid on his stomach, lifting him up far enough so he was almost standing straight but bent, his face meeting his lovers swollen shaft.

Colin moaned and shuffled forwards reaching out to grab the arms on the chair, his member brushing against the crease of his brother's arse. He looked back and Seamus nodded at him.

The blonde gripped his member and carefully aligned himself, pushing into the petite form. His eyes rolled, mouth droping as he breached the younger, warmth consuming him.

"O-oh gods no ownder you like topping!" Colin convulsed and slid the rest of the way him, his brother shivering beneath him.

"Mmm wait till you feel this." Seamus gripped the slim hips and brought his forwards, entering his lover. Colin let out a high pitched noise from his throat, gripping the arm rest tight, knuckles turning white. "The down side of topping is you have to wait for the bottom to finish. So Dennis needs to try and hold out until Devon finished, you need to wait till your brother finished and I have to hold out until you climax. Then I get my release." The three others nodded in understanding. "Whenever you're ready, you three."

Dennis moaned and dropped his head, pulling the other's erection to him, swallowing it.

"Ah!" Devon's eyes widened as teeth dcraped him slightly. Dennis pushed back against Colin who leaned into his lover. Seamus leaned away, pulling Colin with him slightly, the smaller moaning loudly as he slowly slipped from his brother.

"Ready?" The brunette murmured. The two Creeveys moaned in respons and he snapped his hips warwards, ramming into his lover, tricking the bundle of nerves, forcing him to enter his brother, his prostate being brushed.

"FUCK!" Colin cried out, his head tipping back, Dennis groaning around the thick organ in his mouth, Devon moaning and lacing his fingerd in the bright locks. The blonde let a pant out through his nose and bobbed his head faster.

Seamus pulled back again repeating the process, picking his speed up. The boy in the middle screamed, head meeting the taller's shoulder, bucking into the younger. Dennis whimpered and used one hand to fondle the sitting boy, velvety flesh rubbing against his inner walls at a hard, brisk pace.

Seamus bit his lip concentrating on Colin and the others moanes, pressing his lips to his lovers paled neck, nipping it affectionately. He had done pleanty of threesomes with Nott and Blaise but usually he was either middle or bottom. This was just as good though, being the one who decided who got what force or penetration.

Blaise had always topped and he and Nott would take turns middling. It was a gift being able to have the older boy pound into you. Painful due to his size, but fucking amazing. He wanted Colin to know that feeling.

"I-I-I can't!" Dennis whimpered his member rubbing between himself and the chair.

"Jerk him." Seamus suggested, slowing his pace, a desperate cry falling from his lovers lips. He turned said boys head and met him in an open mouth kiss. Dennis wrapped a hand around the younger Irish man andplaced his mouth over the head, sucking hard and jerking fast. Devon arched, a gasp leaving him and hands tightening.

"Ah! Ah! Oh fuck!" He bucked and shot his seed into the youngest boy's mouth, Dennis swallowing it greadily and panting.

"Please." Colin whispered. Seamus nodded and bit his lip holding off his own orgasm. "It hurts." The brunette pulled back, keeping the younger seated to the root and looking over his shoulder at the swollen member.

"Fuck Colin! Why didn't you say anything?" The smaller just shrugged and whimpered. "Ok ok, ready?" Both Creeveys groaned and nodded. He pulled back and slammed forwards again, a loud pant leaving the three of them.

"Please Den oh gods please!" the older blonde hissed out. The youngest lifted his body somewhat with a bit of difficulty and yelled out when Colin's hand wrapped around him, tugging furouisly. The boil shot through him unbeleavably fast and he cried out, shooting his essence against his stomach and the foot rest, body tightening and collapsing. He rolled out of the way and Seamus pushed Colin back until his hands were grabbing the comfortable resting area, arse level with the brunette.

Seamus grunted and put all he was worth into his thrusts, both sweating and panting, brows furrowed. Liquid fire shot through Colin's veins, tingle following behind it. It pooled at the base of his cock and he screamed when it was ripped out of him, spraying his chest and getting a bit on Devon who raised his brow.

The brunette groaned and stiffened, his climax flying out of him and into the younger. He grabbed Colin around the waist before he could collapse, continuing a few week thrusts, emptying himself. He panted and pulled out, catching Colin as his legs gave way, helping to move him over to the bed, grabbing Dennis next then Devon. He went on the edge of the bed, his boyfriend pressed to his side, head back in the crook of his neck, ragged breaths falling from his lips. Dennis was spooning up behind him, Devon doing likewise to his lover, rubbing his arm.

"My arse hurts." Colin mumbled drawing a few chuckled from the other. "And my member feels raw. I don't like it." Seamus pulled him closer and kissed his blonde locks.

"I know. Mmm it was fun though." The other nodded in agreement. Dennis was the first to fall asleep followed by his older brother. Devon stayed up until his lover passed out, Seamus making sure to stay awake till all three were sound asleep first. Fuck he was exhausted.

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Seamus shifted and yawned, the blonde sprawled out on his chest. He looked towards the wall and locked eyes with his brother, Dennis lying across him.

"I'm gonna take him to our room before Gran comes in." The older whispered.

"Too late." The other Irish boy mumbled. "They told me to tell you to expect one hell of a talk when you get up." He took a deep breath, Seamus stiffening, a slight case of panic running through him. "What Colin and Dennis did is illegal. Colin and he could be locked up. Actually, Colin could get sent away for statutory rape." The taller's eyes widened.

"W-what?" He pulled his lover tight against himself his orbs beginning to collect water.

"Seamus, you could be arrested too. We all could." Dev sat up and bit his lip. There was a knock on the door and the younger cleared his throat. "Y-yea?"

"Come down now." It was his Gran's monotone voice.

"O-ok." He shook Dennis awake. "Get dressed." The younger Irishman crawled over the rest and to his scattered clothes, picking them up, eyes reddened.

"What's going on?" Dennis sat up and followed his lover. Seamus turned to his sleeping beauty and pressed his lips to the blonde locks. Colin shifted and looked up giving a small smile. Said motion slid away and he sat up.


"Gran walked in on us asleep." Dev muttered fully dressed, Dennis just about. The Creeveys eyes widened and they both jumped up, rushing to get dressed, faces heating up. The brunette grabbed his clothes from the floor and silently pulled them on.

Slowly the four opened the door and headed down the stairs and into the sitting room. All their eyes widened and they stiffened when they were ushered in by the Garda*. Seamus instictivly pulled his lover closer, sitting on the nearest couch, his brother doing likewise. Their mother stepped into the room, eyes narrowed.

"Mom!" Seamus' own orbs watered. His mother turned them in?

"Don't Seamus." She nodded to the authorities. One stepped forwards and cleared his throat.

"Dennis Sean Creevey, fourteen years of age. "He started. "You are underarrest for the act of incest," The blonde's eyes widened and began to water. "You will be charged as a minor obviously, and sentenced to three months in Juvi." The small boy's throat dried and a small noise laft the back of his throat.

"Devon Michael Finnigan, fiteen years of age. You are charged with being an active participant in this act. Two months" He paled and locked eyes with his brother. "Seamus Thomas Finnigan, Seventeen, you are being charged as an adult and an active participant. Six months imprisonment."

Colin blanched and Seamus eyes squeezed shut and he cleared his throat, forcing the lump down.

"Finally, Colin William Creevey, sixteen, you are sentenced as an adult for incest and statutory rape since your brother is a minor." He locked eyes with the paling boy. "Three years imprisonment." A distressed noise left the back of his throat and blue orbs watered, his lover pulling him close. The light orbs rolled and the room went black.

Seamus shook the smaller and let out a sniff. "He ah, he fainted." He mumbled quietly, running a hand through the blonde locks.

"We need you to come with us. Do we have to restrain you?" The officer asked, a hand moving towards his hip, handcuffs latched on. Seamus let out a sob and shook his head no.

"C-can I have a minute to wake him?" The older gentleman nodded and stepped aside, watching carefully. Seamus leaned down and pressed his lips to the soft temple. "Cols?" He gave him a small shake, the boy's brows furrowing. "Colin love, come on. Y-y-you need to g-g-get up now." A tear slid down his face when blue eyes opened and locked with his.

Colin's lip trembled and he pulled the older down, a loud sob leaving him. He was going to an adult jail, one with many muggles who would no doubt be taller and stronger than he was. And Seamus wouldn't be there to protect him.

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*The Garda is basically the Irish Police (Muggle)

Ok so keep on the lookout for part two. I shall upload it probably next Friday.

So SamHas, does that count as getting kicked out? Think I made anyone cry?