A/N: Hey everybody! I'll let you guys go on and read the epilogue and my Author's Note will be after since there's a couple things I want to say. Enjoy!

Big Time Bite: Epilogue

Logan P.O.V.

It had been a few days since the incident. James had finally fully recovered from the stab he took to his heart. Since he wasn't fully vampire the wound didn't fully heal but he was okay now. He is still having a hard time forgiving himself for what happened, no matter how many times we tell him it wasn't his fault since he wasn't in control. I hoped that in time maybe he would get over it but I guess only time will tell. We had completely forgotten about everyone at the Palm Woods. I remember getting slapped by Camille yesterday because I basically forgot about our date we were supposed to have a few days ago. I guess things really are back to normal.

James P.O.V.

I still couldn't believe that I was actually back to normal. I didn't tell the guys because I knew they would freak, but I had basically given up on turning back human. The odds were stacked against us but as it turns out things worked out for the better. I couldn't forgive myself for hurting my friends though. I had promised not to hurt them and no matter how many times they tried to tell me it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help but still feel that pang of guilt. It was nice being able to hang out again like normal though. Camille, Jo, and Lucy were pretty mad at us though for basically 'ignoring them' as they put it. And seeing as how I didn't really want them to know the story of me being a vampire we just let them believe it.

As much as I hated being a vampire, I couldn't help but feel like it happened for a reason. It felt good to be normal again though. I decided that it was time to head back up to 2J. I had come down to the pool to think for a while but I didn't want to stay out too long. The guys still about me and even though I loved them, they could be annoying when someone makes them worried. "Hey Jay!" Kendall exclaimed when I walked into the apartment. "Hey guys. What's going on?" I questioned when I saw the guys sitting on the couch with various snacks laid out. "We, my friend, are getting ready to have one of our famous movie nights!" Kendall said as he threw his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah. Since we never really got a chance to celebrate, we thought we had have a movie marathon!" Logan said clearly excited things were back to normal. "What do you say Jamie?" Carlos said bouncing up and down with excitement. I chuckled not able to hold in my happiness. "I say let's do it!"

About six hours later we finally decided to clean up and get ready to head to bed. When we finished Carlos and Logan had said goodnight and headed to their room. I kept thinking about the incident though. I still firmly believed that this had happened for a reason and I was really determined to find out what it was. "James? You okay?" Kendall asked, making his way over to me. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure out why all this happened." He looked thoughtful for a second. "Honestly? I think that this was more for Logan. I mean, he did get to avenge his parents. I also think that this was meant to bring us closer together." I thought about it for a second before I realized that he was right. Before this we weren't spending all that much time together. "I think you're right. I mean, in a way I'm kinda glad this happened but I don't really want to go through that again. You know?" I questioned, hoping he understood and I wasn't just rambling. "I know what you mean." That was all he said before embracing me in a hug. "It's good to have you back Jay." He said.

It's good to be back.

Done! I'm sad to see this story come to an end but I'm also excited to get started on my next story! The Cure has gotten the most votes but I'm not really sure what direction I would go with that story yet. So I might do a different story and then work on The Cure when I come up with a good storyline for it. I want to thank everyone that has read, reviewed and supported my first story! It's been quite a journey and I'm looking forward to writing more in the future! Until next time!

-Epically Obssessed