A/N: It's quite a long story but at first, I honestly didn't like the show Austin & Ally at all. But one day while I was alone, I turned on the TV and tuned in to Disney; Austin & Ally were the one airing. I saw that it was the first episode of Season 1 and I said, "Let's give it a shot." And so I did, I got hooked after that and since then, I couldn't stop myself from watching Austin and Ally.

Anyway, I got inspired and yeah, I hope you'll like this. I just want to say that I'm no expert when it comes to writing so expect the chapters to be poorly written.


"These are the last of them, Ally." Austin Moon said as he gently laid the last three boxes down by the storage room. The delivery came in this morning and there were a lot of boxes to carry. It was a good thing Austin offered to help carry them.

"Okay, thanks for the help Austin." She replied, not bothering to take her eyes off of the clipboard she was holding. By the look on Ally Dawson's face, she was extremely busy. She'd been jotting down things on the clipboard and examining each box Austin brings inside, since this morning.

"What are you doing anyway?" Austin asked, out of curiosity.

"Oh, well my Dad went into some conference or something in Orlando and he'll be gone for days so, I'm in charge of the whole place." Ally explained.

"That's a total bummer. I just got the four of us some tickets to this new movie and then I booked us to this luxurious hotel and resort." Austin informed.

Ally's eyes widen. "Really? Austin, that's great…but I can't go."

"That's why it's a total bummer. Any way you can close up the store for just two days?" he asked.

"I wish I can Austin, but, I can't." she replied.

She left the counter and walked over towards the boxes and examined everything. Austin watched, as his best friend was hard at work. She really needs some well-deserved break. He sat up at the counter and fumbled with his phone, trying to entertain himself.

Just then, both Dez and Trish walked inside the store. Austin's head shot up as soon as Dez's familiar voice rang in his ears.

"You know what I notice about you two?" Austin asked.

"What?" Dez asked.

"You two have been spending a lot of time together." Austin answered. "Is something going on?"

"Us? Not going to happen. Not even in your wildest dreams, Austin." Trish replied and left the two guys when Ally came into her view.

Trish stood in front of Ally, who was still busy jotting notes on her clipboard. The Latina was about to open her mouth when her best friend interrupted her. "Let me guess, you got a new job?" Ally guessed.

"How did you know?" Trish asked.

"Duh, it's the same statement I hear coming from your mouth every day." Ally answered.

Trish stared at her stressed best friend for a moment before flashing a smile. "Well anyway, my new job is at the Magazine Store. You know, where I buy my fashion magazines."

"So, I'm guessing you're going to last longer in this job than your previous ones?" Ally guessed once again.

"Boy, you're really good at this guessing game," Trish commented.

Ally scoffed in response. As she was about to turn around to get on to more work, she accidentally bumped into Austin. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

Austin didn't respond.

Ally walked towards the side where there is no tall blonde guy blocking her way but Austin followed her. She turned towards the open space but Austin blocked her again. Until they seemed like they're playing some sort of child-like game. They were doing that for a couple of seconds when suddenly, Ally got frustrated. Add to that, Austin taking her clipboard away.

"What?" Ally shrieked.

"We—" Austin said handing the clipboard to Dez, "—are closing the store. Ally, you're stressing over this whole thing. Come on, let's take a break and have some fun!"

He grabbed her by her hand and walked towards the mall's food court to grab something to munch on first. When both Austin and Ally walked out of Sonic Boom hand-in-hand, he was certain he saw a camera flash in the corner of his eye. Thinking it was just some group of friends taking pictures together, Austin shrugged it off.

But boy was he wrong…

The next morning in Trish's new job, new magazines were delivered. She was busy stacking the magazines in the storage room as her co-worker placed some copies on display.

She was sure excited to see the new issue of her favorite fashion magazine. She dug through the stacks hoping to sneak in one copy. But as soon as she saw a certain magazine and its catchy headline in big, red, bold letters; she immediately found herself skimming through the pages of a teen gossip magazine (in which she's not fond of reading), trying to find the page of the article that caught her eye.

Flipping through another page, her eyes quickly spotted the article she was looking for. She read through it faster than she ever read before hoping to get the scoop of the gossip as soon as possible.

As she was finished and had convinced herself after she read the article for at least five times, trying to make sure she didn't miss any words and details, she hustled through the large stacks of magazines, tripping on the process, eager to inform Austin and Ally about the surprising gossip.

"Hey! Trish! Come back, you may be working here but you have to pay for that still." Her boss shouted at her.

"I'll pay for it later!" she yelled back.

Panting as hard as ever, she finally reached Sonic Boom. Her eyes scanned the whole room for any signs of both Austin and Ally but they were nowhere to be found. She agilely ran up to the practice room and sure enough, the music partners were inside.

She must've opened the door too hard because when she set foot on the room, Austin and Ally were already looking at her.

"Trish? Aren't you supposed to be working?" Ally asked standing up from the piano bench.

The curly-haired Latina regained her breathing and handed Ally the magazine. "Page 23… read the article. You too, Austin." She instructed.

Austin's brows furrowed in confusion. "Does it have something to do with me?" he asked.

"No, well, sort of, kinda. Oh, I don't know, just…just read the article." Trish answered.

He bent his head lower as Ally found the right page and started reading the title aloud. "Confirmed; Ross Lynch and Laura Marano are dating." Ally read.

"Okay, I'm so confused. What's with the article that I have to read it as well?" Austin asked, turning towards Trish.

Before Trish's answer could slip out of her mouth, she was interrupted by Ally's screaming.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she exclaimed as she started dancing her ridiculous routine.

"Why are you so happy Ally?" Austin questioned in an attempt to stop the petite brunette from dancing. Seriously, the girl's got lots of learning to do when it comes to dancing.

"…Because, I've been waiting for my whole life for these two to date! I've been a big fan ever since they did that movie together. They've got lots of chemistry and it's obvious that they like each other." Ally replied.

Trish shook her head. "No, no. That's not what I'm trying to tell you guys. Ally, have you paid attention to the article?"

"Yeah, it said they were seen coming out of a store hand-in-hand and that confirmed they're really dating." Ally responded.

"No, Ally, give me the magazine." Trish said. She obediently handed the object.

"Didn't you guys paid any attention that they were seen in Miami, Florida? Have they ever been in Miami? No. They're in Los Angeles filming their new series together. There was never any news that they'd be here in Miami." Trish explained.

"So?" Ally asked. "It doesn't matter as long as they're finally dating."

"Ally, have you seen the picture?" Trish asked.

Austin, who has grown silent the whole conversation, took the magazine from Trish and showed Ally the picture. "Hey, aren't we wearing the same clothes just yesterday when we went to see that movie?" he asked.

"Exactly," Trish replied.

"What? I'm confused. Can someone fill me in here?" Ally said.

Austin turned to look at Ally then at Trish and back to Ally once again.

"I think you guys have been mistaken as Ross Lynch and Laura Marano."

A/N: There's the prologue! I hope you guys would like this story. Please leave a review.