Hello. This Lucas GreyLord with a new story. Enjoy.

This is very AU. Ash will be Smart/Psychic/Aura/Transform (able to turn into a Pokemon). Pairing is AshxMew. If you don't like then don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

It was a very peaceful day in the Town of Pallet. The Pidgey's were flying around, the people were talking to each other, and those two people outside were being pecked to death. Wait... WHAT!

Indeed, two people, a male and female, were being swarmed by a hord of angry rat-like Pokemon called Rattata and Raticate. A bundle with a baby was in the bushes as the two were being continuously bitten and scratched everywhere. Their screams of pain were blocking out the noise of the crying baby.

Delia Ketchum, a 25 year old woman, was crying in pain as she tried to fight the angry Mouse Pokemon off of her and her husband, Ashton Ketchum also 25 years old. They were coming back from a walk in the woods when they were attacked by the Rattata and Raticate. She only prayed that someone would find her baby and take care of him. She had one final thought as both she and her husband died. 'Please, someone take care of Ash.' And with that, they drew in their last breath.

Up above in the sky:

In the sky, we see a pink cat Pokemon who was playing with an equally pink bubble. It has a long, skinny tail ending with a rounded tip. It has big hind legs, like a rabbit, and short arms with three-fingered paws. Its feet are very large with oval markings near its three toes. It had triangular ears and baby blue eyes. The tiny creature was known as a Mew. She was currently floating around in the sky, bored as hell.

"When will something good happen," she asked herself. She then heard Delia's thoughts. 'Please, someone take care of Ash.' She looked around and didn't notice anything, until she looked down and saw a flock of Mouse Pokemon, Rattata and Raticate to be exact, were killing a pair of lovers mercilessly. She grew angry at that, but was became furious when one of the Rattata dragged a baby out of the bushes. It looked to be only 1 year old and was currently crying its eyes out. Mew noticed that the baby was a male and that he had raven black hair. She flew at the swarm just as they were about to peck the baby.

"THUNDERBOLT," she cried out as she hit all of the Mouse Pokemon and somehow missed the two carcasses and baby. The swarm of Rattata and Raticate quickly flew off since they knew they couldn't handle an electric type that strong, even with such a large number. Mew flew down to the trio and knew that the woman and man were long gone. She noticed a Pokeball on the woman's person and grabbed it. She sighed as she looked at the baby. It blinked at her with big brown eyes as it sniffed.

"Mama," he asked. Mew smiled before she shook her head 'no. The baby then crawled over to her and grabbed her tail. It then played with it before he let out a yawn and fell asleep. Mew sighed as she took the baby and flew off along with the Pokeball in the direction of Mt. Moon. If she had stayed a few minutes longer, she would have seen some Officer Jenny's walking through the forest with their Growlithe partners as they came upon the carcasses.

Thirteen years later:

We find ourselves at the rugged peak of Mt. Moon. There was many plant life at the top of the cold mountain surprisingly. There was also a huge midnight black stone in the middle of a clearing. The clearing itself was pretty big, complete with a large amount of berry bushes and a stream. There were many scorched marks all over the place that showed how much someone or something had been training. There were also many pink Pokemon singing and dancing around the big stone. They were Clefairy and Clefable. There was also two cat like Pokemon in the sky playing with each other.

"Okay Ashie, let's see if you can catch me now," one of the Pokemon said as she flew away in a pink blur from another feline Pokemon that looked like her. The only difference was that this one was blue instead of pink. The blue one, 'Ashie', grew a tick mark before chasing the other feline.

"I'm gonna get you sis," 'Ashie' said as he flew after the pink cat. "I WILL catch you or I'm not a Mew." The know identified Mew's flew around for hours on end before they finished their game of tag, which ended up with several Clefairy and Clefable joining in along the way. They flew to a nearby cabin that Mew had built. They entered and saw another Pokemon cleaning the cabin, even though it was already clean. The Pokemon has a round, white body with a red spot in the middle. Its light pink arms and legs are connected to its body by red spheres. It has white, five-fingered hands and black feet that curl upward at the end. It has a pink head with red cheeks and a pair of blue horns. 'Ashie' smiled at the Pokemon before greeting it.

"Hello Mr. Mime," he told the now identified Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime stopped what it was doing and smiled at the two legendary Psychic Types. He remembered what happened thirteen years ago when Mew had took him and Ash when his original trainer had perished.


It was night time when Mew had arrived at the top of Mt. Moon. She gently set the still sleeping baby, who she knew was the Ash that the woman had spoken of. She grabbed the Pokeball with her Psychic powers and opened it up revealing another Psychic Type Pokemon. It was a small pink Pokémon with a dark blue torso. It has a red bump on its stomach and a typical red clown nose on its face. It appears to be wearing a dark blue, crooked hat with a white ball on it.

"Huh," the Pokemon questioned as it looked around for its trainer. "Trainer, where are you?" The Pokemon kept looking around until it spotted Ash and Mew. It immediately ignored Mew and headed straight for Ash. "Trainer's on! What are you doing here?" It cradled the sleeping boy while Mew had a look of confirmation on her face.

'So that IS her kid,'Mew thought. She floated down next to the Psychic Type Pokemon and introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Mew." She held out her paw while the pink Pokemon looked at her in awe. It held out its own hands and shook hers."I'll explain everything that's happening, little Mime Jr." The now known Mime. Jr. nodded as he kept on cradling Ash.

Mr. Mime was broken out of his thoughts when 'Ashie' turned on the T.V. that Mew had... 'borrowed'. Somehow, they were able to get cable and were currently looking at the news channel. Mr. Mime went into the kitchen and made some snacks. He returned to the living room to see that the blue Mew was replaced by a 14 year old boy.

He had on a white t-shirt with a black jacket and black long pants. He was about 5'10 with raven black spiky hair with white streaks going through. He had on a pair of black and white goggles on his neck and a black and white hat on his head. He had a pair of black white gloves, with the black being on his right hand, and the white being on the left. His lightning bolt birthmarks on his cheeks were really defined and his chocolate brown eyes gave off a peaceful vibe. He also had a necklace with a blue Mew on the end. Mr. Mime came up with the trays and set them on the table next to the couch that Ash, Mew, and him were sitting on.

"And in other news, the search for the criminals that murdered the two lovers on Route 1 of the Kanto region is still underway. The only clues that have been found was the many Rattata and Raticate footprints that were all over the area, most likely covering up the murders tracks. Also the search for missing their child Ash Ketchum is still underway," the news lady announced to the world. "The child was taken from his mother after the murder killed them. The only clues that the Police have was the reports from the Officer Jenny that found the crime scene. Apparently, they saw a pink feline Pokemon float away from the sight, with a bundle in it's arm as well as a Pokeball. This Pokemon is most likely a Psychic Type due to it floating away. We will keep everyone updated when more facts come in." Ash sighed as he ate another sandwich. Mr. Mime looked at his current trainer's face sadly.

"Don't worry Ash," he told the human boy. Well half human. After Mew had gotten everything settled out with the two of them, she decided to make Ash at least half Mew. It worked... a bit to well. Ash can now use Psychic moves and understand Pokemon. He can also turn into any Pokemon due to having Mew's DNA, or in other words, every Pokemon in the world's DNA. He could also talk to them telepathically, but understands Psychic Types better than others. "You know they'll keep putting that on until they 'find out who did it'. Come on, we're going to leave tomorrow and you need to be well rested." Ash was going to become a Pokemon Trainer and wanted to start in the Unova region. He knew that it was the furthest place from Kanto and nobody would know about the 'murder' of his parents... hopefully. With that, Mr. Mime grabbed Ash's hand and lead him to the bedrooms with Mew following along. He then put Ash in one of the beds as Mew floated onto his head and fell asleep. Ash did as well moments after. Mr. Mime grinned before he set about cleaning everything up.

He finished ours later and went to bed next to Ash's bed.

The next day:

Ash woke up very early and quickly did his morning rituals. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, put on his clothes, which were the same attire that he always wore, ate breakfast and went outside to do some meditating. He had found out that he could use Aura as well and meditates whenever he gets the chance so that he could use it better. He sat on a nearby stump from a tree he had accidentally cut down with a Psycho Cut when he was training with Mew. Half an hour later, Mr. Mime had come out and was meditating as well. They finished meditating an hour later and went inside to see that Mew was stuffing her face with Lum Berries. Ash sweatdropped while Mr. Mime looked on in shock, not from what she was doing but from the mess she was making.

"I JUST CLEANED YESTERDAY MEW," he shouted at the pink legendary, who ignored him for the Lum Berries. He sighed as he set upon cleaning the mess, when he remembered that they weren't going to live in the cabin anymore. They were going to start on their journey through the Unova region and beat the champion. Ash ran into the bedroom and grabbed his things. It was a black and white backpack with a Pokeball logo on it. Inside was extra food, water, clothing, and Pokeballs. Ash grabbed two Pokeballs and clipped them onto his belt. He ran out of the house with Mr. Mime and mew, who had finished her breakfast, following. He then turned around and held out a Pokeball.

"All right, where going on a journey," he shouted with determination and fire in his eyes. He held out a Pokeball towards Mr. Mime. "Mr. Mime, return." A red beam of light hit Mr. Mime as he was absorbed into the Pokeball. Mew looked on as she smiled at how her 'little brother' was. Ash turned to Mew and nodded. She nodded back as she started to glow in a white light.

"TRANSFORM," she called out as her body changed. She was now a vulture-like Pokémon, particularly resembling a turkey vulture. She has a bare, pink, hunched head and neck, along with a notched black beak and eyes, apparently possessing eyelashes, that have red irises. A long brown tuft with a bone in the middle extends from the back of her head like a archetypal tribal ponytail. She has a tan-brown ruff, and shaggy darker brown wings with darker tips. She has a 'skirt' that looks as if made of bones, with an array of spikes on it. The pink talons of her feet had black nails. She also had shaggy brown tail feathers. She smirked at Ash's awed face. Sure he could transform to, but it took him a while to do it correctly, and even then it was mostly Psychic Types or Lucario's. He could still turn into other Pokemon, though it's harder. He climbed onto the transformed Mew's back as she started to flap her wings. She flew up high before turning towards the direction of Unova. She flew high as she flapped her long wings.

Ash was amazed by all of the flying Pokemon that were in the air. He saw a lot of Pokemon, including blue and white pelican like Pokemon, which he knew where Pelippers, a blue dragon like Pokemon with red wings, which was a Salamance, and even a brown colored bird with red and yellow feathers coming out of its head to look like a ponytail, which was a Pidgeot. They continued to fly as Mew told all about the Unova region including the Pokemon there. Of course he already knew a lot about the Unova region since Mew crammed a lot of information about the world while he was growing up. He knew everything about every Pokemon. Well almost everything. They continued flying, the boy on a transformed Mew who was now a Mandibuzz.

A few hours later in Nuevma Town:

We find ourselves in a beautiful and quiet small town called Nuevma Town. Their weren't many houses there as it was relatively small. There were 14 houses at the most as well as a lab that was owned by the famous Prof. Juniper. We see said professor currently giving four trainers their starter Pokemon.

The professor was about 5'11 with light brown hair in a bun style. She was currently wearing a white tank top with a white doctors coat. She had on a green skirt and red and white sneakers. Her Cyan green eyes held amusement at what the four trainers to be were doing. She was lucky that she had two of each starter Pokemon, or else she didn't know what she would do. She stared as the four trainers were choosing which Pokemon they wanted.

The first of the trainers was a 14 year old female with dark brown hair in a ponytail style. She was around 5'7 with blue eyes and white skin. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a black mini jacket and blue short shorts. She had a pink bag and black boots with a pink outline at the bottom along with black wrist guards. She also had a white and pink cap on her head. She had a confident smile on her face as she was deciding what Pokemon she wanted to get.

The second of the trainers was also a 14 year old female. She was about 5'6 with blonde hair and green eyes. She wore an orange shirt along with a white long skirt. She had a green beret on her head and a green bag on her side. She looked like she was a clumsy type of person.

The next trainer to be was a 14 year old male. He was about 5'7 with brown hair and amber eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a blue jacket on top. He had on black pants and a red and white cap on his head along with a blue bag and red boots. He also had white skin and had a confident smirk on his face as he was choosing his Pokemon.

The last trainer to be was also a 14 year old male. He was about 5'6 with black hair and blue eyes that were covered by a red framed pair of glasses. He had on a white shirt and a blue jacket over it. He was wearing a pair of black long pants and blue sneakers. He had a calculating look on his face as he was deciding which partner he was going to choose.

The current Pokemon that were out was two blue and white otter Pokemon with a scallop on their stomachs, two green snake like Pokemon that had arms and legs, and two black and orange pig like Pokemon.

Professor Juniper introduced the Pokemon to them. "These are the three starters of Unova," she spoke as she pointed to the six of them. "They are, in order, Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig. You must choose one of these Pokemon for your journey." She then went through a door and returned with a cart that had two boxes on them. She had returned just in time for them to pick their partners.

"I'll take Oshawott," the female with the pink bag said as she took the Pokeball. The boy with the glasses came next.

"I'll take Tepig," he said in a polite voice. He took the Tepig's Pokeball before returning it. The green beret girl came up next.

"I'll take Tepig as well," she said as she took the other Tepig's Pokeball. The last one came up with a smirk.

"I'll have Snivy," he said in a polite yet confident voice. He grabbed the Pokeball before returning the Pokemon as well. Prof. Juniper smiled as she brought out four rectangular objects. They had a screen on them and a five buttons on them: up, down, right, left, and center. They were colored in red, pink, blue, and orange. The four took them with questioning faces, except for the glasses wearing boy.

"These are Pokedex's, am I correct," he asked the Prof. who just grinned.

"Yes they are Cheren," she told the know identified Cheren. The other three were surprised that he knew what they were.

"How'd you know that Cheren," the one in the orange shirt asked him. Cheren sighed before adjusting his glasses on his face.

"Well Bianca," he told the now known Bianca. "I know because I studied on the ways to make a good trainer. The same for you two as well, White and Black." He then quieted as Prof. Juniper sweatdropped at the answer before steeling herself and continuing with the coronation. She held out the box that was filled with red and white Pokeballs.

"Take five Pokeballs each," she said as they complied with the order. Black looked confused for a second before he got the idea.

"We use these to catch Pokemon with, right," he asked as Prof. Juniper nodded. He grinned and clipped the Pokeballs on his belt. The others did the same and Prof. Juniper registered their Pokedex's to the computer. She typed each of their names and they were registered as official Pokemon Trainers. She said goodbye to them as they left.

A few minutes later and the door to her lab opened again, revealing a young boy about the age of 14. She noticed that a he had two Pokeballs on his belt and greeted him.

"Hello, I'm Prof. Juniper," she greeted politely as she shook hands with the mysterious newcomer. "Who are you and why are you here?" She was very curious at the reason. After a couple of minutes, she was going to ask again when he answered.

"My name is Ash Ketchum and I want to register to be a Pokemon Trainer," the boy, Ash, told her. She blinked a couple of times and sighed before getting a Pokedex. This one was coincidentally colored black and white just like his attire. She put the Pokedex into the computer and registered him into the Unova database. She turned to him to ask something.

"What town or city did you come from," she asked him. He turned and grinned.

"I come from Mt. Moon in Kanto," he said surprising her. Why come to Unova to become a trainer, when you could have started in your home region. She got her answer when the boy spoke again. "I wanted to become a Unova Trainer, because all of the Pokemon here are so interesting. You can't find them anywhere else." She sweatdropped when his eyes had stars in them, or was it his eyes turned into stars. She shook her head and typed in more information. The computer beeped and she took the Pokedex. She handed it to him and he thanked her before walking out. She called him back though.

"Wait," she called out to him as he stopped. "Don't you want a starter?" She saw him shake his head and grab a Pokeball. He threw it into the air while calling out the name of the Pokemon.

"Come on out Mr. Mime," he said as the mime Pokemon appeared in front of her. Prof. Juniper was surprised but remembered that he was from Kanto. She nodded as he walked out of the lab.

Outside of the Lab:

We find ourselves with Ash, Mr. Mime, and the still transformed Mew-Mandibuzz. Ash nodded to Mew while holding his Pokedex and she turned back to her true form before she was covered in a white light. When it disappeared, there, standing where Mew was, was a 14 year old female with bubblegum pink hair. She was wearing a light red shirt and a white jacket. She also had on a lighter black skirt along with a white pair of boots. She also had on a pair of pink goggles and a pink hat on her head. Her eyes were the same pink as her eyes and she also had a necklace in the shape of a Mew. She was around the same height as Ash. She looked herself over and grabbed Ash's hand before leading him towards Route 1, not knowing that a certain quartet had just seen all of that.

"Did you just see that," Black exclaimed quietly as he waved his hands in the air. "She just turned into a Mew and then into that girl. I wanna battle him!" White quickly pulled her twin brother to the ground via ear pull. Cheren sighed before talking.

"He obviously doesn't want anyone to know that he has a legendary," Cheren said as he had a look on his face that told them he was thinking of something that was surprising. "Did anyone notice that they had the same necklace, though the boy's was blue rather than pink?" Bianca nodded while Black and White shook their heads. "If they have the same necklace, then that means that he boy is also a Mew as well." Everyone had a doubtful look on their faces.

"Are you sure you didn't read to many books Cheren," White asked while Cheren looked annoyed. He huffed in annoyance before replying.

"It's not impossible," he said as he started to explain. "Mew IS a Psychic Type, so they could make a disguise for themselves. Though you are right about the boy may not be a Mew. At least not by birth." The others were confused so he explained again. "When I was little, my mother told me of a couple who were killed by a swarm of Rattata and Raticate in the Kanto region. They had a kid with them as well, but he was missing for thirteen years." The others were shocked at the news, though White and Bianca looked like they would cry. "The reports stated that he was taken by a pink feline Pokemon that was apparently a Psychic Type. If my guess is correct... that boy is the missing child and that Mew and Mr. Mime must be his." The others were shocked beyond suspiciousness. Black came out out of it and had fire in his eyes.

"Then I'm gonna find out what happened," he shouted out loud before looking in the direction that Ash, Mew, and Mr. Mime had headed off to. "And to do that... I gotta find that kid!' With that he ran off leaving a stupefied pair of 14 year olds before they ran off to catch up with him.

That's a wrap. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I already have Ash's team figured out, and they deal with why he has so much black and white coloring. I'll give you a hint on one of his teammates:

"I am a rare Pokemon who can do many things. I am a small Pokemon who is one of Ash's friends. I have a strong like towards fire and psychic's. I love to stay invisible but will come out for food. I have given you clues, you know what to do. Do you know who I am?"

I would put this as an M-rated story, but now that the site has decided to... purge any fics. that are... unworthy of this site, I have decided to write it both on here and on Your Fanfiction .com. My penname is Kyroshiro as I have two accounts on here. If you want that version, be sure to look out for it on that website... once I figure out how it works. -sweatdrops-

That's all for now. Remember to review. And of you guess right... well I'll give you SOMETHING. Don't know what it is though...

Anyways, bye.

Ash's Team so far:

Name: Mr Mime

Species: Mr. Mime

Gender: Male

Type: Psychic

Level: 25

Moves: Psybeam, Mimic, Reflect, Light Screen

Ability: Filter

Name: Mew

Species: Mew

Gender: Female

Type: Psychic

Level: 30

Moves: Psychic, Metronome, Transform, Mega Punch

Ability: Synchronize