Missing Card

Future Jaden Jr.'s Pov

A house, money, a deck, is that all in life?

I feel like something is missing.

I looked at a picture. It was filled with happiness and warm smiles. Me and a savior with the same feeling. He had his arm around me, I imagined it warm and comforting, like a fort guarding its secrets. But now, I don't know how a warmth of a father feels like, ever since my father "disappeared".

I remember him dueling someone and then suddenly he just vanished. I didn't know if he lost a duel or if something happened or what.

I walked down the crumbled streets of the city. A mother was cradling her daughter in her arms. I looked at the young girl in the woman's arms. She looked scared and horrified. I could tell something was missing from her life, something that was deep in her heart. I prayed softly.

I felt a tear build up in my eye. I didn't know why; I was over the fact that my father has disappeared...No I wasn't.

I clenched both of my fist, the crush felt pressuring and hard, so pressuring, that blood came out, because I made two holes in my hands. I didn't care about the pain right now, my mind was in a different world right now.

I took out my deck. Dueling was my #1 activity in my life. I took out my deck from my pouch and I looked through it, not caring about my blood staining the cards.

I did think about something, if you want to be a good duelist, you must study your deck. I felt like my life was a deck, but I felt like there was a missing card, not in my deck, but in my life. He was probably my best card. Usually a duelist would go to the store and try to find a replacement, but if you were dedicated to your cards ,like a true duelist, you would search high and low and near and far and not rest until that card is found. This card in my life could never be replaced, I loved this card with all of my heart. My soul was put in it.

I looked up to the ashy skies. I formed a smile on my features, but I looked with concern.

' Will I ever find my father?'

I looked at a puddle, and I saw a reflection of myself, but then the reflection change. The man in the reflection looked like me, but he looked more mature and grown. He was smiling at me, it somehow enlightened me, it lifted me, it saved me, like a savior. I looked up at the ashy colored sky, I looked at it closely, I saw the man's spirit, his brown hair, eyes, they looked the same as I remembered. I smiled at the image in the sky. He was my missing card, and I will search every corner of the earth. I was somewhat stirring to find him.

'I will.'

'I love you...father.'

The End...for now