Summary: Life's a bitch and no one knows it best than the Mafioso. The world changes drastically when your best friend gets married to your childhood prince and you are yet to have a boyfriend.

The Diary of Miura

Entry #1 A Hell of Life

Kyoko and I had been best friends for only God knows how long. Since middle school if I recall accurately. Somewhere later Chrome also entered the circle but nothing beat the bond that Kyoko and I had. We were joined to the hip, and very literally. It's not that we didn't like Chrome, it's that she was too busy most of the time to be with us. What with her being a Guardian and all, and since she was the only active female member in the family she felt that she had to prove herself more than the others. We completely understood that because every time we went to the Vongola HQ the guys started fussing about the danger we could get in being in their territory for so long, and it's only because we were women. They were never bothered when any other male came in looking the absolute harmless civilian part.

Chrome suddenly disappeared from the picture when Mukuro was set free. She spent so much time with him that it was equivalent or probably more than the total of all the time she'd spent with us. It hurt Yamamoto because –we all knew that- he really liked Chrome. He tried not to show it but it was painfully obvious. Tsuna tried consoling him but even poor Yamamoto didn't see what came next.

It hit us all like a bomb -a nuclear one- when Chrome got engaged to Kyoya. Out of all the people in the world, I never expected Chrome to end up with the ruthless skylark. They had nothing in common, they never hung out, they ignored each other for the most part and they very rarely got assigned on missions together. If anything, I was hoping she would accept Takeshi's proposal –which is impossible because she thought we were messing with her when we told her that he had the hots for her- or maybe get committed to Mukuro, who knows, but Hibari Kyoya?

When Chrome got free Kyoko and I invited her over to my place. I was surprised to see Chrome crying rivers. You would expect a newly engaged to be beaming and jumping all over the place but she looked horrible. She already was so delicate in appearance and now she looked like she was suffering from malnutrition. Turned out that the engagement wasn't her doing but was suggested by Reborn and imposed by the Guardians. We kept asking her why but she only replied by saying "It's for the best of the family". I had never seen Kyoko so furious and she really looked like she would punch Tsuna through the phone but Chrome begged her not to talk to anyone. I think I was in rage that night because Bianchi had held me down from breaking the door and running to my jeep to have it run all over the Vongola Decimo.

The closest answer we got out of her was that a problem had occurred at the Hibari household and something had happened to her at a recent mission. To kill two birds with one stone, the two were engaged. If you ask me it was the most wretched explanation anyone could give but we didn't bother her much after that because 1. Bianchi's brother was a Guardian and she could pry information out of him, 2. We could corner Lambo and force it out of him or 3. We could deploy I-pin to leak the info because Lambo never turned her down from anything and I really mean anything.

As it happened, luck wasn't on our side. Bianchi had inquired about it and Hayato told her pretty much nothing. We expected that much from Decimo's right hand man. The only thing he said was, "Chrome failed a mission and was nearly raped if Yamamoto and Mukuro hadn't appeared". That pretty much killed a part of our fire.

I-pin was more successful than any of us. She said that Hibari's relatives were very conservative and causing problems for him. They were eager for him to get married because they were passing the age and had him engaged to a cousin. Boss thought it would needlessly endanger a person who had nothing to do with the mafia, that, and Hibari disliked her. Hibari said he could break the agreement if he found a suitable wife. That's when Reborn proposed Chrome. Yamamoto disagreed and Mukuro was furious but Reborn shut him up by saying that if he wasn't prepared to settle down himself then he shouldn't interrupt. The Arcobaleno said that if she were to enter the Hibari name it would keep her safe for the most part because she was with the strongest Guardian of the strongest family and incase she got attacked she would be well suited to protect herself. Hibari took the idea. Then a fight broke out and I-pin ended with, "Sorry, but I'm not going to tell anymore. Lambo will be very upset with me"

I very much foresaw Chrome's wedding. We all did. Even though it happened quite a long time after the engagement, time pretty much flew by for me. I was busy with tutoring and then passing a degree exam and adjusting to my new job with an engineering firm. Then dad left overseas and I had to do shopping for my project and Chrome's gift. If Hayato hadn't helped out it would've taken me months to prepare my project but his connections and interest in my work helped me finish up in time for the wedding season. Kyoko and I also wanted to help with the wedding preparations but Chrome said that Hibari's family had it covered. Over the time that had passed the two Guardians became more acquainted with each other. It was relieving for us all.

Surprisingly, the wedding took place in Italy in open grounds surrounded by lush scenery and under a beautiful temporary hall and was a mixture of cultures –Hibari family's traditional way and the modern Christian way. I have only one word to say how the wedding went – horrible.

There were no maids or best man. The distinction was horribly prominent amongst the guests –The Hibari clan on one side and the rest (mafia) on the other- and no one mingled. Chrome was walked to the stage by Mukuro and Hibari didn't appear for half an hour. That had his family keyed up and they started leaving gradually. I was so proud of Chrome for keeping her composure. Kyoko noticed that the Vongola Seven were missing and I thought that the day couldn't get any worse. Hibari finally did come in and buoy did he receive a welcome! Everyone glared at him – myself included.

The formalities on the stage were done and we ushered Chrome to a far table with us. The instant she sat down all her tears fell. I-pin tried assuring her by saying that at least Hibari turned up despite his hatred of crowds and that's when Chrome cried out so painfully that Kyoko joined her crying party and I couldn't stop myself from sobbing either. "That wasn't Hibari-san, that was Fran!" I was paralyzed with shock and I had no words at that time. I can't express how I felt at that moment for the unfortunate girl. I cursed so loudly and so badly that the one thing that stopped me was Hayato's hand which had slapped onto my mouth.

I started thrashing instinctively and when I'd calmed down I was sitting on the carpeted grass between Hayato's legs with my back pressed against his chest and my mouth kept shut by his hand. It was Chrome's hand on my cheek that calmed me. I couldn't understand why she got hit with all the miseries in life. She was such a nice person. Even now when her worries were escalating she stopped to think about me and used her illusions to make me feel at ease when there was nothing tasteful about the situation.

Chrome kept herself strong after that. I think she was doing it for Kyoko and me. After all the drama we'd done at her wedding I don't think she wanted us entertaining any more of the family she was now a part of. I still wasn't finished.

When we were leaving a girl from the Hibari clan came alongside us to give her well wishes to Chrome. She looked me up and down and said, "You're the one" and she made a face that said something along the lines of ugly. I was about to fire guns back at her but Hayato suddenly popped up beside us.

"Yes, she's suffering from she had a seizure just then"

The girl scrunched her nose. "I expect no lesser diseased relatives of a one eye infected bride" She turned abruptly to Chrome. "You wouldn't last a month" And she whirled on her heels and was off. Kyoko tapped to get her attention. As she was about to give the girl a piece of her mind I first gave her mine and punched her. You wouldn't believe what happened. She stumbled and fell back and her nose was, well, broken.

I don't know why everyone started a turmoil. It was just a bleeding nose. Then an ambulance came on the scene and she was carried into it as if she'd just been dug out of rubble after three days. Tsuna dragged me to her to apologize and I gave her the middle finger after I said "You deserve worse, bitch" Hayato tried to keep his laughter and winked at me. I grinned back at him. Tsuna noticed the exchange.

"You should have stopped her Gokudera-kun"

"I'm sorry Tenth" He bowed respectfully. "I never foresaw it"Pff.If Hayato had wanted to stop me there's no doubt he would have. The Guardians are lightening fast when they want to be. I could sense Tsuna was a little pleased I had given her a trip to the hospital but he hid it well. The way Mukuro was whispering things to Hibari –in reality Fran under an illusion- I could tell he was going to give the girl hell too.

Later I found out that she was Hibari's original fiancé or his ex. In all honesty, Chrome was so much prettier than her in each and every way. And the girl had a total bitch attitude too, no wonder Hibari jumped to take Chrome.

I-pin informed us of another behind the curtain story which she got from Lambo. Yamamoto Takeshi was crying and seriously crying. I was so shocked and Kyoko had her jaw hanging. I just couldn't picture the fun-loving man with tears falling down his cheeks and I guess neither could anyone else. She told us that Takeshi left the tent ten minutes after Chrome stood waiting on the stage for Hibari. Lambo went to get him back and then all the Guardians were gone to console him, Decimo included, Chrome excluded. Squalo broke into the men's lavatory and threw them all out, locking himself in with the Vongola Rain and that was the last of Takeshi they saw. He finally came out when the guests had all left. Chrome was long gone by then. Takeshi stood staring at the stage even as the boys wrapped things around him. He stood there until the stage was broken down and then he left.

I felt so sorry for Takeshi. If anything, he deserved Chrome and she deserved him. They would have made such a cute match; her innocence and his cool. He would have been the best husband to her, always keeping her under his guard, always pleasing her in every way he could and he would be asking for nothing in return. That's true love. If you ask me he could probably protect Chrome better than Hibari.

Just because Hibari had good looks, a good reputation, a strong family background and active muscles didn't make him a candidate for best husband. He was the worst ally in any case!

Even now as I think of Chrome I feel so bad. If Kyoko and I had tried something in our power we might have prevented the biggest mistake in the history of the world. That had been an act against humanity -against the freedom of women! Hayato and I talked over this once. He said life was unfair and I said bullshit! If it is then why is life unfair to all the good people? Why isn't unfairness punishing the scums out there? Is this God's way of playing jokes on people? I became so emotional that I broke down right then and there but I didn't want to make a mess of myself in my own work place so I kept all noises at a minimum.

Hayato had actually come to take a softcopy file he'd lend me. It was an interesting programme he'd built himself and I saw it in Lambo's computer. He was going overseas for mafia business so he came at my workplace to personally take the files before he left. We sat in the waiting room to have a chat and coffee and then started arguing as usual. When I was in tears I expected him to make fun of me as he used to when we were still young teenagers –because of that I hadn't dared shown any weakness in front of him- but he simply flopped down beside me and with his arm around my shoulder, pulled me towards his chest.

"Do you think a hungry shark will eat you if you fell in its waters?" He asked. I nodded. "Do you think he'll spare you if you said, 'Hey, I don't eat sea food so you can let me go now huh buddy?'?" I giggled between clearing away tears and shook my head. "So… Chrome just fell in the wrong waters…"

It was such a strange way of saying that nothing's fair. I guess things became less foggy after that. It can't be helped who falls off the boat and into the sea. Maybe it's fate or bad luck or a mistake or… intentional. "Sorry…" I mumbled. "I'm so embarrassed-"

"It's okay" He tenderly pressed his lips against my forehead. "If anything is ever bothering you, let me know" He slid his arm off my shoulder. "I don't want Kyoko telling me that her best friend became a lunatic because she used to bottle things up" The Smokin' Bomb laughed and ruffled my hair. I slapped away his hand. "Later, cry baby" He got up just in time to dodge my fist.

"Moron!" I taunted as he winked whilst exiting the door.

I didn't see him for a whole month after that.

Chrome's sudden commitment came as a surprise to us all but the most shocking thing for me in the entire world came after …

I was sitting at work and Kyoko dropped an envelope on my desk and asked me to open it. I was so busy I promised her I'd call her after I opened it. She became a bit upset but left in a neutral mood saying "Okay. I personally wanted us both to give these invitations out to everyone. But since your job is always keeping you so much I got Tsuna to accompany me"

I smirked up at her. "Sorry excuse Kyoko!"

She turned scarlet. "It's true!" And she rushed out of my cubicle. I opened it on the van back home. You can expect my surprise when I read this:

To Mr Miura & Miss Miura Haru

You have been invited to the wedding ceremony of

Miss Sasagawa Kyoko D/O Mr. Sasagawa


Mr Sawada Tsunayoshi S/O Mr. Sawada Imetsu

Venue, date and timings along with other formalities were written on bottom left and right.

Do you know what I felt like at the moment? I felt as if Kyoko was playing a horrible prank on me. I wanted to tear up the card and throw it around me and say 'Sorry Kyoko, I read your mind like a book and you can't play tricks on people'. An uncomfortable feeling started building inside my stomach and my hands started shaking. Kyoko would never play a joke this serious. This thing was actually happening. I don't know why but I felt so scared at that moment. My cell started vibrating and the caller ID said 'BFF Kyoko'. I silenced the call and shut off my phone.

When I got back home I made a call to Hana. "Of course I knew. She accepted the proposal ages ago, remember?" Hana said. "It was probably around the time Chrome was engaged"

So many words were stuck in my throat. I said 'thanks' to her and called Bianchi.

"Oh you got the invitation! What do you think? I designed it. I wanted it to be simple, as their love is. But I also wanted it to be beautiful and eye catching. I took both their favourite colours and put together some creative ideas from Kyoko's sketches. I think a marvelous thing turned out! The invitation card displays perfectly what their love does; bonding, understanding, beauty-"

I cut the call. They both saw this ceremony coming. They knew Kyoko was engaged. Why didn't I know she was engaged? She never told me. No one ever told me. I'm her best friend! I'm supposed to the first person she breaks this to. Their engagement is 'ages' old! Through this entire gap no one bothered telling me that she was engaged to Vongola Decimo. Oh God! I wanted to pound something.

I don't know why but I felt as if everyone had kept it from me intentionally. As if they didn't want me to know that Kyoko and Tsuna had literally become an item. If I'm not wrong I might not even have been invited to the ceremony if Kyoko hadn't had such a soft heart! Hayato always broke interesting news to me and he was all hush-hush over this too. And I-pin, she always keeps Kyoko and me up-to-date on the Vongola inside but even her…

Did they all still believe that I was interested in Tsuna? Maybe that's why … Ugh! That is the most stupid reason to keep a secret from someone.

I fell back on my sofa and gripped my bangs. In the whirl of emotions I rocked side to side as I wondered what to do.

If a person likes another person's boyfriend then that person just has to be toldthat 'Hey, guess what? The guy you like proposed to me so just fuck off him, ok?' That's how the law works. You turn on the red lights. You don't keep such a big thing a secret!

I tried thinking back to the last time I might have hit on Tsuna. I don't think I made any direct approaches after I entered college. The guy was so totally not interested in me so I fell back. When he told me liked Kyoko I took the hint. That was that. I decided to move on. End of story. I dated some geek from my classes and then dumped the idea of men altogether. I know I was upset for Tsuna for a long time but hey! I didn't show it! Look at me now!

I'm miserably single. I get sick when ever my work-buddies inquire about sexual tensions. I electrocute men with a stun gun (courtesy of Hayato) if I think they're hitting on me. My friends are going around getting married. My best friend is about to get married and I'm not even dating a guy. Wow…

What a life…

Oh. My. God.

I just remembered the last time I was all over Tsuna and that time I was literally all over him. It was at Ryohei's birthday party. Tsuna and I were one team. The game was a bit complicated and must-win because with every dare a person gave out more money was placed on the table and if you lost a dare your money went to the one who gave you the dare. It was kind of betting and daring.

The guy on Ryohei's team dared us to make a sex scene and we were both like WTF! Ryohei even went on to say that Kyoko wasn't around so it was okay! The guys started wolf whistling and cat calling and I could tell Tsuna was very nervous with it. Every team starting betting that we wouldn't be able to do it and that was a lot of money. So guess what I did?

Yea. I straddled Tsuna and then you could only hear, "WOW!" from every mouth on the table. We didn't take it too far, just enough to win the dare. Just extreme kissing and poking around each other's clothes and accessories. I could tell it was enough to have turned on every person and guess what? Tsuna and I won. Amidst the hanging jaws and disbelieving stares I collected the money and passed taunts.

That incident would never have occurred if I hadn't gobbled down half a bottle of alcohol drink. My normal self would have kept my pride and lost the money but the alcohol gave a light tug in one direction and made me so bold that I had my tongue down Kyoko's boyfriend's throat! After that I was careful with the amount of drink I consumed, defiantly a max of three shots and never more. We both narrated it to Kyoko later and apologized. I'm glad we did because she would have been ticked if someone else beat us to it. She took such an understanding stance that I felt like the luckiest person living.

But that was years ago. Why would they want to hide their engagement because of something we promised never to talk about? Was it really possible for Kyoko to fucking forget to tell me that she had fucking accepted Tsuna's proposal? … Oh Lord … Hayato's mouth is growing on me.

There was only one way to figure this thing. I pressed the speed dial number.

"Hi Haru-cha'!" Her voice chirped lively from the other end of the line. "You didn't pick up my calls and are returning them so late!"

"I'm sorry. I-I was just so, hahaha, surprised!" I exclaimed as I slapped my forehead. Not the speech I had been rehearsing in my head for hours. I thought of any possible incidents that might have made me a bad friend. "Congratulations…" MY ASS! "I was just- I didn't- It was so- Kyoko-chan!"

The girl giggled. "Haru-chu! Why do you sound so jumpy?" Is it just my ears ringing or did she refer to me as 'chu', and 'cha' before that? This always happenes when ever Tsuna is around her. I don't why she did that, was it to make herself more cuter and appealing to Tsuna or just some hormone kicking in that made her all giddy and giggly.

"Oh no serious reason" I just got an opportunity to bite. "Just that I'm surprised that the person I considered my best friend didn't consider me worthy enough of telling me that she had accepted a proposal from a mafia boss and that decades ago" There was silence on the other end of the line.

"Haru-san what are you talking about?" It wasn't Kyoko's voice. It was a much deeper and soothing voice, calmer in every aspect and heavy with acquaintance. It was Tsuna. Oh, so now he's referring to me as 'san' instead of 'chan'.

"HAHI!" A strange habit that clicked in every once in a while. "Kyoko-chan I can't believe that you were keeping your phone on loud speaker with Sawada-san beside you!" I could also play harshly with this honorifics shit. And I can't believe she kept the phone on loud speaker and with himbeside her! It was an unwritten girl-girl law that you kept the calls from your BF private –always! I could already picture the two cuddled together on the couch and it made my stomach churn uncomfortably. "I'm sorry Kyoko-chan, but if you don't think it's alright for me to know that you're engaged then I think I'm not worthy of attending your wedding either"

"Haru-chan please listen-" You're the last person I want to listen to right now Kyoko.

"No! You listen! This isn't fair to me! What you're doing isn't fair! You can't win me over with your sugar coated sweetness, alright? I'm a shetoo and I know how this shit works! I'm not always going to be the first one to apologize! It's unfair! It's so unfair! Even Lambo and I-pin know you're engaged and I don't!" I wasn't too sure about that but I could very well bet that those two knew things in even more detail. "You're so unfair Kyoko-chan! You never even talked to me about this! You saw what happened to Chrome-chan! You can't even feel for her? You go ahead and get yourself married to the man who's the root of her problems!"

"Haru-" It was Tsuna now.

"GET THE GODDAMN PHONE OFF THE LOUD SPEAKER! NOW!" I pretty much screamed, screamed hysterically more like it. Yea… I'm gonna have curious neighbours inquiring about this later on. "TSUNA YOU ASS! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" hahaha, if Hayato could hear me now. I gasped loudly as something suddenly clicked in my head. "Oh. My. God. So that's why! You said you wouldn't and you did!" My hand flew to my mouth. "You said you wouldn't have sex until you got married but you told me you had it with Tsuna and that was because you were engaged" There was silence on the other end. "YOU HAD SEX BECAUSE YOU WERE ENGAGED AND WHEN I ASKED YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TELLING ME THEN EITHER! You had that chance to tell me you were committed and you didn't!"


"I HATE YOU TWO! GO ROT IN AN ARMPIT! I'M NOT COMING TO YOUR FUCKING WEDDING IF IT WERE THE LAST ONE ON EARTH!" And I threw my cell to the floor. It didn't break. After all the money I invested in it I'd be damned if it broke but right now I wanted to see it reduce to bits. A voice called desperately on it but I quickly picked it up and cut the call. I fell back on the sofa, exhausted. When the cell suddenly vibrated I jumped. It was Kyoko. I cut the call. She was calling so persistently that it annoyed me. Even Tsuna made a call.

"WHAT!" I bellowed at him.

"Please Haru-san, you must listen to Kyoko-chan! This is a misun-"

"I GAVE BIRTH TO KAMIKAZE AND I'M STILL A VIRGIN! THAT'S A MISUNDERSTANDING, YOU PRICK OF A BOSS!" I opened the window and threw the phone down the street, making sure it hit something hard enough to break it. I didn't check to see if the thing was damaged or not because I knew I'd be so pissed I'd grab a mallet to reduce it to splinters. Even if the stupid thing was still intact Tsuna would know it had been abandoned because of the street noise or his fucking intuition might just tell him something. And that was my supposed end of the day.

I don't think I figured anything out by calling Kyoko. I just ranted and vent out my frustration on a new couple, which, knowing both of them, is probably feeling guilty as hell right now. Yea, they deserve it.

As predicted, the old neighbors started pouring in wondering why I had made enough noise to raise eye brows at least forty houses away. Noise from the Miura household was not possible.

"Are you pregnant, love?" The sweet lady next door inquired and I gently told her that I had a fight with my friend. The lady was scared as hell but she was only fulfilling formalities. Unlike most girls, I was never told that I looked 'cute' when ever I was angry; in fact, even my father had told me that I looked like grim in my anger.

"Did your boss force you into something? You can always contact the police you know. We have rights!" I once again cleared the misunderstandings.

"What the heck happened? I just abandoned my job down the street to run into open ground when my employer told me it wasn't a tremor, it was your voice!"

"Haru-san … You look like you could use a vacation…"

"Go rot in an armpit.Good one!"

"There was no response on your phone so I rushed over to see if you were alright!"

"Do you know what my son was asking me just now?"

It was times like these I hated traditionalists. I needed space. I needed air. I needed clam. But if I didn't respond to them they'd ring up my dad and he's the last person I want to be enlightened about this. I know I'm a legal adult and free to do what ever I want but I was a single woman so I had to stay under my parent's protection. I was living in our family's house for God's sake! Japan isn't America and every family isn't Westernized!

I wrote down an absurd apology and explanation and stuck it to the gate, locking it too. After that no one bothered me … until an hour later the bell rang again. I ignored it. It kept ringing after regular intervals and I stomped down the stairs, annoyed. I made sure the person could hear the noise I was making. The bell rang again. So this person was playing along too.

I tore open the door with the most fuming expression I could muster. "WHAT!" I closed it just as instantly. The prick wasn't standing outside the gate, oh no, he had jumped over the wall and was ringing the doorbell.

"You can either open it or I'll break it down. Either way, I'm coming in, stupid woman"

I pressed myself against the door, putting on all the locks. "Go back to your stupid sexist head quarters, you octopus-headed moron!"

"Get away from the door, Haru-san" He warned. It wasn't everyday he used honorifics with my name. He grew up and spent so much time abroad on duty that he forgot using them most of the time.

"Is your dim-witted boss and his aloof fiancé with you?"

"They came and read the note you left. They agreed that you needed time to think it over" I snorted and laughed. "You shouldn't have said those things to them on the phone"

"How do you know they weren't lying to you?" I defended.

"I was sitting there when you were screaming your throat dry, Haru"

I gasped. That's complete betrayal on Kyoko's part. I can't believe it! Not only Tsuna, but himtoo! This is just too much. How many other morons were sitting there listening to me humiliate the soon-to-be-weds? I bickered too much too. Kyoko wasn't at all the type of person I portrayed her, I was just angry and screamed the first that came on my tongue. I guess I've always been jealous of Kyoko's feminine character. It attracts so much attention unlike my tom-boyish persona. I chopped my hair even though I knew that men liked women with longer hair! Could anyone be more retarded? Still though, if men don't like me for who I am, then I'm going to give them the 'sorry' too.

While I was having an internal feud, red flames seeped from under the door and a physical form came into being on the stairs.

"Nya~" The little creature licked its paws and then scratched its ears. No matter how hard I tried, I could never resist the charm that felines inflicted on me. That was all Hayato's fault too. He gave me litter of kittens on my seventeenth birthday. I was completely in love with them that it screwed my grades (a drop from A to B is a nightmare for some one like me). When the kittens grew up my father gave them away. I came back from school and when he told me what he'd done I cried all day and didn't talk to him for a month. I took in loads of stray cats after that. The neighbours called in for animal control and since my father refused to allow me to keep the adorable little things, they were taken away. The only play mate left was Uri but I didn't see him often because Hayato said that Uri was not a toy, even though I'd caught him playing with the little one many times.

"Hi Uri" I crooned and went on to pick the cute little ball of white and gold fur. It seemed so much smaller in size since the last time I picked it up. Ah, of course, I'd grown up. "How've you been you sweetie? What an adorable lil' dazzling munchie-frunc-" DRASSSSSH! And the door fell down, dissolving to powder as it hit the floor.

"Gokudera-bastard!" I screamed. My sudden burst surprised Uri so much that the little one got scared and clawed me so I released him of surprise. It jumped along the debris and pounced on its owner. "What was that for?" I bellowed. "I'll be having people peeking in over the walls! And thieves! And oh God, what if I get raped in my sleep!" He simply tossed something at me and I ducked to dodge it as if it were a contagious element. Nonetheless I did turn around to see what it was. "URGH! This stupid thing is still in one piece! I thought I got rid of it once and for all!" I kicked away my cell. "I'm getting a new one" I mumbled to myself and made a mental note of it.

Amongst all the squabbling I hadn't noticed Hayato get close to me until he poked my forehead, pressing it so my entire upper body was sent on a sudden lean backwards. I slapped away his hand. "What are doing? What are you here for? What the hell do you want?" Uri hissed at me. Poor brain washed thing. "Oh, and unless you pay for the damages, don't expect me to answer any of your questions, moron"

I stomped back up the stairs and the silver haired male followed me closely. I slammed shut the door to my bedroom but he held it before I could have locked it. I pressed against it.

"Come on Haru, haven't you been a bitch enough for one day?" He said.

"You're the one who damaged my property!" I argued as I pushed against the door with all my might.

"As if I can't pay for it" He suddenly gave it a rough shove and I stumbled back. The back of my knees made contact against my bed and I fell back on it. In the next instant he had crawled on top of me. He pinned my wrists beside my head and sat down on my thighs, his upper body hovered over mine. "I'm cooled, you cool down and then we'll talk"

To all neighbours and scared passer-bys,

I apologize for the inconvenience I caused you all by screaming and cursing as I shouldn't have done. I apologize if your children picked up words they shouldn't have and I apologize if now they're asking you what they mean. Please forgive me. Such an incident will never occur in our traditional and peaceful neighbourhood again. I'll make sure it only hits Sasagawa and Sawada's neighbourhood.

If you're reading this Kyoko and Tsuna, F.U.C.K. O.F.F.

You have no business here. I've already given my blessings to your wedding. Expect a gift from me (because it gives me an excuse to shop) and nothing else. If you step into my yard I'll shoot you down through my window because I have a licensed gun and I've already placed an order for legal possession of a sniper rifle.

Our relationship is done. Over. Nothing left of it. Nada.

Breed like rabbits and whatever, just don't bother me anymore.

Truly and lovingly,

Ms. Miura Haru

Of all the things I could have thought about, I wonder why I reflected on the note I stuck on the gate.


This story originally existed and had reached around 16 chapters when I went on an unannounced hiatus and on my return found it completely wiped from .

I know this is quite an inconvenience to the past readers and, trust me, no one is as pissed as I am. I found the reason when I was surfing through my overloaded inbox: 'content not suitable for all ages' a.k.a wrong age rating. Well, I'll be careful this time and now I'm requesting others to be vary of the wrath of admins too.

A question: Is 'T' rating fine for this fic?

I would really like some help in this regard too. If there is a -glorious miraculous- chance that someone has some past chapters saved up that would be wonderful! I'm hunting them down to restore them. Meanwhile I'm afraid this story is gonna have to come like this again because restoring it directly from chapter 17 would make no sense to new readers. I hope your annoyance is reduced and you can support me in this regard.

Once again, my sincerest apologies to the followers of this story.

P.S. I'm planning on doing minute bits of –probably unnoticeable- editing in the story.

Thank you for reading!