Warnings: Crossdressing, Almost yaoi thoughts, Bets, and little white dresses...
For a Kink meme yet again. Not my best work but far more appropriate to post here then some of the other stuff I filled for. What that stuff? Look for Kiraka16 on LJ Kink meme... I will post them all to my main page once I have the chance though...
Yuki stared at the boys before him. Haru was cooing at him softly… No way… he was panicking now as he stared at the frilly looking white summer dress in Haru's hands, the nice dressy high heels in Akira's, and the flower hair clips in Natsuki's… God how did he lose today anyways?
"Come on Yuki, You lost the game now put on the dress…" Natsuki smiled teasingly as he shook his short black hair around. Payback was all so sweet.
Yuki sighed as he submitted to his horrid fate… Why, why did Haru's fish have to be a centimeter longer then his? Yuki grabbed the clothing and was lead quickly away by Haru who wanted to style his hair or something… Misuki was a very bad influence on the alien…
Natsuki and Akira waited for the two others as the sun slowly started to rise up in the morning sky. Suddenly Haru came bouncing over. His arm was looped around the arm of what any passing person would believe to be a very flat chested girl.
Yuki's pale legs were hairless and he wore long white stockings underneath the white summer dress, the shoes where in his hands. Obviously he didn't feel comfortable wearing them. His normally messy hair was pinned back with the clips and straightened down to around his shoulders. His face was the only problem…
He looked like the demon mask… Haru pouted as Yuki stepped forward.
"Guys! Help, I can't stop Yuki from making this face!" Haru declared madly, as he pointed to the face in question. Akira laughed out as Yuki seemed to be more interested in his hands.
"Ca-can I take this off now?" Yuki asks sheepishly looking up. His demons mask had vanished for a moment and he was looking up with large grey eyes at the other.
Natsuki stared for a good moment. Yuki was rather cute like that… Almost like a real girl… Wait what was he thinking? This was Yuki's punishment! He deserved to be embarrassed for chopping off his hair.
"Natsuki?" Yuki whimper out looking directly at him. "please help me." Natsuki gulped as he grabbed Yuki.
"No you have to walk around town like this, and I'll be watching you to make sure you do it." Natsuki declared as He pulled Yuki away. Yuki stared off blankly into space as he was dragged away…
Natsuki smirked to himself, He surprised himself really. That was the perfect excuse to see his red head in a dress… then again he owed Haru for the suggestion really...
"What did I tell you?" Haru declared as Akira nodded. "I knew Natsuki would find Yuki hot, so I win!"
"I guess I need to put on the other dress now too right?" Akira sighed in defeat… Never make beat with an Alien… They always win…