Disclamer: I do not own Divergent nor these awesome characters.

It was the first day of initiation, Peter woke up and dressed up with his new black clothes, he felt like a real Dauntless, even though he wasn't, yet. Everyone was almost ready, Christina was waiting for the petite girl to change her abnegation's clothes to the black ones given to her, but it seemed she didn't want to separate her tiny body from the scent of her old home and family so soon.

After breakfast the group of transfers went to the room where they were about to take the shoot lessons.

"The first thing you will learn today is how to shoot a gun. The second is how to win a fight." Four reported, passing by Tris and pressing the gun into her hand, without even looking, which for Peter was irresponsible. Drew and Molly were next to the raven-haired boy, both giggling, they were probably making fun of someone, not that Peter cared, but for him, they were kind of dumb sometimes.
"Thankfully, if you are here, you already know how to get on and off a moving train, so I don't need to teach you that."

Peter looked around, the room had at least ten targets on the wall, they were made of one square of plywood with three red circles. On the other side there were the respective ten tables where the guns were supposed to be, he was anxious to have the weapon in his hand, to feel more powerful, more confident.

Some initiates looked tired, few were the ones who looked ready to take a gun and shoot the target, Peter, a boy from erudite who looked like he born ready to fight and the blonde, tall boy who sought for wisdom even though he left them for bravery.

"Initiation is divided into three stages. We will measure your progress and rank you according to your performance in each stage." Four said. "The stages are not weighed equally in determining your final rank, so it is possible, though difficult, to drastically improve your rank over time."

Four finally handed a gun to Peter, he felt almighty, invincible. The gun was the size of his forearm, not so heavy and it was fully loaded, ready to shoot.

"We believe that preparation eradicates cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear," stated Four confidently. "Therefore each stage of initiation is intended to prepare you in a different way. The first stage is primarily physical; the second, primarily emotional; the third, primarily mental."

While Four said that, Peter tried to find a plausible reason for what shoot a gun had to do with bravery, for him it was just required to pull the trigger, you don't need special skills to do it. Without thinking twice he just spat.

"But what..." He yawned through his words, to make it look casual and too easy. "What does firing a gun have to do with... bravery?"

His detachment led Four to press his gun quickly to Peter's forehead, and to click a bullet into place. The raven-haired boy froze with his mouth half open, astonished, and eyes wide open.

"Wake up," Four snapped. "You are holding a loaded gun, you idiot. Act like it."

As Four lowered his gun, Peter's green eyes harden with anger and his cheeks turn red like burning fire. He couldn't stand humiliation, no one ever dared humiliate him, and since he arrived Dauntless, he was more than once humiliated by Four, which would require too much strength to fight his desire to teach him a lesson.

"And to answer your question…you are far less likely to soil your pants and cry for your mother if you're prepared to defend yourself." Four stopped walking at the end of the row and turned on his heel. "This is also information you may need later in stage one. So, watch me."

The first sentence enraged Peter even more. Four was insinuating he was a mommy's boy and he would be terrified to hold a gun and pull the trigger, that he was a chicken.

The instructor was ready to fire, everyone was staring at him, like he was a star and he was the one they should follow, even Drew and Molly, which drove Peter crazy, he was losing his lackeys because of some know-it-all, and this would not end like this.

The loud bang made some of the more sensible initiates to cover their ears, which was not Peter's case nor was Tris, that looked bewitched by Four's skills. The bullet craved the middle circle like it was a pillow.

The mischievous boy turned to face his target, holding his gun in both of his hands, he had to prove he was not a mama's boy. He held the gun and fired. The bullet lodged on the third circle. He was not proud of this miserable shot, but when he turned, to see if anyone had hit right in the middle, he realized only the other erudite boy hit the target, besides him.

The time passed and after three more shots, Peter finally hit the center of the target. He smiled triumphantly and turned his head to observe the others aim, Tris still hadn't hit the target at all, the blonde erudite instead of shooting was teaching her statistic lessons, as if it was useful to fire a gun, the other erudite boy, Edward or something, at least it was what his girlfriend called him just seconds ago, hadn't shot the center yet, but was close to it and Christina aim wasn't that bad after all. She was probably the best initiate girl shooting, she just failed the target once and was close to the second circle, while the rest of them still were trying to hit the first circle.

They could hate each other, and she was definitely stubborn and nosy, but he couldn't deny she was pretty, she worked hard, was focusing the target like no one else there, she really wanted to do her best, like Tris, they were persistent. Her dark skin was gleaming with sweat, there were drops streaming down the wrinkles on her forehead due the concentration, her curls were pushed back everytime the bullet got out of the barrel, but she never moved her hands from the handle.

Tris, on the other hand, wasn't concentrated at all, Will, or so she called him, didn't stop criticizing the fact she hadn't hit the target not once, and that was defying the nature, like anybody would care about what he was saying. Right after he said it, the blondie turn toward the target pulled the trigger so hard, her hands jumped back, but her feet stayed planted on the ground. The bullet was craved in the edge of the target, far away from the center, but at least she shut him up. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, waiting for some stupid sentence, but he just said. "So you see, I'm right. The stats don't lie," and she smiled a little.

"Drew you shoot like a little girl," Molly teased grinning.

"Shut up! I'm not a girl!" He stated angrily. He hadn't hit the target not once, even the abnegation's hit it and he was losing to her.

"You shoot like one, you stupid. Just do it right, you're making a fool of yourself!" Peter commanded him. It was already humiliating to be beat up by an Abnegation, but the fact she was a girl, made it even more.

Finally, Drew hit the target near the second circle, at the same time Tris's bullet hit the center of it, making her blue ocean eyes wide open, proudly.

They continued shooting for some more time, till it was break time for lunch.

Peter sat with his lackeys, as it should be. Christina and Tris sat together, but the other Candor boy and Will joined them. Peter noticed Tris looked somehow disgusted after watching Edward and his girlfriend kissing, which made sense, Abnegation's didn't show affection in public, they just can't, which shown she was still thinking like one. The rest of her table smiled with her reaction to it, they were thinking the same Peter was, she still didn't forget them, she never will, none of them would.

A/N: Well I hope you like this chapter, it was supposed to be larger, but I had to go. Thanks for the reviews and thanks for reading my fanfic, it means a lot. Enjoy! :)