Gah, I seriously suck. This took so long for me to update and I honestly have no excuse what so ever. And I have no idea what the ending is but…here's the second chapter. I promise I'll try to make the next one better.

Thanks for reading.

"Fawn! Hey Fawn!" Sirius came running up the corridor, dodging in between the other Hogwarts students and knocking some of the younger ones over. "You need to come with me!"

Ella, or Fawn as she is known to the other Marauders, turned round to see a very red and a very out of breath Sirius come to a halt beside her and Hannah.

"Why is he calling you Fawn?" Hannah asked Ella but she ignored her.

"Why? What have you done Pads?"

"Hey! I haven't done anything! It's your brother; I dunno what to do with him."

She sighed. "Have you two done a really stupid prank again?"

"I am hurt. Why do you automatically assume I have something to do with this?"

"Because, you usually do." Ella said, playfully punching him in the shoulder. Turing to face Hannah she said. "I have to go. Better go see what my idiot brother is up to."

"I thought we were going to go study?" Hannah said finally managing to pull her eyes away from Sirius. Every girl in the school had a crush on Padfoot, Ella being the obvious exception. Apart from him being good looking she couldn't understand what was so special about him. Yet, every other girl in the school goes all nervous and giggly around him. She found it more annoying than amusing.

"I know, I know." Ella said as Sirius started to pull her away. "I'm sorry."

Turning towards where Sirius had come from they both set off into a run. She knew that James wasn't in any immediate danger or else Sirius would have just carried her away or something. Most likely he has tried to pull a prank on someone that backfired and got cursed himself. That happens more often than James would like to admit.

"Where is he Pads?"

"At the Greenhouses. We just left Herbology when it happened."

"When what happened?"

"Wait and see!"

She didn't say another thing till they were outside where the Herbology classes were held in the Hogwarts grounds. She could see James in the distance sitting on a tree stump with Peter and Remus hovering over him. He looked like he was ill. He was pale, she would have described it as him seeing a ghost if they weren't surrounded by them every day.

"What the hell!" She said, sinking to the ground as soon as she got to him. "James? James, are you okay?"

"Sh-she said yes." he mumbled so quietly Ella had to stain to hear him.

"Who said yes?"

"Lily." James looked at Ella. "I just blurted out if she would go out with me and she said yes. Six years I have been asking her. Six years!"

Ella started at him for a few seconds before asking. "Are you being serious James?" She stood up and smacked him hard over the head.

"What the…what was that for?"

"You had me worried seeing you like that! And it was all because Lily finally caved in! Merlin James!" She spun around and started to head back up to the castle.

"Where are you going?" James shouted after her rubbing the spot where she had hit him.

"To find some sane people to study with!"

Remus watched her walk away. Once again he was battling thoughts in his head. He so badly wanted to go with her. To tell her everything, tell her how he feels about her. But can he? He could be risking his friendship with Prongs. But then again, he could gain a relationship with Fawn…he was torn.

But then, deciding to act on an impulse, he chose that he was going to go after her.

"I think I'm going to go study as well. Got an essay due for Runes tomorrow."

"Yeah you do that Moony." There was a knowing smirk on Sirius' face. "You go, study."

Not bothering to wonder why Sirius sounded like that he headed off in the direction Ella went not but a few minutes ago. When he was sure that none of the others could see him he picked up into a run.

Where could she be? He asked himself. In the common room or the library? …The library.

Heading up the stairs he tried to formulate a plan in his head. How was he going to bring this conversation up normally? He couldn't exactly just walk up to her and go "Hey El, how are you? Oh, by the way, I love you will you go out with me please?" No doubt she would hit him if he did that. He wasn't even sure if she had any sort of feelings for him except friendship. Remus was definitely risking a lot by doing this. If he fucked this up and she went to James…he will be a dead man.

And it wasn't just James he had to worry about either. Sirius would probably seriously harm him as well. The more he thought about it the more this seemed like a bad idea.

Entering the library Remus inhaled the delicious smell of books. It made him feel relaxed and at home whenever he was in the library. Books were a comfort to him when no one else could be. He felt a bit calmer now being in here. At the very least she couldn't scream at him. He hoped.

He quietly walked around looking for Ella, quickly spotting her in one of his favourite spots next to the restricted section studying a book. Hardly anyone sits there, they were too freaked out by what sort of books were in there to go near it, it was always quiet. Taking a deep breath he walked over and flung himself in the chair next to her, swinging his legs over the arm causing her to jump.

"Godric Moony! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sshh." he whispered. "No shouting. We are in the library, remember?"

"Oh right." Ella smiled at him. "James let you go from his sick bed then?"

"Sorry about that, if we would have known that hitting him would have fixed it Sirius would never have bothered you."

She smiled over at him. "Yes he would have. I'm the only one he wouldn't have hit back."

"That's true." Remus laughed. They sat in silence for a while. It should be awkward and tense but it wasn't. It felt right to be able to just sit with someone and not have to fill every second with conversation. It was nice. "What you studying."

Ella let out a laugh. "We have a test in DADA tomorrow."

"Oh yeah? What's it on?"

She looked up from her book and smirked at him. "Werewolves."

"Ha, really? Well then, I am expecting you to get 100% on that test."

"Yes Professor." As soon as those words came out of her mouth Ella went bright red and looked back down at her book.

What are you doing Ella? She screamed at herself. Don't flirt with him for Merlin's sake!

"I um…" he swung himself round so that he was sitting properly in the chair. "I need to talk to you about something."

Once again Ella looked up from her book, the red not yet leaving her face. "Wh-" She was about to ask what about when they were interrupted.

"Ella Potter?" They both looked round to see a little girl from Hufflepuff standing nervously beside the chairs. She must be a first year by the size of her. And by the fact she had to ask who she was, everyone knew the marauders in this school. Not all for good reasons either.


"Professor Dumbledore wants to see you. And your brother. He says it's urgent."

"Oh." Ella looked at Remus. "Okay, I'll be right there."

The girl was about to turn away when she said suddenly. "Also, he said he liked gummy elf's. Don't know why." And then she ran off.

"Wonder what Dumbledore wants." Remus said after a few seconds of silence.

"You don't think he knows me and James are Animagi do you?" She couldn't quite hide the panic in her voice. It was illegal to be an unregistered Animagi. They could be sent to Azkaban for it.

"Don't worry." Remus wanted to be able to reach out to her and comfort her. But he couldn't till they spoke properly. "You go; I'll find James and send him up. It is more likely this has something to do with him than you." he smiled weakly at her.

"Yeah…" She stood up and left without saying another word. It was never good being sent to Dumbledore's office. He never exactly just invited you for some pumpkin juice. These days' people were sent to his office because their parents…no.

She froze. It couldn't be that could it? Her parents were in the Order but it is impossible for them to have gotten hurt. They were her parents, everyone's parents are indestructible. After standing in the corridor for well over ten minutes she walked on auto pilot to the headmaster's office. Dragging her feet the entire way there.

When she got there she mumbled a barely audible "gummy elf's" and climbed up the stairs. Not bothering to even knock she just walked into his office. James was already there. She must have been standing still for longer than she had thought.

James stood up and walked over to Ella and enclosed her in his arms. Now she knew it was their parents. What else could make James act like this?

"Are they dead?" she whispered.

Her answer didn't come from James but a familiar voice from across the room. "No, they're not dead. But they are badly hurt."

"W-What happened?" She asked when James finally let go of her.

"There was a raid." Dumbledore said. "I'm not going to go into details but your parents are very seriously hurt. They may not recover."

"I-I don't…" She looked over at James but he was trying hard not to look at her by staring at his feet. "I don't understand."

"I think its best you go to the hospital. Visit your parents before…"

"Before what?" Ella shouted. This was the main difference between her and James. While he liked to stay calm and quiet in tense situation she yelled. Not even caring that the man she was shouting at was Albus Dumbledore, Ella glared at him. All she wanted was a straight answer. No vague ones that just put ten more questions in her head.

"Before it's too late." Dumbledore answered gently. Not being affected at all by her tone.

Ella continued to glare at him for a few seconds before turning back to look at James, her expression softening instantly. "James…" She whispered, causing him to finally look at her.

"It's going to be alright.

With a nod she turned back to look at her Headmaster. She had so many questions she wanted to ask but couldn't get them out. What was going to happen? Where were she and James going to go? Why did this happen to the bravest people she knew?

In that moment she was terrified. She didn't like not knowing what was going to happen. Inside her head she was screaming. Screaming in anger and pain and she couldn't make a single noise come out her mouth. She didn't want to go say goodbye to her parents. She didn't want the last image she has of them being on their death bed instead of them waving at her, smiling as the train pulled away from Platform 9 3/4. But, she allowed herself to be guided over to the fireplace. Allowed James to take a handful of Floo Powder and throw it in the fire. Allowed herself to be shown to her parents room.

And all the while, she didn't say a single word.