Nightmares are quite complex ideas. In hours of daylight, they seem almost trivial, so far out of reach that the mere memory seems false. It's when the sun goes down and demons out to play that those dreams come alive, and that we truly experience the fear. Every corner havens thousands of monsters, every shadow the silhouette of your potential killer. The fear that no one can save you is overwhelming, and the delusion of safety dissipates before your very eyes. It's within the strokes of midnight that nightmares comes out to sneak, crawl, and slither through the streets of our minds, and when you become their next target your worst fears seem like a reality. And even after the bad dream's over. After the head pounding stops and the nausea subsides and wrenching feeling in your heart comes to an end, your nightmares still toy with you. They twist and change and warp your mind so everything is reminder. Every knife is the knife that killed you, every mirror becomes the mirror that you saw the reflection of a murder through. Your nightmares is over and yet everything about is still very. Very. Real.
However, when your fears are out and about, and your paranoia is about to take over your very being, find a friend. Find a parent, a sibling, anyone who can snap you back into reality. Because even though your fears are very real, it's not theirs. They can see the truth when you can't, and they can help remind you. It wasn't real. They can comfort you and hold you and tell you it's alright, and they can help you see the truth. You're safe, and you'll stay that way, and they won't let anything happen to you.
So the next time you wake up in the middle of the night, your mind haunted by the horrors you just experienced, remember to find your comfort. They just might save you, for as they say; "Paranoia will destroy ya'", so don't let it destroy you.
So, just a quick into I cooked up. it just seemed fitting, so don't judge me! ...Please :)
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