The Human Prime

Chapter 56: Recollect

RazorMane and Dreadwing flew through the sky, overlooking Cybertron. RazorMane stopped, landing on top of a tower. He cringed at the sight of war, the death and destruction. Dreadwing landed a few minutes later on the ground, checking the ground. However, even he was feeling incredibly tense with anger.

"Those Autobots will pay. Their sparks will rot in the pits for what they did." RazorMane growled, digging his claws in the side of the tower.

"RazorMane, stay focused. Our objective is not far." Dreadwing hissed and dug his own claws into the ground. It was faint, but they were here. They had passed by this very spot not too long ago. RazorMane dropped down next to him, looking at the tracks with a searing glare.

"Autobots." He growled.

"Their direction suggests they are headed to the Ruins. We will intercept them soon. Be prepared." Dreadwing transformed again, taking off into the sky. RazorMane, however, stayed for a moment to pass his own servos over the tracks.

"Light…" He looked forward, trying to see the ruins from where he stood. "Crystal City, huh?"

Autobot POV

"Light, would you hold on a second?" Wheeljack screamed into his com-link. He was straining his engine to keep up with Light who was still quite a ways ahead of him. Bumblebee beeped repeatedly, buzzing in short spurts as if he were exhausted.

"We cannot wait. This mission is too vital to take at a slow pace." She yelled. However, as soon as she said that, she peered into the rearview mirror to see Bumblebee cut off his engine. He was too tired to keep going at such a pace. Light transformed and skid to a halt. Pausing only for a brief moment, she spoke again. "Perhaps, we should rest."

"Just a little." Wheeljack said sarcastically, transforming and walking over towards Light. "What's going on?"

"Pardon?" She flinched slightly at his question, unprepared for it.

"What's got you so charged up? Never saw you lose your cool like this." He leaned on her shoulder, invading her personal space, but in a way trying to get her to calm down.

"It's been so long since I've returned to my home." Light looked towards the ruins of what used to be Crystal City. "I was there when it was leveled to the ground. I swore never to come back till the war was over. And now, I find myself needing to break that vow."

"What are you scared of?" He looked at her face and found that her expression would give him no hints.

"I am scared of nothing, but myself. I swore never to come back only to keep my own emotions in check. Primus forbid I remember what I saw that day, remember the screaming and innocent lives ended. The less time we spend there the better." Light ended with that statement and immediately closed her face behind her mask.

"Light, it's not good to keep all that anger bottled up. What we've lived through during this war, it's not something that should hinder us, but should make us stronger." He folded his arms and tried to look through the blue tint of her mask's visor. She tilted her head so it would give the illusion of her looking straight into his eyes.

"Letting your emotions run you…that is the kind of Wreaker behavior I would expect from you." She turned from him. "Come on Bumblebee! We're moving out." She transformed again and sped forwards.

"You say that Light…but I think you and I are more alike than you let on." He sighed and transformed after Bumblebee passed him. He followed, keeping an eye on the sky above him. It was only a matter of time before they show up to spoil the party.

Many Millennia Ago

A white and blue femme stood in the middle of a busy walkway. As bots passed her by, she tried to recall what she was doing there. It felt like she had just woken up from a long sleep. She tried to speak, but it resulted in hoarse white noise. She looked at her hands and found she was unfamiliar with her own body.

"What are you doing?" A bot asked, standing in front of her. The femme lifted her head and fixed her optics on his. She went to speak, but nothing came out. "Can't you speak?" He asked, before grabbed her jaw to look into her mouth. "It's…never been calibrated. Have you not been assigned? Did you…just wake up?"

"Where am I?" The femme finally managed to say in a cloud of static.

"You're in Crystal City. Though I wouldn't expect that to mean much to you if you just arrived from the All Spark." He looked around, seemingly contemplating something. "Follow me, alright?" The femme nodded and took his servo as they made their way through the crowd.

They managed to get to a shiny white building, covered in clear panels. The bot led the femme into the building, only to bring her down to the basement where there were only a few rooms. The room they went into had no windows, only a metal slab and medical equipment. The bot gestured her to sit down as he began pulling out some equipment. When she was settled, he came at her with a device. She flinched away, but he hushed her.

"I won't hurt you, I promise. I want to calibrate your voice box." He waited for her to nod before trying again. "Usually…the Guilds are the ones who do this, along with sorting you into your caste. I'm not sure how you got passed them." She didn't answer, only listened. "But I'm glad you did." She looked into his eyes as he backed away from her. "The Guilds…have tainted our poor Cybertron."


"Our planet, our home." He clarified before continuing. "They sorted out people to better their own petty lives. It was all that Sentinel Prime's fault!" He seemed to going off in his own direction, but she listened regardless. "Sorry, I forgot you don't know these things. You were never taught. But I will, I will teach you the truth. And then I will do what the Guilds would never do."


"I will give you a choice."

Autobot POV

Light stopped and checked the radar. It was close, she could feel it. She pushed some rubble aside and avoided contact with any lingering corpses. The borders outlining the ruins of Crystal City were close. While a piece of her was eager to see her home, she was mostly terrified. Bumblebee buzzed, pointing out the border then towards the sky.

"A Constructicon can do that to a city, Bumblebee. Especially one of Devastator's size." Light answered over her shoulder. "Let's get that Omega Key and get out."

"Why in such a hurry?" Wheeljack smirked, walking passed her. "I've never been to Crystal City, and even flattened it's rather rousing."

"Don't test me, Wheeljack." She hissed.

"I'm not. Seriously," He looked around. The sunlight glittered off the rubble of the crystal panels. "Beautiful."

"You should have seen it when it towered over even the heavens." She mumbled before pressing on. "Two hundred clicks in this direction."

Light stopped briefly, staring at a body on the ground. It was an Autobot covering the body of an innocent inventor of Crystal City. She knew that bot. He was smart and kind. He was also young, no older than Bumblebee. He had so much yet to experience, yet it was all taken from him.

Wheeljack clasped his hand over her shoulder and pointed Bumblebee forward. When she refused to move, he ushered her along too. They all made it through the outer ring when the sensor began going off. Light tensed and began to run.

"What's going on?" Wheeljack asked, running after her.

"If the Iacon beacon is going off, that means someone already dug it up. We need to hurry!" Light ran passed Bumblebee, knowing it was just up ahead. She stopped only when she saw who had unearthed it.

"You dirt kissers, I thought I'd be seeing you soon." RazorMane held the Omega Key in his claws. By the way he was holding it; it looked like he was about to hand it to Dreadwing when they arrived.

"Hand it over, RazorMane." Light screamed, shaking in anger. RazorMane tossed the key to Dreadwing before taking his revolver from his holster. The Autobots dashed away, hiding behind rubble as he began blasting. Light peered from her cover, pointing out where Dreadwing stood. He was ready to take off.

"Bumblebee, go, I'll cover you." Wheeljack nudged the scout. Bumblebee immediately dashed towards RazorMane, taking mind to dodge all of the targeted fire. Wheeljack fired back at RazorMane, making sure to misdirect the fire toward Bumblebee.

Bumblebee managed to run past RazorMane, tackling Dreadwing to the ground. He grabbed the key and tugged to get it free from the Decepticon's servos. Dreadwing, however, didn't let go that easy. He held his grip and tore at the scout's armor, trying to get him to drop the key.

"Bumblebee." Light mumbled under her breath and looked for a way to get over there. She noticed an arch above them and began to dash around the rubble. The arch provided a perfect point to swing in. Deploying the cables from her arms to wrap around the arch, she swayed into Dreadwing. He stumbled backwards, but somehow managed to keep hold of the key while Bumblebee did not.

Light looked back at Bumblebee who shrugged and beeped his apologies. When she turned back to Dreadwing, he was attacking her, beating down on her with all he had. She phased through him, if only to get some relief from his assault. Bumblebee followed up, snatching the key from his hands and taking off.

"RazorMane! The relic!" Dreadwing gestured towards the fleeing scout. RazorMane went to go and follow, but Wheeljack interjected.

"What's wrong, you don't feel like taking on a real bot?" He unsheathed his twin swords and tapped the tip of one on his chest. "Come here."

RazorMane fired his revolver, forgetting all about the fleeing Autobot. Wheeljack deflected every shot fired at him, despite the speed. Light watched for a second, smiling lightly at the Wrecker before looking back at Dreadwing. He has pulled out his sword, pointing it at her like some sort of salute before running at her. She used her blades to redirect the strikes as they came at her. It wasn't long before she was forced to Wheeljack's back.

"This isn't working." Light said, dodge another swing.

"I'll switch with you, things aren't pretty here either." Wheeljack crossed his blades in an X to keep three shots from hitting his shoulder.

"On three then." Light made sure her back was firmly against Wheeljack's.

"Three!" Wheeljack and Light turned in unison, charging at their new opponents. RazorMane continued to fire, until she eventually passed him. His attention hooked, he followed her.

Many Millennia Ago

"Get back here!" The white and blue femme ran alongside her brothers and sisters. With Energon underneath her arm, she could feel the heat of the elite guard blasters on her heels. She smirked when they tried to grab hold of her; in return she simply jumped high up the buildings.

The group finally managed to lose them with their acrobatic skills. They laughed together as they began to count their spoils. That, however, sobered the mood. It wasn't a very successful heist, but whatever they could get their hands on was enough.

"This sucks." Blind Striker leaned against the wall with a heavy sigh. "I'm tired of doing this?"

"Doing what, saving the world?" Emporium said, biting on an Energon cube to test its quality.

"Stop kidding yourself, we're not saving the world. We're just rebels, sparklings playing pretend. We're not actually making a difference.

She listened to her friends quarrel, hoping they would settle it without too much violence. Finally Chrome, the bot who first found her, stepped forward. The two bots immediately silenced and looked up at the towering bot. At first, nothing was said. There was just an ominous stare between the three. Finally, he spoke.

"Blind Striker is right. That is why I have found a way to eradicate the disease." Chrome kneeled in front of them and placed his data pad in the center. It immediately lit up. An article was displayed and the bold letters drew everyone in.

"Sentinel Prime is in Crystal City?" She saw the picture of the old bot standing among his body guards.

"This is perfect. With him in town, we can assassinate him and begin the new age." Blind Striker held up his cube, but was shot down pretty quickly.

"Who's going to do it?" Emporium pointed to the body guards in the picture. "They guys aren't his buddies. They're his body guards. Highly trained and highly lethal. Even if we get close AND manage to kill him, whoever does it will most likely be put in jail for life…or worse."

"I'll do it." She said, standing up. "I'll kill Sentinel Prime." Chrome smiled and patted the white and blue femme on the head.

"I knew I could count on you."

She left them on the roof, making her way towards the coordinates Chrome had given her. There was little doubt where he would be staying. It was made for him after all. That tower that pierced the sky, the symbol of the so called Primes, was a great place to hide. Though, everyone knew he made it in honor of himself.

As expected, the security was tight. Every klick seemed to have an elite guard posted at the ready. Any normal Cybertronian would turn and run, but she wasn't scared. She had snuck passed guards her whole life. Of course, not just anyone could do that, only she could. Only she had the capabilities to become the ultimate assassin.

She turned invisible and began to walk carefully passed the guards. She was lucky, because as soon as she cleared the most secured areas her invisibility drive powered down. She was still inexperienced and lacked the skills to divide her energy effectively. That was fine, she didn't need it. With the guards in less supply and her agility, she could get to Sentinel without anyone seeing.

There was only one room where he could stay, everywhere else was simply motoring the energy grid. That room specifically meant to harbor him when he visited. She waited outside that room, getting enough energy to phase through it without ever making a sound. Her optics immediately rested on the broad shoulder panels of the Prime's back.

His body stood there, his body slumped as if he were sulking. She eased towards him as quietly as she could. She swore that she saw his head rise a little. If he heard her, it didn't matter, it was too late.

As expected, his arm swung to force her away, but she ducked underneath it. She tackled him to the ground and drew her blade. She was about to pierce him through the chest. Before she thrust it forward, she realized he wasn't fighting back. He lied on the ground as she prepared to strike. When she went to go and end his life, she stopped right before the tip could pierce his panel.

His optics, staring right into hers, were filled with something she never expected. They, paired with his frowning face, were filled with sorrow and pain. It was a familiar look. She has seen it on many of her friends and fellow suffers. It had never occurred to her that someone so high up on the food chain, the cause of their pain, was also feeling pain.

"Master Sentinel, we heard a commotion, what's-" Guards burst into the room and saw her straddling the prime with a blade to his spark. They scrambled to pull her off him, but she didn't struggle. She just stared at those pain filled optics as they put her in cuffs and dragged her away.

In jail, she couldn't get those eyes out of her head. She waited to hear her sentence from the head council. While she failed her mission, she wasn't sure what to think anymore. Surely a monster would not have that look like he did. What was he, an enemy or a friend?

"You." She raised her head to find none other than Sentinel Prime before her. She dropped her eyes to the ground, not wanting to look at him. "That is some fine skills you presented. Not just anyone can sneak passed my elite guard." She didn't answer him. He opened her cell and began to unlock her chains. "I was wondering if you would want to come and work for me."

Autobot POV

Dreadwing and Wheeljack locked swords, grunting as they put pressure against them. Each of them hoped that the other would make a vital mistake. A slip in their footing or their grip could make the opening the other needed to land a fatal blow.

"For a Decepticon, you got some skill." Wheeljack chuckled.

"You are weak. Anyone who talks with his adversaries is obviously compensating for poor ability." Dreadwing stepped away and pushed Wheeljack away.

"Well sorry for striking up a chat. Thought you could use some conversation, after all not many would want to talk to someone with a face as ugly as yours." Wheeljack grinned when Dreadwing scowled at him and began to rapidly strike at him.

RazorMane fired around her cover. She waited for an opening before returning fire. She managed to hit his shoulder, which crippled his aim significantly. He stopped shooting when he realized that he wouldn't hit her and went in for hand to hand combat.

Light pushed him off, teleporting behind him and knocking him against his back. He turned around, using his claws to slice into her mask. She felt the mark, thanking Primus that it didn't reach her face. She watched him stand there, calculating his next attack. When he came in close, she thought of only one thing.

"Why do you fight RazorMane? You don't seem unreasonable. You seem almost merciful. Why do you follow someone like him?" Light asked, holding his fists back.

"He is my very existence! He made me who I am. He made me matter. He gave me a reason to live. He gave me a name…a purpose. But I wouldn't expect an Autobot like you to understand." RazorMane pushed her back in order to catch his breath.

"But I do understand, RazorMane. More than you know." She got ready for his next attack. Steadying her feet on the shifting ground, she was prepared to use his force against him. She was ready to attack, but then sounds of agony filled her receptors.

Light looked back to see Dreadwing's sword pierced in Wheeljack's chest. He fell to the ground, holding his chest and gasping. She felt RazorMane's claws in her back and push her to the ground as well. It wasn't long before she was up on her heel struts again. She looked between Dreadwing and RazorMane, both looking at her with killing intent. In desperation, she leapt for Wheeljack's body. Before Dreadwing could jab through her spark with his sword, she teleported away, leaving the Decepticons growling in aggravation.

Many Millennia Ago

"What are you doing out here?" Sentinel Prime asked, coming out to stand next to the femme. She didn't answer right away, just kept watching the bots walking the streets below here.

"Simply thinking." She answered.

"May I ask you something then?" He put his arms over the railing, leaning on it and staring far beyond Cybertron's horizon.

"Of course." She looked at the older bots frame and frowned. He was aging before her eyes, if not visibly then mentally.

"Why did you not kill me?" He looked back at her, focusing on her face. She was taken back at first then nodded.

"I was told, since my awakening, that you were the source to all of our problems. That Cybertron was in an eternal stasis because of you. I had come to know you as a pompous elitist who had made the choice to better the minority. I always believed you to be evil. However," She whispered, remembering the time when she had her blade to his throat. "When I saw you, you looked to be in as much pain as us. You were sorry."

Sentinel smiled and looked down at the bots below. He frowned at them and let out a long sigh. Indeed, there were so many regrets. However, he lacked the ability to change anything. He was old and even if he could go back in time, he now lacked authority to do so. His legacy was ending, and it wasn't going to end on a high note.

"I fear my poor Cybertron is rotting from the inside out. And, yes, I do believe that it was all my doing. If I had listened to Alpha Trion," He trailed off, falling silent. "There is nothing I can do for Cybertron now. Even now, I fear my end will come soon. And while you are a dear and loyal friend, I don't want you to protect me forever. No, I will die. I want to."

"But sir-"

"There will be a new prime. One with a better understanding of this world than I. That Prime will notice what our planet needs; he will repair the damage I've done." He placed his hand on her head, smiling softly. "And I will leave one last thing in my legacy." He laughed slightly, folding his arms. "I just realized…all this time, and you've never gotten a name."

"I do not need a name."

"No, you need a name. A name worthy of someone as pure of spark as you and I hope that, under that name, you will agree to continue my legacy. Perhaps, with you at his side, Cybertron can return to a golden age. No, I know with you at his side, Cybertron will be well again. Will you agree?" She didn't answer his question. Instead she asked her own.

"What name would you give for me, Sentinel?"

"A name to usher Cybertron out of the darkness, that name is Light."

Autobot POV

Light frowned as she watched Wheeljack rest. It had been so long since then. She had forgotten who she was. All the damage had infected not only her mind, but her spark. Light, what did that mean anymore? She had failed Sentinel's legacy by allowing Cybertron to fall. She had failed his memory by letting Wheeljack fall, Crystal City fall, Cybertron fall.

"Light?" Wheeljack heaved, regaining consciousness.

"Shh, rest, we'll have to move again soon. We need to find Bumblebee. RazorMane and Dreadwing are probably hot on his trail trying to get the key." Light let a vent slip through her systems. He was alright.

"We better get moving then." He groaned as he tried to get up.

"Wheeljack, don't you ever listen." She pushed on his shoulder trying to get him to stay put, but he grabbed her hand tightly.

"Why…" His vent was unsteady, obviously feeling some discomfort.


"Why did you run?" He asked, never letting go of her hand.

"You were-" She was shocked when he placed her hand over the gash in his chest. It made her shiver, but he was too strong.

"I've seen what you can do. The precision, the power, the speed, you could have taken them on, but you ran. This injury is minor and even though I was out cold, you could have taken them on by yourself." Wheeljack could feel her digits shake in his grasp as her hand felt over his wound. "What are you so afraid of?"

"You don't know me. You don't know what I'm capable of. I couldn't do it. I'm not as strong as you think I am. I've let so many things happen. I couldn't stop any of it."

"You're different now. We are stronger than we were yesterday and we'll be stronger than today, tomorrow. Light, what we feel or experience should not hinder us. It should make us stronger. The same goes for you." He leaned forward and finally let go of her hand. "Whatever happened to you, whatever you holding yourself responsible for, let it go. Focusing on what's going on right now, is the only way our sacrifices in the past matter."

"Sweet words from a Wrecker." Light almost laughed.

"Who said I couldn't be a sensitive guy?" Wheeljack smirked.

"Yeah, yeah." Light got up and, for the first time since coming here, felt like herself again. "Come on, Bumblebee needs us."

Decepticon POV

"We should hunt them down." RazorMane said, looking in the horizon for any sign of the other Autobots. "They couldn't have gone far."

"We have what we need." Dreadwing looked down at the scout who was beginning to recover from the surprise attack. "If you need something to release frustrations, here's your medium." He stepped away from RazorMane, slipping the key onto his back.

"I thought Decepticons were supposed to be the cold ones…leaving their scout to die. That's heartless even for me." RazorMane took his revolver and pointed it at Bumblebee. "I'll see you on the other side, Autobot."

"Bumblebee!" A loud cry followed by the roaring of engines echoed through the ruins. RazorMane turned and growled at the sight of the Wrecker's vehicle form.

"I need to get this to Lord Megatron, immediately." Dreadwing stood defensively, not wanting to fight at that moment.

"Go, I'll take him on myself." RazorMane shot at him, aiming right in front of him. Wheeljack skidded to stop, halting in his tracks. Dreadwing took the time to transform and take off into the sky. "Where's your little friend, Wrecker? Is she too scared to face me again?"

"I'm right here!" RazorMane looked up just in time to dodge Light's kick coming in from above. He thought he had outsmarted her, but found that he was wrong. She grabbed his arm which he mounted his revolver. Pushing him forward, she began to rip the weapon from his servos. She through him on the ground and slipped the revolver onto her own hand. "Dreadwing! This is pay back!"

The Lightning Revolver shot a couple rounds into the sky, sending Dreadwing crashing into the ground. Dreadwing groaned as he transformed back and felt his wings then noticed the key was not on his back.

"Looking for this commander?" Dreadwing turned and found Wheeljack holding the key in his servos.

"Time to go Wheeljack, you can talk to your friend later." Light, helping Bumblebee over to him, grabbed his shoulder.

"See ya." Wheeljack waved before they disappeared. Dreadwing slammed his fists into the ground, screaming to the heavens as RazorMane mourned the loss of his revolver.

Autobot POV

"Strike one Omega key." Wheeljack held in front of Bumblebee who beeped happily. "Good work, kid." He looked over at Light who was examining the Lightning Revolver. "Nice little trophy."

"I'm sure RazorMane will miss it." She said, putting it back on her arm. "Wheeljack."


"Thank you…I think I've been stuck for far too long. Thank you for helping me move on." She smiled at him, giving him a thumbs-up.

"No problem." He slapped her in the back. "I'm glad you're back to your old self. Whoever that is."

"If you want, maybe someday, I can tell you." Light looked at the sunlight reflecting on the crystal panels.

"I'll look forward to it." He called over to Bumblebee. "Come on, the boss is probably waiting for us."

"If you don't mind, can we take the long way?" Light walked behind them. "I'm not quite ready to leave."