This chapter/epilogue is dedicated to Michael since he requested it

I hope you'll like it!


Warnings: Course language, Male/Male relationships, Mpreg

Parings- DOMINANT/SUBMISSIVE: Sand/Alex, Seamus/Noah, Mitchell/Colin

. . . Enjoy . . .

"I-I can't do it! Nope! I won't!" he stated sternly. "Oh gods I have to!"

"You don't have to."

"I'm nervous! Why am I so bloody nervous?" He yanked his hair and stiffened. "AH! Shit!" He started running around in circles, trying to find his comb.

"Is the . . . groom . . . ready . . ?" Mitchell raised his brow.

"No I'm not ready! Do I look ready! Oh Merlin what if he changes his mind! What if he leaves me there?"

"Alex!" Noah laughed out and shook his head, Seamus watching amused from a chair in the corner. "You've been engaged for forever! Only our closest relatives and friends are here, there's nothing to worry about!"

"And I thought Sand was bad!" Mitchell laughed. "Going on about being nervous that you'll run away and hide under the table or something." He smirked. Would be entertaining!

"Alex!" Noah was still trying to calm down his hyperventilating brother. "Take the paper bag Al! I SAID TAKE IT!" He cuffed him outside the head and handed it to him. "It will be fine!"

"I've got to see Sand." Seamus snickered. He walked over to Noah and kissed his cheek."Be right back checking on the man in the relationship."

"OI!" Alex shot him a nasty look and the others raised their brows at him. "Shut up!"


"How's he doing?" Seamus whispered. Colin snickered and shook his head. Sand was seated, hair about an inch and a half long (He liked it at that length) on the chair quietly.


"WHAT?" He jumped and snapped. Mitchell rolled his eyes.

"Alex is scared you want to break it off."

"What? I'd never do that!"

"Then you need to pull your giant self together and be the man for fuck sakes! Its bad enough Alex is acting like a little girl! I don't need you turning into the abusive husband just for the wedding!" Mitchell had a stern face. Colin shivered and grinned.

"God it turns me on when you're pissed like that." The older blinked and flashed him a cheesy smile, winking. The smaller bit his lip and grinned.

"Well at least I now know you have a healthy sex life!" Seamus groaned out.

"Shay help me!" Noah whimpered at the door.

"Why? What did he do?"

"His sitting on the floor pouting and muttering to himself about being a shitty husband!"

"Jeez he's such a bitch sometimes!" Seamus flinched when Sand raised an unamused brow. "Which is perfectly fine!" He ran the tallest scowling.


They sighed and walked up to their spots. Seamus and Noah on Alex's side, Mitchell and Colin on Sand's. The doors opened on either end of the hall and a very, cool, collected, tall man stepped out, nothing from the other side.

"God dammit!" Noah hissed, stomping off. Sand shrugged and kept walking, waiting patiently for his anxious lover.

"No he's not going to abandon you! For crying out loud get your scrawny ass out there and marry the fucker already!" Seamus' eyes widened. Who woulda thought his little Noh could swear like that! Well besides in bed . . . Alex stumbled out, Noah looking proud and shoving him along.

Alex stopped at his spot and looked up at the amused man. He let out an 'eep!' and blushed, shuffling his feet.

"I'm not going anywhere Alex." Sand muttered under his breath, smiling at him. Alex looked up and returned the gesture. The older reached out and linked their fingers. Today would be the beginning of the rest of their lives


"This was a terrible ide-ACHOO!" Alex pouted. Sand laughed and sat down on the chair, pulling the younger onto his lap.

"Come on love! It's beautiful outside!"

"And I'm allergic to it!" He frowned.

"Oh stop being a grumpy basterd." Sand rolled his eyes and kissed the smaller's cheek. "C'mon, let's enjoy our honey moon ok? Promise?"

"Y-yeah. Can we pick up some allergy meds first?" He asked through a stuffed nose. The other chuckled and nodded.

"No! You have to sit here and pout and sneeze and bitch about a headache for the whole week! Of course we can!" he nipped his chin, Alex scowling at him.


"Oh hush." He grinned. "And just think, in a month, your little bro's getting married!"

"Uh! Don't remind me!"

"Well why not?"

"Sand! He's 23 years old now!"


"So I'm gonna be 30! I'M OLD!" The taller glared.

"I'm 38!"

"Ha-ha! Geezer." He stuck his tongue out and Sand rolled his eyes.


"You love it."

"No, I love your ass, there's a difference." He winked and the younger blushed. He smiled lovingly and pressed his lips to the pale forehead, trailing them to his cheek and down his neck. He sighed happily and nuzzled the soft area.


"You seem . . . calmer than your brother." Colin pointed out. Alex glared from the corner.

"Why are you even nervous? You're already married!" Noah pointed out.

"I know but . . . you're like my son and . . . you're getting married and moving out of the house-"

"I moved out four years ago."

"Hush let me rant." Alex glared and Noah laughed. "You're not giving me grandchildren! Uh! How can you not give me grandchildren?"

"Alex I adopted two-"

"Shut up I'm trying to be dramatic!" the older snapped. Colin tried his best not to laugh at him. Noah rolled his eyes and looked to the youngest of his kids. Two year old Jacob was currently passed out in his little tux, hugging a teddy and drooling slightly. Noah smiled and sat down next to him, pushing the blonde locks away from the rosy cheeks.

"Do you think Seamus is doing alright? I know he gets nervous and fidgety easily."

"I'm sure he's fine."


"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

"WHAT?" He snapped the smaller stared at him; knees bent slightly, a huge grin on his face.

"I love you!" he dashed off and Seamus groaned. Why did Noah get the little one that still has naptime? Why leave him with the excitable five year old?

"Ah! Jason put that down! Daddy has to pay for anything you break!" there was a crash and he whimpered.

"Oops . . . I sorrys! I'sa fix it!"

"No! Just don't touch anything! Go climb Uncle Sand!"

"Gee, thanks." He grumbled when the small boy squealed and ran at him, trying to jump up onto him. "This is why I said no to kids."

"Coming from the man that works in the children's ward at the hospital?"

"That's different! That's five to eight hours a day! Not 24/7!"


"I'm nervous . . . is it normal to be nervous? Oh Merlin I'm gonna fucking barf!"

"Colin!" Seamus laughed at him and shook his head. "Calm down alright. It's just us, our parents and friends. There's less than twenty people!"

"AH! There's twenty people staring at me? Waiting for me to fuck up my lines?"

"Stop it!" Seamus flicked him, receiving a pout. "You're eight months along you twat! Don't make yourself go into labour!"

"Right! Sorry!"

"Don't apologize to me!"


"Nervous?" Sand and Alex smiled. Mitchell shrugged and nodded.

"A bit."

"Doesn't look like it." Alex chuckled.

"Never really did when he was scared and such, always hid that part well." Sand smiled. "He loves you."

"I know, and I love him. Are you sure he's ready for this? We can hold it off a few years if it's pressuring him. I don't want him to go into labour halfway through the ceremony. That would suck."

"Indeed." Alex laughed.

"I'll be right back." Sand kissed his cheek and left.

"You haven't told him yet have you?"

"We're thirty three and forty-one. He's made it very clear he doesn't want one so . . . I won't have it."

"You're making it sound like you're on a diet and refusing to eat a doughnut! This is a baby Alex, not something you can just toss aside! You're four months along and you've known for a month. I think you should tell him."

"W-what if he makes me give it up?"

"He won't." The older stood up and kissed his cheek. "Tell him."

"Tell who what?" Sand raised a brow.

"I- we need to have a talk."

"That makes it sound worse!" Mitchell rolled his eyes. "Sorry, I'll be over here, fixing my tie." He walked to the other side of the room. Sand sat down on the couch next to his husband, holding his hand.

"What's a matter? Everything alright?"

"No." Alex gave a small laugh, his eyes watering.

"Hey! What's wrong?" He hugged the younger.

"I-I'm pregnant Sand . . . and I want to keep it." The taller stiffened and pulled back, slowly looking down to the smaller's stomach. Alex looked away. A hand pressed to his belly, another turning his head, lips meeting gently.

"How far along are you?"

"Four months."

"How long have you known?"

"About a month or so." He whispered.

"When's it due?"

"June." He bit his lip.

"Ok. We'll have to clear out the office next to our room for when we bring him or her back home with us. I can buy a crib and such; you probably shouldn't paint what with the fumes. We'll have to force milk down your throat and-"

"Sand?" The younger stared at him confused. The older smiled and brought their lips together.

"I want it too Alex. I just . . . was nervous about it you know? But we're older and it's going to get harder and harder for us to have kids without adoption. Noah has two adopted and one from him and Seamus, even Colin's pregnant. Perhaps it's our turn too." He shrugged. Alex let out a pleased laugh and hugged the taller. "God I hope it's a boy, I wouldn't know what to do with a girl!" Alex laughed.

Mitchell was smiling form the opposite side of the room, watching the two lovebirds. He couldn't wait to finish the wedding and get his family started with Colin.

Their wedding was the blonde's dream. The snow outside, icicles on the trees making it look like a winter wonderland, the inside of the small ceremonial place looking like outside during the spring. He could have his photos of the flowers and also of the great scenery outside. Everything . . . was perfect.