
"Who's that?" Lucy asked Cana, as she gazed towards the entrance of the guild house, where Erza was talking animatedly with a beautiful female Lucy had never seen before.

Cana paused in her daily hobby of drinking until her eyes crossed, to take a quick glance over to the guild's entrance.

"Oh, her? That's just an old friend of Erza's. She's not a wizard herself, but she and Erza became friends when Erza was much younger. The girl lived down the street from the guild, and she and Erza would sometimes hang out together. Then the girl moved away when her parents separated. This is the first time I've seen her in years. Didn't know she and Erza were even still in touch, and it looks like they're still good friends." Cana said all of this without the slightest hint that she was actually drunk off her ass. Then the brunette got a wicked gleam in her eye as she leaned closer to Lucy.

"So, why did'ja wanna know who she was, Luce? Are you by any chance jealous of Erza's 'childhood friend'?" Cana asked with a wide grin.

Lucy blushed as she held up her hands, and waved them frantically back and forth.

"What? Oh, no no no. I'm not jealous. Why is the world would I be jealous of a childhood friend of my girlfriend? An old friend who looks sexy and curvacious, with nice long wavy hair...and who's leaning entirely too close to Erza," Lucy said this last part with narrowed eyes, as she leaned forward a bit on her stool while watching this 'old friend' of Erza's, get a bit too close for Lucy's comfort. An unfamiliar feeling began coursing through her body, and Lucy found herself fighting the urge to go over to the two women, conversing at the guild entrance and just kind of...insert...herself into whatever conversation was going on.

"I can't believe it, Lucy...you're actually jealous. Oh, that is just too cute!" a new voice piped up beside Lucy, and she fought the urge to groan out loud and bury her face in her arms, as Mirajane came to stand beside her with a bright, amused smile on her face.

"I'm so happy that I can entertain you both so much," Lucy muttered under her breath as she fought the blush creeping back onto her face, at apparently being so transparent with her jealous feelings that her friends could easily see it.

Mirajane let out a soft chuckle before she stepped forward, and gave her blond-haired friend a light squeeze around the shoulders.

"It's perfectly alright to feel a little jealousy, Luce. Everyone who's ever been in a relationship feels this way at some point or other. But you know that Erza loves you. So, no matter how chummy that girl may act towards your knight, you know that Erza loves only you," Mirajane said with a soft, sisterly smile towards the young, blond mage she considered family.

Lucy nodded slowly as a slight blush stained her cheeks, for a wholly different reason than it did before. She now felt slightly embarrassed for feeling jealous over Erza spending time with an old friend. She had more faith and trust in Erza and their relationship than that. In fact she had ALL the faith and trust in the world in their relationship. And as Mirajane had said everyone has experienced jealous feelings in relationships before. So, she really shouldn't feel too badly that she'd succumbed to her first true feelings of relationship jealousy.

"You're right. I was being silly. I trust and love Erza above all else, and I know that she feels the same way about me; and I'm going to show her just how much I truly do love her tonight," Lucy said with a determined look on her face, which Mirajane and Cana found absolutely adorable, and silently promised themselves to tease Lucy about mercilessly later. For now, the two older mages just grinned at each other, and continued to keep Lucy company until Erza was finally finished talking with her old friend.

~Later that night at Lucy's apartment~

"Erza...could you come here for a minute, please?" Lucy called out softly to her girlfriend, from her bedroom door. Erza was in the living room having just arrived at the apartment, and was just starting to make herself comfortable.

"Sure Luce, I'll be right there," Erza replied as she stretched her back muscles, and then made her way over to Lucy's bedroom.

"So, what was it that you wanted...me...for..." Erza's voice trailed off, as her eyes took in the visual treat of Lucy standing before her in the sexiest, sheerest night gown she'd ever seen. The delectable vision that Lucy presented made Erza's mouth water, and it took every ounce of self-control she possessed not to step forward, take her lover into her arms, and strip her completely naked.

"So...is there a particular reason for this sexy little number that you're wearing for me tonight?" Erza asked with a small smirk, as she moved forward to take Lucy into her arms.

Lucy looked up at Erza and gave her a small, sexy smile.

"I actually have a small confession to make, Erza," Lucy said softly, as she raised a hand to lightly thread through the soft hairs at the base of Erza's neck. "I saw you earlier with that...old friend of yours...talking at the guild entrance. And for a little while there...I was actually feeling...kinda jealous," Lucy confessed with a small, shy, embarrassed smile up at her scarlet-haired lover.

Erza blinked once...twice...then let out a softly-amused chuckle, and leaned forward to nuzzle her face against the soft, smooth skin of Lucy's neck. A low moan of pleasure escaped Lucy's lips, as Erza's lips found that one spot that always drove her wild.

"Lucy...do you have any idea of how many times I've had to deal with being jealous?" Erza asked with amusement clear in her voice as she leaned back, and smiled down at the woman held securely in her arms.

Lucy gave Erza another shy smile and a slight nod, as she did know how jealous Erza could get at times.

And truth be told...she actually found Erza's jealousy kind of...sexy.

"So, does that mean my being jealous today over your...'childhood friend'...maybe perhaps...turns you on a little?" Lucy asked with a coquettish look, that caused Erza's blood to boil.

"That, my sexy little vixen, is exactly what it means. Now come here," Erza commanded in a low, sexy growl as she leaned forward and claimed Lucy's lips in a steamy, passionate kiss.

They didn't leave Lucy's bed after that for the rest of the night...or most of the next day.

This chapter came about thanks to Rockerangel742 who gave me the awesome prompt in a review. Thanks for that~ ;3

Hope you all enjoyed this chap! Please review =D